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Posts posted by Yo0910

  1. 18 hours ago, Invzo1019 said:

    Might not be dismissal. You must disclose it to them tho within I think it’s 48 hours.  U can easily just fight it and delay the date until u clear probation. 

    What about after you clear probation? It still applies?

  2. 23 minutes ago, DueceDrives said:

    Why are you on Medical hold, or do you mean you went to medical process and you weren’t place into a class?... Normally after medical and you’re cleared, you are giving instructions to when you start and etc.


    You’re hired to the agency you were called for. So if its TA they called you for and process, your agency titled will be TA.

    As far working at either agency depot, both TA and OA can cross work at either depot except for Staten Island and Queens OA can’t work out of. 


    I did the medical but I was placed in medical hold because I had sleep apnea, once I finished I pasted the 90 day deadline so I had to reinstate my list number, a couple months later they removed my list # so I had to reinstate it again and that was in March. I called and they’re still at the same number so that’s why I think they’re is a freeze. “IF” there is a freeze how long does the freeze last?

  3. 15 minutes ago, thegameksk said:

    I've heard its good for 4 years unless they renew it like they did the most recent list. I've also heard they usually call up to 4000s before 4 years is up. I'm not sure how accurate that is though.

    So anything past 4000 won’t get called once the list is up?

  4. 1 hour ago, NYCTABUS said:

    We were at Zerega today for the pick and they said they will not be calling people from TA for now. There’s nothing available for us the new class. We were forcing to go to SI and 10 people to Brooklyn, there is no space available even for us.

    Damn really? So what did they do with you guys? Did they say when they’ll be calling ppl again?

  5. 4 hours ago, sam716 said:

    They started calling people off the list even though the final list has not been established because they need T/O asap due to retirements.

    I'm not sure how long it will take for others to get called after they fill these early positions.

    Keep in mind that just because people got called it doesn't mean that they are a lock for the position.

    If you are missing documents or have outstanding tickets/violations or fail the drug/medical tests, you are disqualified.

    Also, training is not easy and people then can still get disqualified if they don't meet the test requirements. There will be several tests throughout training.


    How long is the training process? 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Elfamoso2020 said:

    You’ll get call before the summer is up, a lot of people is dropping like flies. Somebody mention in this thread that another class is starting after the may 29th class and the lady at the office also said that another class is starting up as soon as the list is establish

    They’ll get up too 4000 that fast?

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