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L Bo

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Posts posted by L Bo

  1. All posting as a student for Train Operators, you will be assigned to a trainer, and work your trainer's job under their careful observation for the entirety of the run. So minimum 8 paid hours. During that time, you will also be able to ask questions, and the trainer will go over certain things with you. Specifically regarding yard posting, your trainer should take you out to walk around the entire yard to familiarize you with the layout and any important physical characteristics, as well as the locations of towers, crew rooms, the barn, the car desk, key switches, and where the various yard leads will take you. They can also answer any questions you may have about the equipment in that yard.


    Odd...this is different than the questions in the simulator, I assume. Why make newer people take tests with work trains questions on it when they were never familiarized with it? Doesn't seem to serve much purpose...


    If you are talking about the 62s, that's hands down the best equipment in the system when you get a hang of it. Take a light brake, wait for it, and hold it. Those are the best braking trains in the system, so if you need more you can grab more and you'll get it. Feather down to release to smooth out the stop at the end. Never go all the way to running release and you'll be fine. Don't dip below 20 pounds at high speeds (>10 MPH) and you'll avoid lurching the train.


    Only train in the system you can fly into a station at 40 MPH and make a smooth stop without grabbing more than 40 pounds of air at any point.


    Signals are less complicated than you'd think, we see them all the time and eventually it becomes second nature. The important thing is knowing what to do when you see a signal. Plenty of people can tell you what a yellow signal means, but will you slow your train to such a speed that you won't hit the red signal you didn't see hidden behind that box or cable? Or will you be the guy sitting on your hands on the famous bench at 2 Broadway talking about ("I slowed down, but I didn't see the signal")?


    Route familiarization is just like driving. It takes time, but eventually you learn where all the "turns" are, which "lights to avoid", etc. In the beginning it will seem overwhelming, just carry route guides, respect your yellows, and before long you'll know where all the signals are.

    The next time I'm on the 3, I'll try that.


    But as for now, I'M A SCHOOL CAR GRADUATE!!! Passed the final exam and practical this week! Start pounding the road Monday!!! We lost 2 on the practical from another class. So out of 3 train operator classes, which totaled 30 people, the final number to graduate is 15 so far. (One is on a honeymoon, another was on a medical restriction, which will make 17 if they pass.)


    It's a HARD process, but very well worth the effort on this side of the training. But it doesn't stop here. Good luck to all starting, going and/or finishing school car.

  2. that is said, we lost 5 people in 1 shot because "young" was pissed off at our TSS, so he took it out on the class, usually they will let you redeem yourself on a fill in but on a multiple choice its cut and dry



    Young don't play. Know what you're saying and be confident in saying it!! But if he smells fear...LOL!


    Be mindful that the last signals test is ALL WRITE IN! No multiple choice!! It was about 15 questions and NO ROOM FOR ERROR! Know your full flagging and RSEC!! We had an hour to do it.


    Preparing for school car and all of the traveling one topic I haven't seen covered is parking..  I know everyone doesn't travel to the stations by train.  Are the cars that are parked upon the curb the cars of T/O's & TSS..  What's the best way to travel?



    Driving is risky but I understand necessary for some. Just know they're not interested in any excuse not related to traffic ON TRANSITS SYSTEM. If you're late cause of a flat tire, baby mama slashed your tires, Jesus took the wheel, etc, expect a G2 waiting for you when you arrive. Give yourself at least 30 minutes before your report time to find a spot no matter where you report to.


    Thanks for the quick response. I've also heard that the A division has more of an updated RR system.. "Automatic way's to trip up and get called downtown"  A division would be ideal because of where I live.. As opposed to the B division where you can cover up a missed signal.  The T/O's on the A division have been VERY vocal in person about missing signals which lead to the obvious retention rate of the 2016 maturation process from school car to the end of 1st-year probation.  Does this hold any merit?



    I'm in the A and I love it. Its definitely more precise operation cause the stations are not as long as in the B and an overrun can happen very easily if you're not paying attention to the type of station you're pulling into (grade, curve, not braking early enough for a fast station, etc) and over here, RCC knows EVERYTHING!! Minor things can be "excused" as long as your honest. Lie and your fate can be sealed when the truth comes to light. However, things do happen. The best time to have an incident (cause when you're new, it's highly possible) is while in school car. After probation, 2 Broadway is a VERY unforgiving place to go as per the "vets" I've spoken with.


    When you guys yard post do you do it for the entire day or does it end up like 3 hours yard post and 5 hours hammering the subways. I tried to visualize everything. Sounds like hard job alot of times. Moving trains early in the morning and then boom you're operating the q train all the way from Brighton beach to the city.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

    YX is yard posting and yes it's for the whole day and lasts for about 2 months. Some dispatchers in some yards won't give moves to rookies, so you may sit and do nothing or if you're lucky, they'll pair you with a senior person. I've never heard of anyone working a yard and then doing the road, unless they asked, but even that would only happen to someone road and yard qualified (put ins and lay-ups are the only exception to working in the yard and then the road or vice-versa). No one is road qualified until they complete AND PASS the road ops practical.

  3. What's the "YX exam"? Haven't heard of that one. Is that something new they're doing with you guys for practice now?



    I don't know when they started but it covers all types of revenue trains (A and B division), work trains and what problems you can encounter with them. Not a fair test if you were never trained on both divisions and work trains. It's not held against you though.


    When did they start doing that?


    See above.


    that person who failed, that's it for that person? no coming back?

    As far as I know, he's done. He mixed a low home and a marker signal. They ain't trying to hear excuses.


    Next week is the final test and road ops practical. Feeling pretty good but the ecams are THE WORST! LOL! Took 3 trips for me to get the hang of it. I'm pretty sure our test is gonna be on that equipment. SMH....

  4. Today was the final signals exam. Everyone passed except one person. They're being real strict with the rules now. We also took the YX exam. EVERYONE failed that. Highest score was a 71. I somehow got a 69. Start road operations next week.


    As a note, be VERY careful when moving trains! Follow the rules or be a victim of them!


    220 days til permanent.

  5. I filled mines out again. I went down there with a copy and they were like, hold up Missy....u need to fill this out again..lol. Its just the application. The 21 page packet you take with you when you get called for final processing I believe.

    They made a copy of the first few pages and the last ones that needed the new date, I filled those out again. If you ask if that can be done depending on who you're working with, they may let you do that.


    hello, I have a question. Did you have to go and have a test done for your sugar and/ or protiens or any type of blood work during your physical?

    It was hearing, vision, color distinguishing and urine. Unless they found something specific to your test before, that's new to me.


    Also, it's VERY important that you follow their instructions CLEARLY!! They don't like you trying to change transit ways to your way. Think of the MTA HR department the cousins of those at the DMV. LOL!


    Also, once hired, DO NOT BE LATE!!! Lawd, Hey-sus, please don't do that!! People have been made example of in quite a few instances!!!! If you have a lateness problem, fix that ASAP or it will be fixed for you. And that goes for everyone coming in. My class started with 10. We went down to 7 for various reasons. Another class started with 10, they're down to 5. A few of them dropped out when they saw what the job really entails. It's REAL down here.


    Also, be prepared to do A TON OF STUDYING!!! The books and tools are heavy, and depending on who your TSS is, may make you bring everything everyday!!


    Good luck & knowledge to all of you!

  6. Passed all practicals and signals test. Been Yard posting this week.


    Lost a lot of people on the cuts and adds cause people banked on doing it on a R62, when if fact, we were told to be prepared to do it on anything. So what happens? We had to do it on a R142. Shit got real, REAL FAST! So a whole class was reading the book MINUTES before the practical. Given by superintendents James, Gibbs and Young. Those of you who know Young, knows he don't play!


    Gaining so much knowledge from the seniors at the yards and writing down the moves on the schematics we got. This came in EXTREMELY handy!


    292 days til permanent.

  7. this is why sometimes a lot of old school guys would take students , its like a refresher course for them and they learn new things from a student straight out of school car

    Hopefully I'll get lucky enough to get someone who is not only knowledgable, but knows HOW to share that knowledge. Not everyone is a good teacher.


    Yup and don't think for a minute learning stops when you pass schoolcar. If anything, it's just beginning. You need to keep learning until the day you retire. Things will change after you learn them too. No one here...NO ONE...knows everything. So keep learning and beware of anyone who claims to know everything...they always don't.

    I've ran into to a few of the know-it-alls here. I listen, assess and evaluate the information I'm given. Most of it is BS. Train practical, reading iron and cuts and adds Monday. Signals on Wednesday. I feel ready. Our TSS's are beasts!


    305 days to perm.

  8. I realized today that there are gonna be days where it seems like everything clicks and I have it all figured out. Then there are gonna be days so overwhelming that I'm gonna feel like I'm making the biggest mistake going thru all this.


    The best analogy I can give to make sense of this crazy cycle is School Car is a scavenger hunt. Grab EVERYTHING they give you (knowledge and hands on experience), then sit quietly somewhere and piece it all together. It WILL come together if you're paying attention. I'm realizing that now.


    312 days to perm.

  9. Scary. Hopefully this is a lesson to all of us who enjoy using our smartphones for so many things.

    I'm thinking the best tactic is to turn off the phone (not put it on silent mode, shut the damn thing off) whenever going into the yard or on the train. And have it zipped into your bag, not your pocket.

    Question - is phone use acceptable while waiting for an assignment? Can you be on your phone while other people are watching TV or socializing?

    Or is it better to just have the phone off whenever you're on the clock?

    Speaking as someone whose a tech geek, I've gone cold turkey while in Schoolcar. It's not easy, but necessary.


    I believe in the crew room it's allowed, but once you leave, it better not be in your hands. This goes for the watches as well. The bulletin is VERY clear on this topic. What I am wondering is if it applies to fitbits also. If the phone is off, then there is no information going TO the watch.


    I don't wanna miss out on all the steps, but if I have to I will.

  10. Another thread of juiciness.


    Thanks guys. Reconfirming what I already felt. These books are intimidating but I realize that they don't expect us to read it all immediately. But THATS where the overwhelming kicks in!! I checked that feeling once I got settled in at home and started reading the rules. Next thing I knew, I was finished with the chapter. Most of this is common sense, but as we know, sense is not always common.


    I can already see some people failing out of Schoolcar cause they still have that "I'm not doing that attitude" towards the rules they're being told on what NOT to do. A few of the TSS's told me out of 60 T/O's in a class, IF they keep 30, that's amazing! THATS CRAZY!! But I get it. Not everyone can follow rules, so they rather be victims to them. The cell phones and sleeping to, from and in Schoolcar is gonna get them.

  11. Wow extended training. That's new. 8+4 I guessAlesso is a good instructor. He has 28 years in the job. I can't stand his voice though.

    It was some terrorist defense type training.


    I always keep snacks with me. Always have. I stay away from the junk now. Fruits and stuff. I'm trying to stay healthy.


    On a crazy side, the safety TSS supervisors spoke to us today. They fired a c/r for using a tablet as a phone while in service last night. He HAD 15 years on the job. SMH......


    Oh and WTF with these books and tools?!?!?!!!?!!?? LOL! I weighed my bag and its 25lbs!!


    360 left.

  12. Yes I'm in the A division also

    Cool. Hopefully we'll cross paths whenever I hit the road.


    Today we met with the heads of training at PS 248 during the morning and a couple of TSS's. The infamous Alesso was one of them (he really knows his stuff). We watched videos, ate at John's for lunch and will be getting boots, tools and the like tomorrow. We also have to work Monday with NO OT. Oh well...we'll get a taste of OT tomorrow (4 hours) for extended training.


    361 days to go.

  13. I've been on this forum over a year my brother introduced me to it we also took the exam together this threa helped me out tremendously gave me allot of info, answered questions as officially as Thursday I got the probationary removed from my name the year flew by especially when I started pounding the road. Guys it's out there for you, you just gotta want it & take it with everything it's what you put in GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE



    I got A division so I'm happier now. And as we've all encountered, there's that ONE person in the class I gotta just SMH at.


    The paperwork just doesn't seem to end!! LOL!


    363 days to go.

  14. Congratulations


    Congrats L Bo. I'm one of the few train operators that post on here who is still going through schoolcar so if you have any questions feel free to ask.



    The only concern I have is if I'll be able to pick my division. I'm really hoping for A.


    I've followed your posts and you're another one of the people that really seemed to enjoy it. How much more do you have to go?


    Congrats guys

    Thanks man!

  15. After 4 months of waiting since my first visit (I did another drug test and more paperwork 2 weeks ago since they told me the drug test is no good after 3 months) I am officially in and starting Monday. My friend who took the test with me got his first letter to go in next week and his number is 83**. My number is 69**.


    This is the most surreal feeling I've had in a minute. Hoping for A division!! LOL!

  16. I've studied this particular list. I'm very happy you got in btw. About 11000 people took the exam. Many people moved or couldn't wait or changed adresses. I know someone personally who told me yesterday that he waited about 15 months from applying to being sworn in.

    The key to this process is the civil exam. Learn nyc landmarks and brush up on reading comprehension and learn good customer service skills. He said the new civil service exams sometimes within the questions it has the answers.

    For example : where is citi-field located in queens: a)brooklyn b)new york city c) queens d) bronx

    That's the kind of questions and ofcourse more challenging questions too.

    For the signal exam make flash cards and study those he said.

    Thanks Moody. Still waiting to hear back from them for the next step. Only a week now, but it took 7 years to get this far. I'm patient.


    I'm WAY too familiar with NYC. More than I care to be at this point. LOL!

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