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Posts posted by 2ride

  1. 12 minutes ago, ren said:

    I am going to respond to advise everyone what is going on . The fact is that they don’t notify you when you’re rejected. Let me tell you what happened to me:

    last year I applied for the position of assistant conductor. I passed cognitive, I passed the interview, I passed the signals and definitions, and I went through the background check. Somewhere along the line, my background check got hung up on the employment verification part. However, they never notified me, neither the Long Island Railroad, nor True View, who handles the background checks. I kept calling human resources, and I could never reach that woman who handles it, until I finally got through to her around March of this year, and then she told me that there were some issues with my employment verification. It was too late to change it, because the one year  limit was almost up. Now, let me tell you what happened with my locomotive engineer application. 

    I went to the open house on May 7, and once again I passed cognitive. Unfortunately, I had the great and utter misfortune to be interviewed by the supervisor of Training a fellow called Robert Kerr, who is a real prick, and who screwed me over during the interview. He first began by asking me if I was related to a previous president of the Long Island Railroad based on my last name. Then, in the interest of being transparent, I volunteered that I used to be late for work, but I changed my ways and now I come to work early, two or three hours ahead of time.  He seemed unimpressed and nonplussed by that, and apparently he blew me off after the  interview, but I was never notified that I was rejected after that interview. They almost never reject anybody during the interview after the cognitive, but unfortunately, like I said, I had run into a prick.  I kept calling human resources, and they kept saying this person named Brody handles everything. Nobody ever got back to me so far, and it’s almost a month . They told me that they had many people who passed the cognitive and that they had like four signal and definition overview classes at Hillside, and that they were taking a long time. However, it’s almost a month since I passed the cognitive,  and what happened was that they passed me over because of that prick Robert Kerr, but they didn’t notify me, and they won’t because that’s how they run things over there. It’s very important to keep calling them, and don’t worry about ruffling their feathers, because if you don’t keep calling, you’ll never know what happened to your application.  Also, it doesn’t matter if human resources has its feathers ruffled because they’re not the ones who decide who gets through. Finally, it seems like people don’t have the contact numbers for human resources. I’m lucky that I do, because when I asked this woman named Kim on May 7, she refused to give me the number to the office. They’re annoyed by people calling over there all the time. But if you don’t call, you’ll never get through to anybody. 


    Also, I like to add in to the story the fact that nobody even bothers to keep up with their work or where you are in process, and leave everyone mentally exhausted if they were white, black, or discriminated in any way will get us to keep calling or emailing them. It seems like MTA wants to do whatever it wants, but do not bother to fix these issues as it CONSTANTLY keeps ruining everyone’s life.

  2. 54 minutes ago, 30Bruins said:

    While I haven’t experienced this, I have heard that going in person and asking is the best thing to do. They could have misplaced paperwork or something. 

    They do a lot of shit like this on purpose and then say it isn’t their fault. You must be new to MTA as this isn’t the first time you have people complain or encounter problems with lazy HR.

  3. On 5/11/2024 at 4:27 PM, jranderson65 said:

    Ok bruh but what were you gonna say

    It’s good you’re hiring a civil service lawyer to try to help you get a job with MTA because sometimes things don’t make sense and they end up screwing others over. The worse part about this is when the  MTA employees/workers don’t admit there is something wrong with the organization and they try to hide it and pretend everything is fine. It’s too obvious now. And you know how I feel about liars… I don’t like liars.

  4. On 5/8/2024 at 1:49 PM, jranderson65 said:

    ok so they not rehiring me due to this  471 rule how can you challenge this and just how can this affect me when i pass the train operator test like this make no sence I have contacted a civil service lawyer and just waiting for their responce


    Your best bet would be to hire a civil service lawyer to scare them, but that would be a very chaotic process to go through. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Kamen Rider said:

    that does kinda depend on their needs. Like, Myself, Comrade 96 and a few other members of the site, we took the tests back 8 years ago. they didn't get to us for several years, but obviously we were affected by the pandemic... in your case... you might be sooner rather than later. 

    The MTA did a mass hiring push in the first few years of the 2000s... and those guys are going to be "putting in their papers" soon. We are going to need bodies by the truck load... again... So if you did really well, and you meet their criteria, and you don't get hung up like I did with getting a CPAP machine... 3-5 years, you'll walking into PS 248 for you first day.

    What is CPAP machine?

  6. 10 hours ago, AfroG97 said:

    I'm sorry you went through that 2ride, and I can't really speak on the discriminating against applicants but neither Metro North nor LIRR (or Transit for that matter) handle the hiring process anymore, the BSC mostly does. And to that end, the BSC is pretty bad collectively in getting things done right or on time. A couple months back I took the LE exam for Metro North, and a couple of applicants got screwed over by the BSC because they weren't sent the LE Key Responsibilities form, a form that we all needed to complete to be able to continue on with the process. They also failed to send it to me initially but I was able to put constant pressure on them via a barrage of emails and phone calls until they sent it to me prior to the exam. Some of my fellow test takers weren't so fortunate...

    Maybe if they made mnrr and LIRR civil service, no one would have to go through this problem. The playing field becomes more fair.

  7. 58 minutes ago, Alucard said:

    End to end it can take 6 to 8 months to complete the hiring process. From "conditional offer" to start date can take 3 months. Background & Investigations can take 2 months. HR is many times inclined to not be in contact with candidates if there's nothing to report to them about. If you are "in process" you are at the point of awaiting a "conditional offer", if it comes the process continues if it doesn't then you didn't land the gig. Nothing on the portal interms of "status" is relevant. What you are awaiting is a possibility of an offer. The hiring process is long, tedious, drawn out & at times without communication. So while you may think they have abandoned you, they may return back when you are next up for action. Stay patient & don't think it happens it any time efficiency. 

    Alu, which MTA division do you work for?

  8. 13 minutes ago, AfroG97 said:

    I agree with everything said thus far, but I will say if you had your heart set on working for Metro North, don't just apply for conductor just "get your foot into the door" by any means and make your way there as an internal. It's cliche, but your odds of becoming a conductor are increased by breaking in as a coach cleaner, custodian, clerk, ticket seller, ambassador, electrician etc. Heck, don't limit yourself to just MNR for that matter, apply, apply, apply to as much as you can on that MTA Careers page.

    Last time I took the test for custodian, the recruiter was suppose to schedule an interview with me as it was part of our process, but she never did even though I sent her many emails about it and she kept forgetting. She started doing her job once I put in a BSC complaint. These people who don’t work in transit don’t really have a good history of not discriminating their applicants. 

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