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MTA erasing all signs of 'Triborough' on Robert F. Kennedy Bridge


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MTA erasing all signs of 'Triborough' on Robert F. Kennedy Bridge



November 7th 2008



Aerial view of one span of the Triborough

Bridge (left) and the Hell Gate Bridge (right),

between Astoria Park, Queens and Wards

Island, Manhattan. The pedestrian bridge can

be seen at the top of the photo.[/float]The Triborough Bridge is being renamed after Robert F. Kennedy next week - and officials are vowing the switcheroo won't just be on paper.


Signs are going to change to reflect the new name and an ad campaign will remind drivers of the bridge's new handle.


"This name change is the real deal," said MTA chief Elliot Sander.


The "RFK" moniker isn't going to be like Avenue of the Americas - Sixth Ave. to New Yorkers - or the Joe DiMaggio Highway, still better known as the West Side Highway, Sander said.


"In many instances, a street has a name change but it keeps the old street name," said Kerry Kennedy, daughter of the slain New York senator and former attorney general. "This will no longer have Triborough attached to it. It will just be the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge. That will make a big difference."


That difference will come via lots of sign changes - but just how many and how soon is uncertain because of state and city budget woes.


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is changing nine large signs that cost $3,500 to make. Officials did not have an estimate on how much it will cost to erect them.


The sign changes are far more extensive than just those on the bridge.


The city is planning to change about 50 signs on local roads at a cost to taxpayers of $100,000. The State Department of Transportation says it will have to change about 139 signs on roads leading to the bridge.


Citing budget restraints, officials had no estimate for what it will cost the state or time frame for when the work will be completed.


"Legally [the name change] allows us to do it over a period of time. So we don't how much it is going to cost," said DOT spokesman Charles Carrier.


The RFK Foundation will pay for a campaign urging people to use the new name, including 1,400 ads in subways and 3,400 in buses. A reopening ceremony will take place on Nov. 19.

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Yeah I'll always call it the Triboro Bridge. I'm too used to it. RFK bridge sounds good but it will take some time to get used to. But if the (MTA) really wanted the money they would have sold naming rights to corporate companies. And RFK Triboro Bridge doesn't sound too shabby (a little much to say :().

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with those people that the NYS DOT and the MTA should have 'waited' on spending about a million dollar on changing highway/bridge and street signs during these tough times.


At same time we get used to it. I like the idea of calling it the RFK Triboro Bridge' until it becomes known as the RFK Bridge. Does anyone remember Idewild Airport? Today's it that airport in Queens known as JFK Airport.

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