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Posts posted by dremoney9972

  1. 56 minutes ago, JPBCNY said:

    I got the invite for Saturday.  Fingers crossed for the rest of you on here as well.  Honestly, seeing how everyone on here is looking out for and giving advice to strangers has me as motivated for the job as anything else.

    Were you at the open house last Thursday? 

  2. 23 hours ago, JPBCNY said:

    She said that she's recommending you to move on?  I was there on Thurs, and felt like I did really well on the test.  But nothing like that was said to me.  Is it possible to blow it in that interview?  Or maybe your interviewer was more open than mine.

    Last couple of interview I had they said they were recommending me to move forward.  Yet I haven't heard anything past the initial invite to the open house.  So who knows.  Backlog, waiting list... Anyone's guess.  We'll see what happens. 

  3. Anyone who went to the open house yesterday think we'll get called for next Saturday? Lady said she's recommending me to move on and with the time line it looks like quite the time crunch for an agency that usually moves at a snails pace... Looking forward to hearing others' experiences... Hopefully the call comes quickly. 

  4. 4 hours ago, danielhg121 said:

    Pretty sure your federal locomotive engineer license will be tied to your driver's license so I would get it. Even then, to perform the duties of an engineer, you're given 3 hours to report anywhere on the railroad so not having a driver's license is pretty detrimental to getting there on-time.

    The person who took and looked over my application said you don't need a driver's license for engineer, I think it's more a matter of being able to get to the jobs wherever and when you need to be there, but it's not in the job description as necessary. 

  5. Anyone go for the pre employment tests for crew dispatcher? How did you find the tests to be? I went this afternoon and got through about half of each 5 minute test.  Finished the personality assessment in about half the time allotted.  Anyone able to finish the 5 minute tests? I tried to just work accurately and not rush, answer correctly what I was able to get through. 

  6. What do you guys mean by paperwork not matching resume? The paperwork from their background check?

    Yes.  They need the resume to match the application and background check.  so if it doesn't match you'll get a call to fix the paperwork.  no big deal just go through the motions and give them what they want.

  7. Hey Dre,


    Man it took quite a while. There were some issues with paperwork not matching up for me as well. it took a month for things to get cleared up but it finally did so just hang in there. For medical I just wore a t-shirt, sneakers and a pair of jeans; nothing too serious. Hope this helps 

    Hey CT,

    thanks for the info, did they give you a start date or no? I guess some people have been given a tentative start date with the conditional offer?

  8. Hey guys. I know it's been a while ! I hope everyone is having a great holiday. I'm finally headed to medical this week. Anyone going through background be patient because it can take a while!


    how long did your back check take?  Been in contact with Fed and they've been back and forth with us a few times on things not matching in paperwork but back check is all completed consider/clear so any timeframe would be appreciated.  also how are you dressing for medical my brother in mnrr said dress bus casual but I've seen some say dress comfortably due to the PAT.  TIA.

  9. Gotcha Dre, thanks! Just curious

    That's what they did back in '13 when I went but like this thread has gone, a lot of the procedures and what they want you to study has changed since then so best thing is just to go to the overview and listen to the directions given.  no interpretation, no studying anything that you're not told to, etc...

  10. Hey Guys-


    New to the forum, took and passed the S&D on 5/23.  Anybody else who passed that day hear back about next steps?

    no, nothing yet.  they said end of last week, low and behold we're still waiting.  the timeframe looks about 3-4 weeks from previous posts.  we do have now the train horns and buzzers/hand signals to know for first day of class, so there's something to do there.  next she said would be contacting with conditional offers and sterling link for back check.  I'm actually going to the irs office next monday to get all my w2 transcripts, being proactive about it so there won't be any delays when they do call and get us going, something I'd recommend for all waiting candidates as via mail it takes about a month, if you go into a local office they can take care of it in about a half an hour when you're there.

  11. Yeah those are the next steps. They call to extend a conditional offer. I know you are as excited as I am at this point Dre! I am currently going through them now. waiting for my background to finish up hopefully it wont be much longer 

    Hey CT,

    I recall Ms. Oliver saying they were going to send out letters with the offers?  I'm just going by what I heard but if they call then that's what I'm waiting for, I  guess?  so what is it?  they call with a conditional offer then email you  the sterling link for back check then when back check is completed go for pat and physical and get start date?  again I am unfamiliar with the next steps as I've only made it to the entrance exam previously. thanks!

  12. Gotcha, thanks Dre. I wasn't sure if I had to be studying the horns too now for overview. She made it sound like you would be questioned at overview maybe on it. lol. Whats your next step, waiting on physical exam?

    Hey man,

    Dunno what the next step is, she said sometime last or this week they would be contacting and she said that she would be sending the sterling link for back check and sending conditional offer letters. I'm thinking physical would be next after back check is done? Like I said I've only made it to the entrance exam previously so I don't know what the hiring steps are, just going with the flow and waiting on them to contact.

  13. Ok, thanks. But, at overview there isn't anything expected from us yet, like answering questions there on the spot about this stuff yet? Her wording in email was vague.

    No. They will give you the materials to study and tell you exactly what is on the test and what you need to study and how (verbatim, everything word for word in the exact way in the material). They give you the road map to succeed you just need to put in the time and effort to follow the plan and do what they tell you.

  14. Dre,


    She sent me horns/whistles/hand signals guide to study too. Can I ignore this as it won't be on the S/D Overview or do they quiz you at Overview?? TIA


    Signals and definitions will be on the test. The horn/buzzer/hand signals we will need to know for the first day of class. He told us at the test that the more material we know when we start the easier it will be as they are just going to be piling us on with a lot of stuff and it's critical not to fall behind.

  15. Congrats Fed and Dre! Good luck. How hard was it, did it come easy or nerve wracking experience

    pretty easy, but that's me.  it's different for different people, and the failure rate at ours was a lot lower than usual or when I went back in '13.  back then it was like half the class failed.  this time there were only like 4 or 5.

  16. Anyone get an invitation to the S&D test on 5/23?  I just got an email from LIRR to that effect.  They didn't do that last time I took this in '13, I thought it was a given that you had to show for the test if you went to the overview, or is that them confirming their receipt of the quiz and good to go for the test?  

  17. yeah i've been studying very hard it's sticking more i recommend typing the definitions out on the computer it's better than hand writing them. Also i feel like they did a terrible job of explaining the signals at the overview. 


    as far as what?  it's a matter of memorizing rather than understanding at this point, I'm not following as far as what sort of "explanations" you were expecting?

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