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Posts posted by cl0833

  1. i went to social security that day and they told me they don't do what they were asking.  I was able to get a print out of old time punches which i guess was ok, they never told me if it was or wasn't but 3 days later they called me to set up a medical assessment.  It was pretty easy the 2 hardest things were stepping up and stepping down on the simulated train 3 times in like 30 seconds and then the urine test.  It was 8am and i hadn't eaten anything or drank anything so it took like 3 hours to go to the bathroom and every time u go in u only have 4 minutes so you really have to make sure u have to go lol.  3 days after that they emailed me my offer letter and train pass for the 5/18 class.  I put my 2 weeks in at my current job this past saturday.  Perfect timing as my wife graduates from NYU on 5/17 and 5/18 so at least i can go to one because at the overview im pretty sure they said the class was 5/2.

    Its almost 3 weeks since i took the exam does it mean i have no more chance of getting in?
    Should i send them an email and ask?

    there are only so many spots, they did stress to have all your background stuff in order as those people would get picked first.  Not saying yours weren't but they fill up the class and thats it but whenever the next class is you might get picked.  Not sure if the next test takers get picked first or they go to the reserve people waiting first.

  2. I received an e-mail yesterday that they needed to verify my start date at my current job.  I wish they would just call but they won't call current employers.  I can't find any tax documents before 2012 as i need 2010 so now i have to go to social security tomorrow, but i guess since they are still asking for this stuff it is a good sign

  3. forgive me, my dates might be off a bit since this is off the top of my head:


    I applied on the 2/4/16 listing and got a response the next day on the 5th.  I went for the cognitive/math/vocab on the 17th, i think like 15 or so of the 40 people failed the cognitive, you could've bet on who they were before the names were called.  They said they get about 10k applications every time they post the job listing so to get in i guess is a big deal.  The math and vocab are a joke.  Not sure if anyone failed as i finished first and was interviewed first and then dismissed for the day.


    I then went back for the s&d overview on 3/2/16.  60 people showed, one guy showed up an hour and a half late.  Harmless day but they do try to overwhelm you with all the stuff you have to learn.  I haven't studied for anything since i graduated college 10 years ago.  My wife told me to just make all 204 flash cards....yes 204.  Then memorize 10 signals per day and then 5 definitions per day.  I was able to finish all 204 with 2 days to spare.  They give you a cd with practice tests on it.  The definition section on the practice test is full of wrong answers so beware if using it.


    I went back for the s&d test on 4/6/16, only 30 or so of the 60 showed up.  Everyone stresses over the whole verbatim thing and one guy actually ran out of the room when the test started.  However the guy today told us that if changing a plural like trains over train doesn't matter as long as it doesn't change the definition.  I kept messing up a few instruction/instructions definitions but none of them were on the test.  After you are done they hand you a handwriting assignment.  The first woman that day told us it is part of the exam but the actually instructor said it didn't matter, it was just to check your handwriting.  He seemed to be a bit more on the real side/logical side.  After that they tell you to come back at 1045.  When we all met back they called out 9 people to a room, kind surprised since i knew i passed and 9 didn't seem like enough that failed after hearing all the stories.  Low and behold only those 9 people failed.  21 passed this time around.  We were then given another packet to study (hand signals, horns/buzzers).  Then we had to wait for the panel interview and uniform fitting.  Panel interview was just awkward, basically asking you what is supposed to be common sense questions but really more about actual LIRR policies that you weren't trained on yet.  If you don't give the right answers they keep re-asking until you get it and they just go down a checklist.  I feel like i was terrible during this part but i know people that were worse on the interview and still got the job.  


    Long process but i felt the most nerve racking thing was making it to hillside at 8am from eastern LI since not westbound trains go to hillside during morning peak.  We are supposed to find out in 2-3 weeks if we are in the may class.  Ill update when i find something out.


    If anyone has any questions about the process or if i left something out just ask.

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