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Posts posted by Goose54

  1. I was at JFK as well. I can sit here and say the instructor this and the instructor that but in reality i didnt execute. I connected better with Fallon than Siegel she just made the training more human opposed to robotic if that makes any sense. From what i heard we started off with 70 trainees and 35 or 36 made it to line training. But I learned alot and cant wait to be called for any of the three lists im on for other positions plus I signed up for the MABSTOA list last month after I failed my training (just have to get back on that horse)

  2. I heard from alot of people he is pretty good; as I said my day 1 thru 7 instructor wasnt bad but I just didnt connect with him on alot of things. I took notes I asked questions but it didnt make sense to me until I had Superintendant Fallon on day 8 and 9 then my problem was I didnt execute on day 9. Training will fly by for people like me I could have used 3-4 hrs a day behind the wheel for training instead of 35 - 65 min per day. Just execute and dont let your nerves get the best of you (that is what really killed me day 10 nerves and other things) and you will get through. What sucks now is waiting to be called again for one of three positions, as I ride the bus I am doing ALSAPS, remembering pivot points and just remembering everything that I was taught in training and realizing I did not make it through THIS TIME (I will not fail when the time comes again). Good Luck Igor

  3. No worries I will be better prepared next time just wish i would have executed on day 9 truthfully thats what haunts me the most day 7 I wasnt ready and day 10 my confidence was at an alltime low once I saw my orginal instructor and then waited for 6 hrs for my turn. Day 9 was the day I just felt like I understood everything (spacing, setting up turns, speed, hazzards, you name it and it was during the blizzard lol) but as you know from my prior post I didnt execute. Im still going to get my CDL just so I wont have to do MTA's training then DMV next time. Before the training the biggest thing I drove was a SUV. I also havent been driving regularly since I sold my car 4 yrs ago (maybe 3 times a yr ) so the 40 feet of bus and realizing (this was the biggest thing to get through my head) I have more room on the front to go deeper into a turn opposed to a regular vehicle. Anyway i'll be ready next time for which ever training calls me first.

  4. true but i never had the trolley pulled on me my problem was my right turn smh if i didnt shoot myself in the foot on day 9 i wouldnt have been in my day ten situation. as much as the two instructors rattled me (while driving my day 1 thru 7 instructor came from in back of the bus to inquire how was I doing and the instrutor in the front loudly said he didnt do this he didnt do that wait Ill talk to you about it later at that point I was a nervous wreck and a min later cut my turn early and mounted the curb) I put myself in the situation by not executing on day 9. Anyway Ill be ready next time for which ever training I get called for. Good luck to everyone

  5. I dont think I was ever comfortable with my instructor day 1 thru 7. On day 2 I messed up a left acute turn. Day 3 was a clean day. Day 4 went through a yellow light (in MTA Yellow = Red). Day 5 I couldnt get the interlock to work but that was an odd day because as I was having that problem the air pressure went in the bus and we had to call the depot to send someone out to look at the bus. Day 6 back to the right turn problem. Day 7 I was told I would have to do day 8 and 9 before the day started because of my non error free day on day 6. Day 8 with the new instructor she helped me figure it out turns were perfect spacing speed lights everything. Day 9 started my test turns bus stops foward planning etc perfect. Had a hazzard in the right lane was setting up my turn looked back at the light to late and was in the crosswalk on a red light ended my day. Day 10 I saw my day 1 - 7 instructor and he was going to be one of the two instructors observing and the nerves etc all came back. It ended with me on a bad right turn mounting a curb. If I would have took care of business on day 9 and looked at the light before going into my turn I would have never been in my day 10 situation. As uncomforatable as I was with my day 1 thru 7 instructor it still came down to ME I didnt execute so I have to hold myself accountable. I hope this helped Good Luck to everyone

  6. Well I completed my 10 day training and failed today so my journey has ended. I learned alot from my second instructor Superintendant Fallon on day 8 and 9(my day 1 thru 7 instructor was so so unfortunatley he was one of my day 10 instructors and it went downhill) I just did not execute at the right time on day 9 had it but in the end made an error which caused me to go to day ten, Anyway I wish all of my classmates who made it well. For the current and future classes take your time its alot of information and driving behavior changes (I never drove a bus before so it was a bit of a culture shock to learn in 6 days) but with the right trainer and execution you can do it. Good luck :D

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