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I Saw a R160B Siemens Set on the A line today (NIS)


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Today, when I was waiting for the (A) at Columbus Circle, I see an R160B Siemens set roll down the tracks. It wasn't in service, and it was heading downtown. It looked very clean, as if it was just washed. The set was 9007-9003:90x7-90x3 (x was either 4 or 5, I forgot which). My question is, why would it be there? Would it go to 207th street yard to get cleaned? Very unlikely though because Coney Island has a car wash. And I don't see why it would go to 207th for maintenance because Coney Island is more than capbale of maintaining and overhauling cars. Why do you guys think it was there?


BTW: As I was RFing the (A) in the Rockaways today (on a R40 both ways :() I saw R160A set 9457-9453 sitting idle on a unused track.

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