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Posts posted by R62AR33

  1. At the time the MTA was deciding whether or not the (6) would get the R142A's and at the time the (7) was considered for them but instead they got the R62A's and I'm not exactly 100% sure but I believe it was to make Lexington Ave all NTT's at the time. Someone else probably knows the full story behind it can probably tell you better. The (7) should have gotten them because they had trains from 1964/65 which were 20 years older than than the trains the (6) was using.

    the R142A's were considered for the (7) but since there were clearance issues with the steinway tubes and also correct me if im wrong but someone here mentioned before that Corona wasn't equipped at the time to maintain NTTs so they ended up going to Westchester Yard instead Wich is why at the time the R62A's had to leave the (6) till it was time for them to return back.

  2. At the time the MTA was deciding whether or not the (6) would get the R142A's and at the time the (7) was considered for them but instead they got the R62A's and I'm not exactly 100% sure but I believe it was to make Lexington Ave all NTT's at the time. Someone else probably knows the full story behind it can probably tell you better. The (7) should have gotten them because they had trains from 1964/65 which were 20 years older than than the trains the (6) was using.

  3. R62A fleet is a scrambled mess already. (65) 1800's on the (1) while (35) are on the (6), 1926 is on the (7) while 1927-1930 is on the 42nd St Shuttle. 1934 on the (7) while 1931-1935 on the (S).


    Point is that once the R62As are off the (7) completely, they could rearrange and reorganize the fleet in numerical order which would require converting some of the singles to full width (not all cause some are used as refuge trains during the summer.)

    Iv pointed out that R62A's 1651-2000 should be on the (6) and 2001-2475 on the (1) (excluding the 10 cars for the shuttle). I have been noticing lately alot that Westchester Yard have been removing some of the Led lights off on their R62A's , It seams like eventually that they will all come off if this is the case...

  4. Why? I was thinking it'll be more logical to keep all the R142A's confined to 1 yard. in place of Displaced Jerome's R142A's will be R62A's. It's bad enough the (6) has a bad reputation and bad maintainence history so dumping older cars BACK on the (6) is adding insult to injury. At least with more NTTs on the (6) it wont look so bad... Hell, even (7) riders are starting to realize that they're getting "6 train cars" as their upgrade.

    Oh well it doesn't matter what we think it was logical for the R62As to return to the (6) . I was saying for future reference if a swap happened there would be no NTT on the (4) since westchester have enough R62As for service. If you think about it the (4) used less trains then the (6)
  5. All of Jerome's R142A's should be sent to Westchester and leave the (4) exclusively R142 and R62A.

    You do notice that Weschtester Yard have enough R62A's for the (4) by itself right ? ,So if a swap ever happened between the (4) and (6)  there would be no NTT's on the (4).

  6. So the R44's and R46's used different body's which is why the R46 dosen't have that metal stripe like the R44's did?


    I honestly don't know how to phrase this question :P

    Also same as the redbirds , that's why they retired in 2003 , the acid baths used to remove the graffiti in the 1970s and early 80s and the very heavy service on the (2) , (4) , (5) ,(6) and even (7) took a toll on them.

  7. I did see 7531-7535 few days ago on the (6) I believe with 7606-7610



    R62As on the (6)1651-1825, 1831-1840, 1961-2025, 2031-2040, 2051-2055, 2061-2065, 2086-2090, 2096-2100, 2111-2115, 2126-2130, 2136-2140, 2156-2160, 2221-2225, 2306-2310, 2326-2330, 2346-2350 (31 trains)

    Im Still wondering if 2141-2145 are going back to the (6) or will they be smart and send it to the (1) in exchange for either 1861-1865 or 1891-1895 

  8. Also, those suppose it R62As permanent loaners dont have the LED lights. I though the whole point was to tranfer the R62As that has those lights to the (6) line since it has the express/local distinction.


    The red paint at the bottom of the doors could mean anything. It just seems silly knowing more R62As are coming from the (7) and all of a sudden the loaners are permanent to Westchester. Hell theres a few R142A sets that were originally from Westchester running on the (4).

    Um no , the reason that the R62A's returned to the (6) is because the R142A's got taken out of the (6) to go to Flushing so they had to go somewhere. Those sets originally from Westchester are staying on the (4) as well , Iv been noticing the R62A's on the (6) with the messed up Leds instead of fixing them up Westchester have been removing them completely. 

  9. Everybody does it Daniel. Think about it,


    How do programs get into the R142/R142A's in the first place? They are first made in a hard drive, and then downloaded into the R142's.


    So reverse the process, that way you would be saving space and not confuse passengers.

    Some of the things you say make me laugh lol

  10. That is not even the point. The product is still late, things like that hurt your reputation a lot especially if you are dealing with a big company like the MTA which is the biggest in the country. I'm surprised the R32s lasted this long without falling over there MDBF is lower than the R42s now.

    It Goes to Show How Good Budd Really built the R32s back in 1963 , these new company's are no where near as good as like Budd , St Louis were It's sad Bombardier have always been known to deliver their products late dating back to the R62As.

  11. They should. But I guess the notion of it is "if it looks like a 62A, then its a 62A."


    I've already seen a couple of times the 18xx coupled together on the (1).

    Iv said this before and ill say it again , what they need to do is have the (6) keep R62A's 1651-2000 and the (1) keeps 2001-2475 , excluding the single sets that the shuttle has.

  12. How many sets of R62A does the (7) have because I see so many of them on the (7) at once? That isn't the case with the R142A's on the (6). The (6) is borrowing R62A's from the (1)

    Since I ride the (6) to go to work , There's times Iv seen 7 or 8 sets of R62A's back to back before finally seeing an R142A , iv noticed lately for some reason the dispacher for the (6) lays up most of the R142A's after the am and pm rush , As for the (7) it seems like Corona does that on purpose so that after rush hour they can lay them up and send em back to yard,

  13. You would think that but lately they've been using more of the R142As and whatever's left to boot. They tend to always put the R62As first to the storage yard after every peak service on the (6). As for the R62As on the (7), I suggest cherishing them on the (7) while it last, for those who like them on the line because maybe by this time next year R62As would be a hard find on the Flushing line.

    My Commutes on the (6) are normally R62A's , I catch them usually early in the morning and even after the PM rush,

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