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Posts posted by Cici

  1. 22 hours ago, Youngking said:

    Who cares about the driving record, he did what he had to do to avoid a suspended license and get a job making $40 + an hour. The points fall off after a year and half or so. Are you not looking at the bigger picture

    What is the current starting salary for training operations?

  2. On 8/7/2023 at 7:55 PM, Domicrafting said:

    Here's the basic path to getting hired as an Assistant Conductor, Engineer, or Block Operator:

    Apply on the website.

    Wait to get contacted (usually via email). Getting contacted (or not) is based on your resume and if their system picked up the keywords they're looking for. They will invite you to an "Open House" for the position you applied for. Wait times range from 1 day to 12 months, or never. If they are not interested, you will not hear from them.

    Attend the Open House. You will take a "Cognitive" test (IQ test, they want to see if you have the intellectual firepower for the S&D and Classroom process), a Vocabulary test (multiple choice, pick the synonym for the word given, 10th grade level give or take), and a math test (Assistant Conductor only, basic arithmetic, grade school level). If you pass the tests given, you will be interviewed that day and then sent home. If you fail the tests, you will be sent home and told to apply again in one year.

    After successfully interviewing wait to be contacted for Signals & Definitions. You will receive an invite (via email) to attend a "Signals & Definitions Overview Class". The wait to receive this email can range from a few weeks to a few months. If they do not want to move forward with you, you will receive a rejection letter via US Mail at this point.

    Attend the S&D Overview (~6 hours long) and receive study materials.

    Study for 5 weeks, (2-3 hours a night, and as much as possible on the weekends) learning the S&D material word-for-word verbatim.  (and they mean it)

    Take the S&D test, get a passing grade. If you pass, you will be interviewed again (by a transportation manager and HR, this is the "real" interview) and measured for a uniform that same day. If you fail, you will be sent home and told to apply again in one year.

    Wait to get contacted about the job. This wait can sometimes take months, depending on the training schedule. If they decide they don't want to move forward with you at this point, you will receive a rejection letter via US Mail. When they reach out to you, it will be to start the process on the background check, and to schedule a comprehensive medical screen+drug test at their medical facility. Marijuana, although legal in NYS, is a no go for any of these positions, so begin abstaining well in advance.

    Complete background check & medical/physical exam**. (don't attempt omit anything on the background check, they will find out)

    Receive offer letter, begin class*.

    (Credit to "lirrcndctrthrowaway" on reddit for the above outline of the process.)

    You can't really study for the first round of tests, so don't sweat it. Do however dress professionally for the Open House, a suit or professional attire is recommended. Don't expect the hiring process to move especially quickly until after you pass the S&D exam (as in don't plan on quitting your current job anytime in the next few months;). 

    (footnotes from "lirrcndctrthrowaway" for block operators/engineers candidates in this process who might find this post in a search.)

    *Engineer process differs a bit here: you are first in an unpaid "Phase 1" class, which is similar to first 5 weeks of the paid training for Asst. Conductors. Engineers that are successful in Phase 1 are then officially hired and put in paid Phase 2 training (14 months).

    **Block operator process differs a bit here: You are first in a 2 week unpaid training called "Basic Skills"(Tuesday/Thursday evenings and all day Saturday). If you pass the exams during Basic Skills, you complete the background check and are placed in a pool of eligible candidates to be hired. Once you are offered a position in a training class (6 weeks of class time, 1 year on the job training) you then do the medical/physical exam.

    Thank you.

  3. 5 hours ago, Domicrafting said:

    Here's the basic path to getting hired as an Assistant Conductor, Engineer, or Block Operator:

    Apply on the website.

    Wait to get contacted (usually via email). Getting contacted (or not) is based on your resume and if their system picked up the keywords they're looking for. They will invite you to an "Open House" for the position you applied for. Wait times range from 1 day to 12 months, or never. If they are not interested, you will not hear from them.

    Attend the Open House. You will take a "Cognitive" test (IQ test, they want to see if you have the intellectual firepower for the S&D and Classroom process), a Vocabulary test (multiple choice, pick the synonym for the word given, 10th grade level give or take), and a math test (Assistant Conductor only, basic arithmetic, grade school level). If you pass the tests given, you will be interviewed that day and then sent home. If you fail the tests, you will be sent home and told to apply again in one year.

    After successfully interviewing wait to be contacted for Signals & Definitions. You will receive an invite (via email) to attend a "Signals & Definitions Overview Class". The wait to receive this email can range from a few weeks to a few months. If they do not want to move forward with you, you will receive a rejection letter via US Mail at this point.

    Attend the S&D Overview (~6 hours long) and receive study materials.

    Study for 5 weeks, (2-3 hours a night, and as much as possible on the weekends) learning the S&D material word-for-word verbatim.  (and they mean it)

    Take the S&D test, get a passing grade. If you pass, you will be interviewed again (by a transportation manager and HR, this is the "real" interview) and measured for a uniform that same day. If you fail, you will be sent home and told to apply again in one year.

    Wait to get contacted about the job. This wait can sometimes take months, depending on the training schedule. If they decide they don't want to move forward with you at this point, you will receive a rejection letter via US Mail. When they reach out to you, it will be to start the process on the background check, and to schedule a comprehensive medical screen+drug test at their medical facility. Marijuana, although legal in NYS, is a no go for any of these positions, so begin abstaining well in advance.

    Complete background check & medical/physical exam**. (don't attempt omit anything on the background check, they will find out)

    Receive offer letter, begin class*.

    (Credit to "lirrcndctrthrowaway" on reddit for the above outline of the process.)

    You can't really study for the first round of tests, so don't sweat it. Do however dress professionally for the Open House, a suit or professional attire is recommended. Don't expect the hiring process to move especially quickly until after you pass the S&D exam (as in don't plan on quitting your current job anytime in the next few months;). 

    (footnotes from "lirrcndctrthrowaway" for block operators/engineers candidates in this process who might find this post in a search.)

    *Engineer process differs a bit here: you are first in an unpaid "Phase 1" class, which is similar to first 5 weeks of the paid training for Asst. Conductors. Engineers that are successful in Phase 1 are then officially hired and put in paid Phase 2 training (14 months).

    **Block operator process differs a bit here: You are first in a 2 week unpaid training called "Basic Skills"(Tuesday/Thursday evenings and all day Saturday). If you pass the exams during Basic Skills, you complete the background check and are placed in a pool of eligible candidates to be hired. Once you are offered a position in a training class (6 weeks of class time, 1 year on the job training) you then do the medical/physical exam.

    Thank you for the information. I appreciate it.

  4. On 6/5/2023 at 11:07 AM, Robert T said:

    No it doesn't mean that, its just certification sequence numbers for the group they certified 5/17/23 and its ends 6/23/23 the day before the new class starts, If you didn't get called yet they didn't get to you yet

    Thank you for the clarification. 

  5. On 5/23/2023 at 4:23 PM, Robert T said:

    At second look. It looks like the certification sequence number goes up to 825 and cuts off. All thats in there if you see this good luck.

    Does that mean if your list number is in the 900's you are no longer on the list?

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