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Posts posted by SNYC

  1. On 12/20/2018 at 5:21 PM, MTAtookMeOutTheHood said:

    Been on the job 6 months. Making a lot of money and not killing myself. Tons of overtime, bids come out every month so you have an opportunity to move around to other departments. Cleaning, maintenance, capital or rails. I’m in capital construction. We’re woeking 7 days a week 14-16 hour days. An occasional overnight once or twice a week OT. By the end of this year I’ll make 50k within 6 months at base pay

    I advise everyone on the 3600 exam to get annoying and call and show up to Livingston as much as possible. I’m telling you this job will change your life. If you knew how sweet this gig was, benefits are amazing, 2 other retirement options on top of your city pension.  In 6 months I’ve bought a car, saving for a house, and am fully taking care of my family. I was borderline depressed before this job because of financial struggles

    And track guys are the coolest. It’s a locker room environment. We treat women with the most respect and give them the easier jobs. But the boys, we joke on each other all day and go out frequently for drinks. Feels good to finally fit in. Don’t let anything discourage you from getting your job man!! I had to jump through all types of hoops to get it. Worth every tribulation! 

    Are you capital days or nights? Really women get the easier jobs lol. Last time i checked I was doing the same jobs you get assigned. I'm capital nights by the way

  2. 7 hours ago, Dooley said:

    Ok thanks. Now my next question is since i already did drug screen and paperwork (day 1) will i automatically make it into a class or is there a chance i wont 

    They still have to contact you for you to do medical. Nothing is automatic when it comes to this process.

  3. 2 hours ago, ozpM said:

    Hey guys i just got a letter in the mail saying "You were considered and not selected for Appointment in accordance with rule 4.7.1 (c) of rules and regulations of NYC Personnel Director" is there a number i can call to find out why and also if i can get my name back on the list? 

    Thank you for your time guys! 

    This was talked about previously. This rule allows them to eliminate 1 out of 3 candidates. They do not have to give a reason with this rule. I haven't heard of anyone getting it reversed.

  4. 39 minutes ago, PotentialMTAemployee said:

    Lol no they didn't make me write a number down 40 times... But if figured it was that number... I guess I gotta wait to register bc it doesn't let me create the account 

    I had to wait a couple of days before I was able to register. I'll see you in the May 21st class

  5. 18 minutes ago, MTAtookMeOutTheHood said:

    Helps a ton! Thank you for sharing intel. Obviously guys like myself are anxious to start working and finally make some real money 


    When I receive an email or call with instructions regarding my own journey with the MTA I’ll be sure to contribute to this thread as well. One random stranger helping the next! 

    Hopefully you get that email or call soon. 

  6. 22 hours ago, MTAtookMeOutTheHood said:

    Hello all.. I’m list number 35xx (mids). Just took my drug test Tuesday 17th and still waiting for instructions on the next steps


    any idea on what the last number of the class that started this week was? I just hope they get to my damn number. Sick of being broke tbh 


    ps: ladies at Livingston are just as nasty as everyone said. They truly need to take a course on how to interact with the public. The coolest guy in there was the one who looked kinda hood/tough with a fitted on lol. He was honestly the most helpful and nice 


    thanks in advance for your replies. I know you guys are busy milking OT and I’m interrupting   

    My number is 33** and I will be in the May 21st class. I'm not sure if that helps you any.

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