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Posts posted by Beata

  1. I'm trying to complete my registration for exam # 0615 Fare Enforecement Agent.

    I did it on my 2 home computers and on my spouse tried to do it at work on MTA computer as well. 
    I have a problem with completing registration process. A few days ago I log in, check the website, updated it, click on some  "save and complete later" button to finish work experience later after i take look on my documents  and then I logged off.
    For a few days I'm trying to complete all process but I wasn't able to do it because when after log in and click on "APPLY" button  I'm receiving a message:
    "You have a previous saved but unsubmitted application for this job: 97298 - Fare Enforcement Agent.
    If you would like to complete the application select Yes then press My Job Applications "


    After i click on YES it is going back to screen with exam  but there is no "My Job Applications" tab and I can't move forward:

    " My activities" Tab is only showing my previous job applications but i can't re-open it.  "My Account Information" Tab is with my account info only.

    There is no "My Job Applications" tab or button on which I can click on to open it at all.

    I wrote an email to MTA Examination Unit but they not reading what is your problem and just sent me back NOE and notice  to read it how to apply. I really know how to use computer, I disable my antivirus and firewall, I'm using IE 11 and that is only one tab open as written in red on the screen.

    Can you please help me somehow how to fix it or can I submit it some different way?



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