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Posts posted by jetfan74

  1. Jetfan, I'm still waiting myself.  Dre and those guys had to wait like 2 months!  Now it's our turn.  I'm hoping they call sooner than later, though.


    I'm excited for the guys starting Phase II.  Please check in when you can to let us know how you all are doing.  Good luck!

    I check this place often to see if you got the call yet. My heart skips a beat everytime my phone rings.

  2. I am the one that stands corrected.   I meant Phase 1.  Apologies.


    No sweat, we're all in the same boat looking for whatever information we can find and at the end of the day not learning much of anything new.

    Thats why I questioned your post, It went against everything I had previously read and I figured I got something else wrong about this long and never-ending process :)

  3. No.  At the end of panel interview, I asked about when I would be notified that I was moving on to Phase II.  I was told to keep an eye on my inbox, and that I could be notified at any time.  That's when they went into how things are dependent on the number of qualified candidates and available seats.


    I heard a tentative start date was November.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Phase 2 depend entirely on if you get through Phase 1?  


    As far as how many people passed, I have no idea.  I asked the HR Rep and she kind of gave me the impression that she didn't want to share the number, all she said was "not many"

  4. 2 months...damn.   I recently had my panel interview and they said they were going to have a class in November, I guess it depends on the amount of qualified people they have to consider.  I've been sweating since the interview just to hear something, after 2 months I might not have hair on my head.


    Thanks for the answers, BTW!!

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