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Posts posted by TrainBrain

  1. On 5/21/2021 at 9:08 PM, fg8297 said:

    If I remember, when I was called if I didnt want to accept, they was a way to defer. I dont remember how but i think I was able to defer by phone or online. Your allowed 2 or 3 deferments. I was taken off the list to be called and to get back on I had to go to the DCAS office. That was easy. I had to write a 2 sentence letter there to request to be put back on the list. I was called right away. The DCAS office is behind City Hall at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge

    this is gold, thank you!

  2. 20 hours ago, ix360xi said:

    How far down you guys think they'll reach on the list number before it expires? 

    great question. short answer: who knows.  me, personally, I think there's too many variables to consider...like:

    1. how far down did they make it on the last list;

    2. how many T/O vacancies are there to fill post pandemic;

    3. list extension vs. expiration: will the list be extended? and if they extend it...for how long. 6 months? 1 yr? 3 yrs?


    too many unknowns for me.  But...if it helps...the last Train Operator exam was 8098.  That exam was in June 2009, but the list wasn't officially established until 9/19/12 (though I'm sure they were hiring off the list well before then). Like all lists, it was due to expire in 4 years from the date it was established...but the list got extended to 9/19/17.  I don't know what was the last list number they got to, but the forum for that exam (link below) offers a clue.  Someone there got into schoolcar around August 2016, and they were list number 69xx.  So...the MTA probably got around to at least list number 69xx for the last T/O exam, maybe even to 71xx by the time the list expired.   

    will the same thing happen again?? idk.  who knows.  but if history repeats itself...one can hope.

  3. 19 hours ago, beanz said:

    It took a while for me but my case was different and also there were no classes scheduled until February, so i was out for 5 months. But i don't see why it would take more than a couple of weeks under normal circumstances.


    As far as when the list expires, it would not shock me at all if they extended it. They pretty much had to freeze hiring for a year because of Covid so an extension would not be out of the realm of possibility.

    Yeah, that's what I figured.  With social distancing, I doubt the few schoolcar classes they did have had the typical number of students.  smaller classes means more vacancies have yet to be filled, at least I assume, so that list will be good for longer.  maybe i'm assuming too much, but I do know this: with the reduced revenue from reduced ridership (thank you COVID), I doubt the MTA or DCAS will want to pay all the labor and administrative costs associated with having a new T/O test and creating a new list.  It's cheaper to extend a list than to create a brand new one, even if it's only a 6-12 mo extension.


    Thanks for the input Beanz.

  4. 1 minute ago, beanz said:

    I believe u can defer before or after but I'm not sure because I never did. U would have to call the number on the email u got.


    I reinstated my name by calling and emailing dcas.

    14 minutes ago, beanz said:

    I believe u can defer before or after but I'm not sure because I never did. U would have to call the number on the email u got.


    I reinstated my name by calling and emailing dcas.

    gotcha, thanks!  Been going thru the forum starting 2 weeks ago since page 1.  you posted a lot of good info, thanks for everything you shared! (and congrats on getting the job).

    just curious, after you reinstated, do you remember how long was it from the time you called/emailed DCAS to the time you got called for another P/E and then medical to go for the next T/O class?  I know hiring is based on the needs of the MTA, but it would be helpful to know.

    Reason: Exam List 7604 is scheduled to expire Sept 19, 2022 (4 yrs from when it was established), unless they extend it.  I know they hire by quarters.  I'm just trying to hold off reinstating as long as possible, but not cutting it too close to the list expiration date just in case they don't extend it.   

  5. On 6/5/2019 at 7:20 PM, beanz said:

    Yea i was deferring anyway.. I'm not mad at all I'm just saying I wish I knew about the surgeon letter because that's gonna have to be tough to find

    Hey Beanz,  I'm choosing to defer.  Are we supposed to defer AFTER going to medical, or before?  Also, how did you get your name reinstated on the list after deferring?

  6. Heads Up for all you TO hopefuls:

    May 31, 2021 class confirmed.  No idea if they are hiring more classes beyond that.  My list number is low 14xx.  so...we can say that for sure they are now up to low 14xxs for the medical as of May 2021.

    also can confirm you will need to do multiple Preemployment (P/E) visits before you get a call for medical.  I did my 3rd P/E before I got my email for the medical.  did my 3rd P/E 4/19/21, got my medical email 5/14/21, and medical was gonna be scheduled for 5/19/21 (5 days notice).  

  7. On 5/16/2021 at 10:16 PM, fg8297 said:

    And you never heard back? That's strange. You sure the email didnt go to spam? Did you do all the paperwork? I kept deferring thats why  i had a low number and was hired in 2019. My schoolcar started July 2019 but the process began in May.


    On 5/16/2021 at 10:16 PM, fg8297 said:

    And you never heard back? That's strange. You sure the email didnt go to spam? Did you do all the paperwork? I kept deferring thats why  i had a low number and was hired in 2019. My schoolcar started July 2019 but the process began in May.

    Hey fg8297, I just got the email for medical, to go in on 5/19/21.  Vargas said they have a class on 5/31/21.  I gotta defer, and won't be reinstating my name on the list til 2022.  I asked Ms. Vargas to speak to someone about deferring, she was nice enough to give me a call and let me know a few things about deferring, but I haven't heard back from her on a few things (I know she's super busy so I understand).  2 questions for you, if you can please enlighten me: 

    1.  What do I have to do to "officially" defer?  I emailed her, but Idk if that's all I gotta do.  I don't want to outright decline, just looking to defer til 2022.

    2. How do I get my name reinstated on the list in 2022?  Like...do I email Ms. Vargas? DCAS? both?  and if DCAS...how did you contact them? email, or in person?  And if email, what email address, and what exactly do I say?

    to be clear, Ms. Vargas was tremendously helpful.  I just would like to hear from your personal experience since you actually deferred multiple times and still got hired.  it would be really helpful to know how exactly you did it. 

    p.s. Hope my deferring helps one of you guys out lol.  1 more spot open for those ready to commit to the job.

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