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Posts posted by Jak1234

  1. I have everything down pretty good for the S and D. I believe there is 75 definitions and 127 signals in my booklet. One question, I keep thinking my instructor told us we do not need to know zone A restricting for the test because it would be confusing with zone c restricting. Can anyone confirm or unconfirm?

    Actually, I guess it doesn't matter about the restricting thing since I learned all of them. I have a few questions.


    1.When do they do a credit check? Is it done with the background check? I am a recent college graduate and the only thing I have to show for is making my student loan payments on time.


    2.What are some examples of the panel interview questions so I can prepare if I am to pass. How exactly is it done?



  2. I have everything down pretty good for the S and D. I believe there is 75 definitions and 127 signals in my booklet. One question, I keep thinking my instructor told us we do not need to know zone A restricting for the test because it would be confusing with zone c restricting. Can anyone confirm or unconfirm?

  3. Got the overview email today. Are the sample definitions and signals ones that we will need to know for the exam? Just want to get a head start and begin studying those. Also, how many total of each will we be given at the overview? Is there anywhere to look to get a head start and begin studying them all?

  4. The next class isn't until January so you guys have some time to get things sorted.  Keep studying your S&D's.  

    My background check just completed last week and I believe the next step is waiting on the S&D overview date. We have not received any study material yet. Is there anything I should be looking at in the meantime? Also, do you remember how long it took for them to contact you after the background check completed for the overview date?

  5. I submitted my background check on friday. About how long does it take for everything to be verified? I'm a little worried about one job because the building closed down and the phone number probably won't work. However, I was able to get a supervisors email to put down. How exactly do they even verify these things?

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