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History of fare evasion


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I had a question about the history of fare evasion in the New York City subway system. I'm wondering whether it's always been a crime, ever since the subways were built? I assume that it's always been against the rules in some sense, but wanted to know when it officially became illegal. Thanks!

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14 minutes ago, Anna said:

I had a question about the history of fare evasion in the New York City subway system. I'm wondering whether it's always been a crime, ever since the subways were built? I assume that it's always been against the rules in some sense, but wanted to know when it officially became illegal. Thanks!

It has been (by intuition) illegal from since day one, the policies have changed over the years regarding the punishments; but there has never been a time when the operators of the system see it as acceptable (today, im pretty sure people are fined $100 if done).  

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Thanks for your answer! So just to make sure I understand, when you say it was by intuition illegal, do you mean it was also always technically against the law? I'm trying to confirm if a statement like "it's been illegal since the subways were built" is completely accurate – or whether it would be more accurate to say it's always been "against the rules" (but wasn't banned by law until later). 

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A law that has a "do not charge" policy isn't obvious but people soon figure it out. Pets are effectively legal now https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/28/nyregion/new-york-today-dogs-on-the-subway.html . Jaywalking is effectively legal in NYC. Walking between subway cars since ~2012 is allowed. Before that it was an instant detainment and warrants check. With NYCT and fare evasion, I would guess at some point in history, probably before the MTA was created, and these regulations were issued https://govt.westlaw.com/nycrr/Browse/Home/NewYork/NewYorkCodesRulesandRegulations?guid=Idf465e60ba4a11dd9bf3e2db84ad02c5&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default) "fare evasion" would be a general "theft of service" charge, not a TAB ticket.

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Whether you’re speaking of Pennsylvania or NY Central railroads, IRT or BRT/BMT subways, the various trolley and bus companies it has always been illegal to ride those conveyances without paying. It’s classified as “ theft of service “ . Is that your question? Over the years the penalty may have changed but theft is theft . Carry on.

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