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Posts posted by Ovopassion

  1. Hey I went for my first pre employment in March  2022 .Never heard anything back after that . I just got emailed again for another pre employment but the email is from an actual person and not just RTO .First is this a good thing and Any tips on what I should be doing my list number 40xx.

  2. does any oneknow if they contact you if you didnt recieve the job. I went in in april did pre emplyement but never got called for second pre employment and never heard anythin back my list numer is 40xx.Who should i call or should i give up and plan to look for something else.Really want this to work out.

  3. 1 minute ago, TCart said:

    @Ovopassion I suggest you go to 180 ASAP and explain your situation to them in person and I’m pretty sure someone can help you. If you serious about getting the job go down there. 

    I would love too but yesterday I was hit by a car and suffered a fractured foot so I’m on my ass for a couple of months .Life is just beating my ass .I’m gonna try to make my way there

  4. Beginning to feel discouraged. I went for pre employment once in April .Have not received and email back yet should I just give up waited 7 years for this opportunity and not looking forward to telling my dad they didn’t accept me I don’t know what to do my name is still on the dcas list and no number I call can tell me about my specific case .Do they notify they tossed your application because I need to begin looking for another opportunity. List number 405*  .Any last minute suggestions 

  5. Hey does any one know the headline for medical .I did my first pre-employment in April and never got an email to update .My name is still on the dcas list .Not to be negative if your application was voided for any reason what so ever would the notify you that you aren’t being considered for the position .

  6. 10 hours ago, JDS1057 said:

    Lol yea, I’m a special case lol. Initially got in as conductor last summer, finished that school car, then got called for TO couple months later, finished that schoolcar, a month in my old job called me back with a sign on bonus for a couple months. Someone at transit told me it’s better to resign at that moment than try to get away with doing both jobs, cuz I could have gotten in trouble and terminated for it. I resigned the proper way and So to get put back on the list if you don’t mind re-doing schoolcar, which I don’t mind at all, after I was done at my old job collecting that extra bonus was worth it for me. So now just hoping they call me before the list expires. But I already got confirmation my list number was reinstated and plus I reached out to Olha again, So just the waiting game again lol 

    what number do you call to get name re-enlisted

  7. 47 minutes ago, underground traveler said:

    Hun if you did pre employment in April and havent heard back since. I would reach out to them because your drug test has expired and you need to do it again

    Believe me I have been trying the number employment center number but the phone rings endlessly.

  8. 3 hours ago, Jericho said:

    When they told you had to get the transcript notarized, didn't they tell you how to come back? I would've ran to the bank and came right back, tbh.

    I would send an email to Olha.Nyahay@nyct.com to try and get an update.

    DCAS recently recertified a new list so you should check if you're on it (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Civil-Service-List-Certification/a9md-ynri/data)

    If not, you should send an email to DCAS (LMACustomerService@dcas.nyc.gov) with your name, title, list number, and last four digits of your SSN to be reinstated.

    Good luck.

    They stated when I come back in for 2nd part of employment and they said mh highschool had to do and that if I left and came back I wouldn’t be let back in .The guy told me to wait for 2nd call back to bring it and what should I be looking for on that scales list my name is still there 

  9. Hey my list number is 40xx I got called in for pre employment and drug tested.At said time I couldn’t hand them my highschool transcript because it wasn’t notarized .I have received a call or an email my pre employment was 4/11 .I really have been waiting a life time for this .My dad works transit and there isn’t anything he would like more then for me to get in .What am I waiting / should be looking for what if I have tickets or something how would they contact me .When Would I receive another email or any updates.What should I search for in my email.How would I know if my application was terminated .

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