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Posts posted by TA718

  1. 7 hours ago, Gullys said:

    Well I’m in 6-20-22 class 




    they wasn’t as many train operator like I saw when I was going for conductor

    if I count 15-20 people it’s too much  on the sign up sheet 

    nice congrats! see you in the tunnels. i’m on my 3rd week and so far it’s good. just a lot of information and lots of studying. 

    it’s pretty cool honestly. just learned to cut and add today. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, dincena said:

    Went for medical today. Protein in my urine was +2 (up to +1 allowed) they put me on medical hold smh I'm not even sure how that happened or what it even means have to to see my primary and figure it out

    same thing happened to me. i immediately went to my doctors after the med i’ll with transit and they ran test and a few days later everything came back fine. i was just dehydrated since the job i used to do was physical and i never drank water. 

    i used to work overnights and just work through my lunch etc. i also worked out the day before the medical and most likely that played a cause to it since again i didn’t drink enough water. but then again everyone is different. but see your doctor immediately and then once you got your documents from him shoot straight to 180 livingston next day at 630 am and say you’re there to clear up medical hold. 

  3. 2 hours ago, CC1191 said:

    For people already in do you recommend driving or taking the train to 248? And is that where school car is mostly?

    248 only for the first week. you can drive there. but school car is in different yards. you’ll get your full schedule from 248 TSS’s. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, Gullys said:

    You can wear your own shoes 


    Sketches And other company makes steel toe if you want

    but you need to buy it first take it to Superintend with recipe and if they approved it they give a piece of paper you walk around with and you would be allowed to wear it


    and you get back 75 dollar back Reimburse

    i haven’t heard of this. dope to know tho

  5. 7 minutes ago, thegameksk said:

    Ive seen some train operators wearing sneakers when operating the train. So does this mean boots are only required in the train yards?


    1 minute ago, dman1455 said:

    lol no, you can't operate/work in the subway without properly authorized shoes/boots. 

    what he said above. not sure who you saw wearing sneakers but that’s a huge NO. they will put you out of service just for improper wear of uniform. or just tell you to go home. 

  6. 1 hour ago, dincena said:

    Does anyone know if a pending traffic violation (disobey traffic device) would affect me from being hired? Getting ready to go in for conditional, filling out the CPD-B form under licenses it states, "a conviction record or pending criminal charges will not necessarily disqualify you from the position of which you are applying". Does anyone that's already done and passed the conditional have any info on this? 

    They say to NOT have any parking tickets. Pay those off immediately also red light tickets etc. If you have a moving violation like speeding , red light (but with the cop stopping you) anything summon related. Take care of it. Or first ask them if it’ll affect you if you plead guilty and get the points. 

    Because if you were to go for Bus Operator then you’ll never get hired never. I’m telling you because I was a former bus operator. Only 4 points and below they will hire you. But anything higher before entering transit they will say no and to come back after it’s been removed. For trains is different. You do need your proof of license but I heard they are more liniment because technically it isn’t a car. It’s a train. You won’t be in contact with other “cars” on the tracks. And be honest with them tell them everything so they have nothing against you. 

  7. 2 hours ago, FilippoSironi said:

    Wth 0600 on your day off?? Couldn't they just tell you where you are on Monday and give you the schedule then. 

    I think because next week is memorial day and they said we will not be working that day plus missing the holiday pay since we aren’t on work for 30 days yet. So they most likely switched that out. But yea couldn’t question it so we going in literally 0600 tomorrow shit sucks. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, FilippoSironi said:

    Oh right it's on the other side of the island from Far Rock, at the end of the shuttle line.  We never went there with schoolcar, only in road ops. 

    Yea, right there. I won’t know what Ima do since my class has to come in on sunday at 0600 to get our schedule. Everyone else got theirs today. But they didn’t have time to print ours out. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, thegameksk said:

    Are b you v often in the BX?

    It depends on the needs I am assuming. You can be there a lot. Or you can also be at the Far rock yard too. I believe they use you more on A,B,C and D lines. I heard E lines too and probably N. The rest you don’t see it. Was told by a previous operator who’s been there a few years now. 

  10. 3 hours ago, FilippoSironi said:

    Good to know. I need to learn all this pick and bids stuff. It's all very confusing to me.

    It sounds confusing. But once you see it done you’ll get it right away. It’s just you reading the runs/picks. Once you learn to read them you’ll know exactly which to get. 

  11. 4 hours ago, dincena said:

    I love in queens. Would A or B division be better for me?

    You’re better off B division. I live in Queens and I chose B division. It makes more sense. Only reason you would go to Manhattan 205 is for A line. And bronx for lines B or D. But mainly D. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, dincena said:

    Yes it says "Being considered for June 20th class"

    I know they say the schedule is hectic/ all over the place after school car especially if on the "extra list". Does the T/O job ever have a steady consistent schedule a few years down the road? 

    Also you have steady RDOs as a extra extra. It’s just sometimes very rare the crew will change it. Most times they don’t since it’ll be work for them to do so. But they can send you everywhere tho as an extra extra. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, dincena said:

    Yes it says "Being considered for June 20th class"

    I know they say the schedule is hectic/ all over the place after school car especially if on the "extra list". Does the T/O job ever have a steady consistent schedule a few years down the road? 

    Yes it does once you get to pick. That’s why they say when you’re extra extra for about 2 and a half years. After that you’ll pick and have a steady run and RDOs (days off)

  14. 44 minutes ago, dincena said:

    List #38** Going in for Conditional offer 5/26

    Can someone tell me what I Should expect next week?

    I know they do the medical, fingerprints and all the paperwork, take it if I pass everything would this be the day Iam hired? 

    How much time will  I have to give my current employer notice?

    How much do they pay during school car? What if I don't pass school car, am I left jobless?

    I must say I'm extremely nervous. Any info is appreciated

    Expect to be there about the same time as pre-employ. 

    Yes you will be hired once everything is fulfilled. 

    Next class you should already see it on your conditional offer. It’s probably  June 20th. 

    They start $37.49 for schoolcar. You will pass just pay attention take notes and study study study.  Don’t be afraid just take your time. 

  15. 2 hours ago, rondread445 said:

    No problem bro, I was in your shoes just over a month ago. It's not a hard job, just a very serious one. My class is right ahead of you so if you join the B division we'll more than likely run into each other at some point. You'll have fun operating the trains especially on your Road days. We get a raise tomorrow too!😁

    Nice! I didn’t even know about that. Even the new hires get it?

  16. 8 hours ago, rondread445 said:

    For anyone who is dreading School Car you're already putting yourself in a bad position. It's nothing to fear, it's called School Car for a reason you're in school. The only thing you should worry about is trying to stay awake after lunch. I'm in school now and it's not bad at all. It might seem overwhelming at first but it gets better. Create good habits and you'll be fine. I have one of the strictest TSS who co-authored the current text books for school and I'll tell y'all what he told us," You're going to make mistakes, this is the time to be your worst as a TO because there's only one direction to go from the bottom..". Study and get there early, on time is late.

    Great info! appreciate you telling us new hires this. I start tomorrow and i’ve already heard from the past that this is a really hard job. So I know to expect this to be tough. But of course we can not let it get to us and like you said just study and be early and it’ll be alright. Can’t wait to meet some of you guys. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, FilippoSironi said:

    at 207 and East New York I was never able to find parking in the yard or even outside so I take the train when I go there. 

    I’ll keep that in mind. If it ain’t too bad to get there by public transportation then I will do just that. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, FilippoSironi said:

    I guess if you live in Queens Coney Island yard is pretty far as well. The other yards we go to the most are Pitkin yards and East New York yards in Brooklyn, and Jamaica Yards in Queens. 

    The coney island one isn’t far from me. Only thing is there’s always traffic there in the mornings or afternoons. But I live about 30 mins of driving from Coney Island maybe even less if I go there early in the morning like 530am. Jamaica Yards is close too like 15 mins for me. East New York isn’t too far either that’s about 20 mins for me right now And Pitkin Yards is about 25 mins. So not bad at all. I’ll definitely go with Division B. Only one is 207 I gotta pretty much travel a bit further out. 

  19. 26 minutes ago, FilippoSironi said:

    The B division also have a yard at 207 street which is in Manhattan but it's just as far as the Bronx. 


    29 minutes ago, FilippoSironi said:

    The first day at the school

    Great! And that’s not bad at all. Is the the only yard that is basically out of the way like mentioned before? Meaning it’s bronx/manhattan yard. I’m familiar with the area since I worked all over manhattan and bronx for work. 

  20. 40 minutes ago, Jericho said:

    The A division with the terminals for the 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 trains. The D train is the only line in the B division in the Bronx.

    I’m better off in Division B myself then. I live literally in the heart of Queens. I start Monday. When are you able to pick the division you want to be placed in?

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