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Posts posted by grumpygato

  1. 51 minutes ago, Jericho said:

    Depends on what it is, but generally if your doctor doesn't stupidly send it to Transit, you're fine. Generally, it's sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and diabetes are the top three they look out for.

    Thanks. Say it was the first one.

  2. Hey all, just found this forum while looking into info on the medical assessment, so this is my first post.

    Does anyone know if they are able to look up medical records based on signing the affirmation? I saw discussion of this in the last T/O exam topic from 11 years ago. It seems like they would need a HIPAA specific waiver for medical records and that is why they do their own assessment.

    Let's say someone was recently diagnosed with a mild condition they're worried would put them on medical hold. They're in the process of getting the condition treated and it does not affect them at work. Additionally, treatment should be complete within a couple months. Is it worth disclosing this, being put on the medical hold, and having to be retested for the absence of the condition every 6 months, or not?

    Thanks from a newbie

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