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Goodbye, New York


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Not a week in to being in NYC our Van and Trailer is stolen right from our nice Hotel's parking lot.


It's been a NICE THREE DAYS. I hope you enjoy our furniture and personal belongings. Please take good care of our cat that was in the back seat.


Goodbye, New York. Maybe we will have better luck in Massachusetts.

Not a week in to being in NYC our Van and Trailer is stolen right from our nice Hotel's parking lot.


It's been a NICE THREE DAYS. I hope you enjoy our furniture and personal belongings. Please take good care of our cat that was in the back seat.


Goodbye, New York. Maybe we will have better luck in Massachusetts.


No offense kid and sorry about your van being stolen. Has this become the Smoot show or something since the members of the boards spent so much time with him? This board has been so nice to him and he replies with such a rude remark to peolple that had nothing to do with it?


And snoot, you probably too young to remember but several people were killed in 1999-2000 in car jacking incidents in fla.. Snoot crime is a worldwide problem not just in NY. Please calm down.


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I'm not being rude to the members of this board, I respect all that contribute to it.


Please, tell me the polite way to reword the OP. And I will gladly edit it.


Edit: if anyone here feels as though I am insulting them, sorry. I'm just expressing my frustration with the situation.

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I'm not being rude to the members of this board, I respect all that contribute to it.


Please, tell me the polite way to reword the OP. And I will gladly edit it.



Kid(snoot) you have every right to be upset. What most adults do is try to limit and not get other people who have nothing to do with that incident also angry too.


It your call kid. Maybe i would say something like in revised post in your own words.


"Guys a change in plans. My Mom and myself are now going to Mass. Our Van and other proprities was stolen and I am really mad and upset right now.:mad:

However i like to thank all of you on the boards here for your advice during our move from Fla and our short stay in NYC. I keep you guys posted when we settle."


That what i would say in revised comments right imo. It up to you though snoot.

Are you sure it was stolen? Maybe it was towed?



great point. Snoot did you mom parkthe van on the sstreet or parking lot? If street then a good chance it been towed due to alternaive side rules.


Stolen? In this economy? You need to ask the hotel management who does the towing and ask them for the contact information.


- A


Too many of these "going to New York/leaving New York threads". Sorry that your trip was disappointing. A personal blog would be perfect for these kinds of stories. Thread closed.


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