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Posts posted by Dunnlick

  1. Your aloud to get new boots and I highy recommend you buy your own boots I've got my paper work in the process a dude in my gang just picked up a pair a timbs and said it's like walking on air compared to the ones you get from transit plus he said his back doesn't hurt anymore after about 2 weeks in his new boots. This forum is mostly opinions and I'm just giving mine you will all figure your way down here what works for you. Take what you want from what people say but only you know what's best for you that goes for how to work as well. Everyone down here is an expert and had a better way to do things like swinging a jerry or slotting etc... Some things may work others won't but I assure you there's nothing to worry about down here so don't over think everything and enjoy the job it is def a lot of fun. Good luck and congratulations to everyone coming in next class

  2. Thats great news. Thank for all your help. Hope to see you in the same class as me. Ill keep the forum posted to return the favor.

    When you go to orientation sit in the back so you can fall asleep without them noticing lol it's two full days of paper work mad boring so is the school but once you get over that hump it's all gravy
  3. For another drug test...no.


    For medical and possibly final processing...yes.

    If you followed the posts you would see his drug test expired the 28th of December so he needs To retake the drug test and it is usually an all day process I was there for over 8 hours just to pee in a cup. Then was called the following Friday to come down or medical and final processing was the same for my entire class.

  4. Even better news, just received a letter to go down to Livingston for my second drug test on Thursday the 21st. Looks like it's happening sooner than later. List number in the 485-495 range.


    EDIT: Also, do I have to fill out this pre-employment packet for a second time? I've been seeing some conflicting information. Some say you do, some say you don't. I've been trying to get through to Livingston, I guess I'll keep trying.

    Congrats you are gonna most likely go down for a drug test then expect a call within the next week or two following that, the call is when you go for final processing. You don't need to fill out the entire packet but they should have sent you the same form you filled out the first time you went in a few pages long asks about work history and a few others that must be filled out again I repeat not the big packet. I didn't fill out the smaller one they sent because I had already filled it out but when I got there they made me fill it out again so do it now. Also the lowest seniority number is 1761 so they need another 239 hires to make the federal mandated amount of 2000 track workers good luck stay clean.

    Got a letter today to go in two days to start my process. I cant take off work, so they were pretty cool about it and said just come down any day this week or next. Looks like the are processing people everyday...how big are the classes?

    Usually 25-30 per class but they can have back to back classes
  5. Yea my 90 days expired 12/28, as with most of us it'll be round 2. But certification just started today. Doing a little research in the thread the certification for the last 2 classes began in July. But letters weren't received until the end of August beginning of September. But hopefully the letter will come sooner. At least the wheels are turning, if I gotta wait a bit more so be it. Anyway Thanks for that Dunnlick.

    Look on the bright side maybe you will get to start in the spring when it's not so cold out
  6. Thanks for the tip man, but it looks like letters from what this person mentioned. But I'll be expecting either or in any case.

    If you get a letter your gonna go in for a piss test if your time has run out since last piss test (I believe it's 90 days). A phone call then your going down for physical exam and final processing good luck

  7. Those guys that got picked out must have picked "x" or "temp" jobs those jobs are not solid



    Upo were u able to get in capital nights? If so how do u like it?

    Sorry for the late response, I'm in a rail gang working nights and it is awesome. I thought I was gonna hate nights, but turns out nights are way better than days, for me personally. I have a lot more time to spend with my kids so I love it. The work is heavy but fun I love manual labor coming from a contractors background this gig is great. You get to use some cool power tools and hand tools the guys are chill and work gets done. Hope you are happy where you are and te track is treating you well.

  8. Most of us will from the looks of it now. I took my test on 9/28, either way doesn't bother me, I don't even drink so I have nothing to worry about. They can test me another 5 times on their dime. I'm pretty certain allot of people failed the drug test, just by the sheer amount of people they called in to take it. I think they got up to around 650-700 for the tests. I'm in the 485-495 range so hopefully I make the next batch for medical processing. Atleast we got the 21 page encyclopedia of our lives filled out. From looking at other employment threads, it looks like we'll get a letter for the second drug test, basically the same as the first one we got. I remember when I was down there on 9/28, they had another line for people taking a 2nd drug test, and there was a good 40+ people on that line.




    Plenty of good information here, of course some of it won't be 100% accurate, but good luck if you're going to call 180 Livingston for any sort of inside information on when the next class is. I tried that twice and failed miserably. List is moving like molasses, and there's nothing we can do about it except be patient.

    Yeah I had to retake the drug test as well. The letter they sent said come in for final processing an medical, so was stoked. In the MTA fashion I waited at Livingston on the day I report ad was there for 8 hours just to do another drug test but was called to come down for final processing. So if it's a letter probably gonna be a drug test the phone call means final processing. Good luck everyone

  9. By a federal law there must be 2000 track workers that's why they have been hiring so much out class was up to seniority number 1947 and 27 more people came in so that's 1974 so by law they need to hire 26 more people if you include people getting promoted and retiring that number will jump again and from what I hear a lot if people are retiring also a lot of white hats are retiring too which mean those spots need to be filled opening up more track jobs from people stepping up to Forman good luck guys it takes patients seems like forever but it will come

  10. Dunnlick when you say "tubes" do you mean the under water river tubes connecting the boroughs or the tunnels (the hole) going from station to station within a borough.


    I ask because I spent 6 years in a "tube gang" that only worked in the underwater river tunnels.

    In class the teachers called it the tubes so just going by their terminology, but the gang I work with does work in tubes the L N and R line going into Brooklyn bedford the 2 and the 3 they do a few tubes I've only been in the tunnels so far sure it won't be long though

    Hey dunnlick are you in capital or maintenance. Congrats. Spikemauler class ends December 4th

    Got in a rail gang got a few other new guys that were capital days class before me and all got bid out now their workin nights on the rail gang. Guess it's better I started nights instead of getting days and use to that money then thrown to nights with no OT
  11. Going in for my 3rd night in the tubes and it is nothing like they said it would be trains coming flying by you so that hype is some b@ullsh$t. The guys that flag on the gang I'm in won't let a train through unless he sees we are all off the track. The trains come about evey 15-20 min and they go slow very slow past you with plenty of time to set up move tools everything. Everyone is mad cool we def have a good time it's not like the training yard when only one or two things are goin on and slow, these guys move and jerries are swinging nutrunner is going rail slotter runnin everything and it moves fast so just look around so you don't get hit by a tool if you are close they let you know but you don't wanna be that guy good luck everyone

  12. spoke to one of your classmates today at 38th street yard. They said you guys had some really crappy picks such as cleaner. My class was fortunate in that regard. About 15 capital jobs and 15 maintenance. Both days and nights. Anyway good luck and if you don't have your CDL take the test and get your permit before the next bid comes up. You could bid right out of chambers street. The test costs $10 bucks and it costs another 12 for them to issue you the permit. If they tell you that you have to take a medical tell them that your job will do it for you. Otherwise they won't issue you a permit. Also bring your passport with you to the exam. They won't issue you a permit without that either. Also your classmates were highly doubtful that you guys dug out 100 ties in the BX the other day. They got a good laugh about that.

    Then you are talking to people that weren't there or have no idea how to count if you go to Westchester yard and see the stretch we cleared you count the ties from the tracks next to it and do your own math anyhow good luck, starting tunnels tonight and yeah taking that cdl test next Thursday

    Oh just realized you said 38th street yard your in Brooklyn yeah they don't do sh@t there. They spent a few days just watching tv in a trailer they had it made in the shade. We are building tracks and fixing yards in the Bronx they put us to work

  13. Not yet. I might be soon, how is parking there? Deciding on if I should drive or take the train.

    I was in Westchester yard yesterday with my crew we dug up 100+ ties burried in dirt and ballast some ties just desinigrated think it was the only day gonna be there we'll see it's where ever they decide to send us one more week in training then it's down in the tubes til who knows when lol
  14. I thought it was informative but didn't need to be 8 hours. Those chairs hurt my back too. I'm not digging the 90 days until insurance kicks in because winter is when your most likely to get sick. What did you think of it?

    Get use to it it's the MTA (May Take Awhile) everything is drawn out and takes way longer than needed but remember your getting paid to sit there and collect all that information a lot of jobs would have you figure it out on your own and on your own time took 8 hours to get fitted for our respirators just think how long it took you to get called in for the first day took test in 2012 so thing def move slow but I think it's all worth it in the end congrats by the way
  15. It wouldn't surprise me one bit about accidents going unreported to the general media. I've worked in construction for close to 20 years, I've been a union roofer for 13 of those years. As far accidents, I've been on 2 job sites where there were deaths due to a fall, I've been on many were guys were maimed, burned, cut severely, etc you get the idea. Except for the one fall which was at 7WTC in 2004, the rest of those accidents didn't make the paper or the 5 o'clock news. I myself have had many close calls, and if it wasn't for a fall arrest system I probably wouldn't be typing this right now. I consider myself a very safe person, but accidents do happen even to the most careful and conscientious workers out there.


    I'm currently on the list just like many in this thread, and I'm well aware of the dangers I'll face. I would think getting hit by a train would be somewhat easy to avoid as long as there is proper flagging, and just a good buddy system of everyone looking out for everyone. The big culprit is electricity, you could be the most careful person in the world trip, and become a victim to a 600 volt death. I'll tell you something if somehow a person miraculously survived being electrocuted, they would most likely be a permanent resident of the Weill Cornell Burn Unit, amongst many other problems. In general, and as dp142 made some fine points, PPE, and situational awareness are your best friends.


    You're worried about metal dust ? Wear your respirator, I've worked with some of the most caustic substances in the construction industry, materials which are used in commercial roofing and waterproofing systems. I've always wore my respirator even in an outside well ventilated environment. You might looking like a dick with it on, but you'll save yourself allot of problems later on in life. Always hook up if you're working on elevated lines, nowadays it's mandatory on 99.9% of constuction sites, do not take a chance, falling 30-60+ feet is a guaranteed death or paralysis. Frankly you can die falling 5 feet, it all depends on how you land. In any event it's just the nature of the industry, and unfortunately no matter how careful you are, noone has control of their destiny. Especially when random freak accidents can happen.


    Here's the news article below of the death at 7WTC, I also knew this person, we were doing temporary waterproofing at the site during this time period when the building was being erected. He was part of the carpenter crew building the temporary sheds in the open shafts, while we were waterproofing those sheds that were erected. To this day noone knows how he fell, noone was near him when it happened. But something as simple as not hooking up for 20 seconds can cost you your life.



    I'm with ya on safety guys at my last job broke my stones because I always had on a mask and safety glasses and gloves and will continue on this job some people think cause your outside it won't affect them 15-20 years down the line when it's to late maybe they will wizen up but you gotta look out for number one and on this job you gotta look out for everyone to keep number one safe to
  16. Is it true they cut your training time down to four weeks?

    Here's the breakdown 2 day at Livingston going over insurance benifits eeo and all the boring stuff then we spent 9 days at ps 248 in Brooklyn then we were split into two groups one in Bronx one in Brooklyn started Tuesday went til today now gotta go to 38th street yard in Brooklyn tomorrow and Monday and back to ps 248 on Tuesday then back into field until November 13th then we start he 16th then they will call us back to wherever they do flagging do that for 9 days and that's it gotta make that first year
  17. Night Diff on my last check was a $1.50 an hour.

    Honestly, I don't remember if it's a set amount like a $1.50 or a percentage of your hourly rate but I can check tomorrow if someone really wants to know.


    Overtime is anything OUTSIDE your regular tour.

    Some outside jobs want you to go past 8 hours, 40 hours or however they pay you. My brother in the private sector who is paid once a month gets OT after 160 hrs.


    If your tour is 8 am-4 pm for example but you report early in the morning at 4 am (like on weekends in capital) but go home sick at 12 noon you are paid OT from 4 am to 8 am then straight time from 8 am to 12 noon then sick time from 12 noon to 4 pm.


    Lets say you fill out a PB form (personal business) and come in at 12 noon instead of 8 am and have to stay late for an emergency. You are paid from 8 am-12 noon vacation time / OTO or comp time (your choice) then regular from 12 noon to 4 pm then OT for anything past 4 pm.


    Also, if you are out sick 3 days in one week, doesn't matter if you have Dr's lines or not, the sick days are together or separate, you will not be paid the bonus (half time) for any OT worked that week. only straight time for the extra hours worked.


    You can take vacation days, OTO or Comp time and come in and still get paid the bonus for any days worked with OT.

    Those types of time off do not affect your OT.


    Lastly, unless it changed you are not paid for your very first sick day you take. That's the TA's gift from you to them, LOL

    Yes it will be $1.50 when it goes up and it's kinda like raises pay goes up each year and night dif goes up until you reach $1.50 atleast that's what my class was told also everyone coming in in my class and from here out you don't reach top pay until your sixth year on the job of corse you can take a specialist job or get a promotion and make more money faster but if you stay strictly track worker gonna take six years
  18. Thanks for the info. One more question if you don't mind. On the paper they gave me it said not to where any sneakers when I go for training but I don't have any boots, do you know if they let you wear anything else?

    Guys were wearing shoes not dress or sneaker but shoes if that makes sense you don't have to wear boots I didn't wear them you will get them the first day of training at ps 248 in Brooklyn and you are expected to wear those boots always from that point out make sure they fit when you get them try them on and walk around in them cause one a the guys in my class got his tried them on after the truck left and had to go on his own the next day into the city to exchange them for another size they aren't that bad either a lot of people cry about a lot of stuff thats just how some folks are they b$tch and moan about everything fortunately for me my class isn't like that just from posts on this blog I've read.
  19. Do you have to fill out the benefits package before the orientation or can you fill it out there because I don't know some of the info like BSC ID. Also does anyone know the difference between the two bluecross insurance plans. I don't see any except that one costs $26 more a month.

    You have 90 days to fill out Benefit package or they will choose for you the difference between blue cross and clue cross plus is the one you pay extra for you use their dental the other plans you don't pay for you get MTA dental the only advantage to having the blue cross is if you have kids and they are close to 19 because with blue cross they are covered to 21 but you can choose to get the blue cross when kids are of age and use MTA dental until the united health care there are no copays blue cross has either $15 or $20 company per person per visit but united health care is only good in NY but how often do you use health care in another state for me it was a no brainier unless once again you have kids going to school out of state using blue cross they are covered but they will go over everything in detail once you start class good luck

    Do you have to fill out the benefits package before the orientation or can you fill it out there because I don't know some of the info like BSC ID. Also does anyone know the difference between the two bluecross insurance plans. I don't see any except that one costs $26 more a month.

    You have 90 days to fill out Benefit package or they will choose for you the difference between blue cross and clue cross plus is the one you pay extra for you use their dental the other plans you don't pay for you get MTA dental the only advantage to having the blue cross is if you have kids and they are close to 19 because with blue cross they are covered to 21 but you can choose to get the blue cross when kids are of age and use MTA dental until the united health care there are no copays blue cross has either $15 or $20 company per person per visit but united health care is only good in NY but how often do you use health care in another state for me it was a no brainier unless once again you have kids going to school out of state using blue cross they are covered but they will go over everything in detail once you start class good luck
  20. I was 519


    Yeah I was in that same class, yeah I was reading someone said there was a 10/26 class so I was thinking that class but you're right more likely a December of January Class

    You are 100% correct there is an October 26 class gonna have 28 people in the class your gonna start with 2 days at Livingston the most boring by fat then you will head over to ps 248 in Brooklyn for 9 days then you will go into the field in either the Bronx or Brooklyn this is were you get your first taste of seniority you will be in field for four weeks and have to come back to Brooklyn 3 more times once for your respirator once for fire evac training and not sure why we have to come back again and since it's so backed up you will start work after your 4 weeks then you will be called in for a 9 day flagging corse
  21. Please stop with the misleading information. It is very annoying.



    Thank you for clarifying this, I appreciate it.

    Just going by what I was told in class by an instructor you don't need to listen to a thing that is said it's your choice take what you want from it so when you see a post from me ignore it
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