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Posts posted by Etrain

  1. hey guys, question


    -during your first week of orientation we will choose our divisions? now say i pick division B and during training we will be within ONLY b division yards? we wouldnt have to travel to A divisions yards? or do we still need to go to the BX even though we choose B division during training?

    If you pick B division, you only go to B division Yards,  but Concourse Yard a B division Yard is in the Bronx right by Bedford Park Blvd If you know the Bronx ,also  207 Yard is in northern Manhattan pretty far from Brooklyn.  

  2. What's the better choice for health insurance empire bc&bs or United Healthcare

    I had answered your question but it seems a little troll with nothing better to do with his time and no knowledge of transit's health benefits  since he doesn't work for transit erased my comment.  So from now on I will refrain from commenting on this site.

  3. Hello Guys/Gals,


    I started school car last week Monday, and we finally finished up all the orientation and paperwork as of today. Of course, the orientation had me all pumped at times, and nervous as well. The thought of not making it through this, is kind of overwhelming at times. We met with a Superintendent, and Various Senior Director throughout the week, whom most of them gave some positive speeches.


    Tomorrow will be our my first day breaking up into groups, I will be at PS 248 tomorrow for the "Right To know and Bio Hearing class", then the following days we will be visiting all the different yards. I'm in the "A" division, which is great, and my TSSI's are Albanese and James. I'm highly anxious to be feed a lot of information, of course expecting that I keep up. Everyone in my group (including myself) are worried about the signal test, but we will do our part by studying at home.


    I will keep everyone updated, and ask questions from time to time. Pleased wish me well.  :)

    School car is what you make of it buddy, sure Tss can be demanding, strict, and rub you the wrong way but at the end of the day it all comes down to how much you want this job and how much you put into it.  Don't worry about the signals you will know them all if you study hard and they go over them all the time even when your not in the class room. If you make a mistake learn from it, most people don't come out of school car polished train operators, that comes from experience on the road operating these trains day in and day out.  All that stuff about being aggressive and coming in hard in my opinion is not helping anyone be a better train operator, that comes with time.  Is  no wonder we have so many signals being hit and so many stations overruns, Am not saying be scared to operate but learn the lines get a feel for the train, the speed you are moving  with out looking at the speedometer these are thing that come with experience and you don't get that while you in school car you get that on the road.  Another thing is get to know your classmates they will be your family for the next 6 months and the rest of your transit career.  Good luck hope to see you on the road.

  4. #1:For of all conductors would not really know how many School classes are left for TO's.#2:This list expires Sept 19, 2016. So basically that is a yr & half of life left. You make out like 3 classes & that's it. If that is that case then you are toast as well dude.rom

    Believe when I tell you that this list will be extended another year just like the conductor's list was extended as people are still retiring, getting promoted and yes terminated so there is a need for this list, so keep up the hope until the list is officially over. 

  5. @HopefulTO, what do people get held up for?

    I understand we need to get to 180 Livingston early.

    Do you mean missing records?  What do people forget to bring? 

    Also, are they still doing the initial appointment for drug test by letter, than calling you to come back for the all-day physical exam

    A lot of people get held up for medical reasons mostly.  Go to the doctor now and make sure your sugar, blood pressure, eyes, and any other medical condition you may have is under control that way when they call you for the medical your are ready. 

  6. Heading into my first night of yard posting. My one and only concern is actually getting a senior guy that doesn't want to train me. If I can get someone that is willing to train me, he/she will have my undivided attention... and my gratitude.

    You will get someone willing to train you as best as they can, most people down here are willing to help and share whatever knowledge they have with you as long as you are willing to listen and follow instructions.   Ask a lot of questions regarding the yard, the moves, make sure you do everything as they thought you in school car and if you are not sure about something ask  and ask again.  Good luck.

  7. It's sad you say that - a "senior" class should not be looking down on a "newer" class. You are all still in schoolcar! Seniority doesn't matter yet.


    People should be looking to HELP each other down here, and look out for the new people. That's how it was at one time, and that's how it needs to be. It's good that your class took the high road about that, but no one should be getting a swelled head because they have 6 months and another class has 3. You're all rookies! Embrace it and help each other out. It's good that's what your class did, even if the other class didn't.


    Until you pass that road practical and come out on your own you're still a "Student" anyway, not even qualified for full work in the job title yet!


    Sadly, there are already quite a few "know it alls" in recent classes down here, already thinking they are the cat's meow, and some haven't even worked a day on the road on their own yet. Attitude is everything down here. I keep saying it on this board, but it's true. No one that works here knows everything. No one. Some know way more than others, but no one knows, everything. You can learn something new - maybe not every day - but definitely every week you work here, whether it's moving to a different title, picking someone's brain, getting rerouted or turned at a spot you've never made a move before, filling out an OT slip for something you've never done...whatever. Those who are focused on showing the world that they know everything are often too busy learning ways to do that, than to actually learn things that will increase their knowledge. Sadly, quite a few are already coming out of schoolcar with that mentality.

    Well said brother, I can tell you that  I used to run into the guys from the earlier classes in the yards or those trailer class rooms since school car was different for us as we didn't have the YX program we would end up at some yards at the same time  and we all got along and share what ever little knowledge we had with each other and once they got out on to the road they shared their experiences with me and my classmates  as we did with the other classes that came after us, at least the ones that would listen.  

  8. Today was my first day in the yard and real official day of training, it was so much fun. I was talking to one of my TSS' about being extra-extra and getting an assigned route. They said that there would be around 140+ people under me on the seniority list and we would get placed relatively quickly. I assume for that to happen, they would have to hire for December also. But that is just a guest.   

    Once you finish school car you will be looking at a year to a year and half of xxtra maybe less depending on retirement and promotions,  I  can tell you that the first 7 induction classes of A division Train operators from test 8098 were able to pick jobs last pick and most of us were xxtra for year or a little over it.  In the  B division is a bit slower than the A division though so it might take longer over there.

  9. I finally passed Schoolcar.  I am officially a Train Operator. I want to thank this forum and the many people that have helped me along the way and hope that they will continue to offer their advice. I want to thank RTOPRO, RTOMan, PATCOman, Etrain, Beneka, Cybeatsul, BrianRichards, Dandre and last but certainly not least a big shout out to SUBWAYGUY.  My apologies if I missed anyone I am going off memory. 


    It will be a new experience from this point on now since I will be on my own. :). I can't wait !

    Congratulations brother and best of luck out there.  Glad to be of help.

  10. Thanks again, I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to get to school car driving or mass trans. (Coming from the island) how long before we get our health benefits ?

    90 days after your start date the health benefits kick in.

  11. ame='Etrain' timestamp='1404580091' post='779924']


    I think you quoted the wrong person. I laughed at the slow on purpose thing that someone else said about being stuck behind a crew on the duece. They were saying how the 3 is a good line, not too long, not too short, and a good express run. I just hit here, a have no input as to which equipment, or line I favor. I just have an idea what I THINK I would like.

    Sorry about that bro was not taking any shots at you or anyone and you will definetely will have your favorites when you are out here, enjoy school car and make the most out your time in the yards and station switching.

  12. @slow on purpose, but the old timers I've spoken to over at Newlots told me how to come in the station with those 62's basically the same thing you said.[/quot


    Never said they were bad trains operational wise I was just talking about comfort level, 62s are great to operate specially in bad weather compared to the tech trains that slip and slide at the first drop of rain it's just that those 62s kill my back lol. And yes the 3 line in my opinion is the best line, once you get to chambers uptown it's over

  13. Does anyone have the link for the "last hired" for this exam? I tried searching on google and on the DCAS website without success.

    I'm trying to track how hiring is proceeding without being a pain to those on the board (or people at transit, if I can just as easily get the same info online).


    The last hired for the June class was in the late 2500's this coming from Ms. Shivers.  So the next hires will be from that point on  and not counting who ever is coming of medical hold. Hope that helps.  

  14. Thanks for your responses!

    I'm following this forum for a long time...

    For some people it takes three days after the second DT, for others more than a month.

    It's normal.

    If no call within the next two weeks - will call HR office.

    If you dont get call for the June Class you will probably get call for the July class and will have a better chance to pick what division you might want to go to so don't get discouraged just wait patiently for your turn, they will get to you.  I know a lot of people say "I just want to get in no matter what division it is"  But trust me when I tell you that its a lot harder when you have to report to Van courtlant living in Staten Island or Brooklyn than lf you live in the Bronx.

  15. My main thing was getting to stay AMs and I got to do it and got 3 days on the Deuce and 1 Day out of VC and 1 day ouf the the East on the 5, good jobs too. And like Elantra said getting away from the Crew office is the best but getting this nice of a pick was the icing on the cake.  Can't wait for it to start, no more 4 am reports out of GC for me Buddy.

    Congrats guys on able to pick.  How long were you extra extra ?  I am not quite there yet but one day I hope to write a post like yours. :)

    we were xxtra for a little over a year.  You will get there with all the retirements going on you wont be xxtra for long.

  16. Thanks Etrain!!!! Hey that's life!!!! We can't get get exactly what we want, the way want, when we want it. This is a job I've wanted as a child. Never thought I would get it at 35, nonetheless I got it. Thank God!! So what I didn't get the B division. I have a chance to accomplish my childhood dream. How many can really say that!? I'll rock out in the A division, pay my dues, then if, and when I get an opportunity to pick (how ever long that takes) then I'll pick in the B division!! Of course there is a period of disappointment. Brush off my shoulders and keep on pushing! Thanks again Etrain!

    You got the right attitude brother, keep that up and you most definitely will accomplish your goal. Hope to see you on the road soon.

  17. Well not to bust anybody's bubble but not getting what you want when you first start is the norm down here, School car is easy because you know ahead of time where you have to report, wait  until to you finish training and come out to the road and become extra extra and they have you going all over the place from day to day with different reporting times and also your tour of duty and days off are subject to change on a weekly basis.   Enjoy school car while you can  and  also get to know your classmates as they will be your support through out those early years believe me you will need all the support you can get.

  18. Word of advice to all coming in, be on time, don't take off unless you really have to, listen to your instructors and study hard. If you do this you will succeed down here. There is a world of things you will be learning and it won't be easy so work hard for it and you will be rewarded in the end.

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