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Posts posted by 2nice

  1. On 7/27/2019 at 6:08 PM, Operator Ace said:

    well, it's official. 

    I have been declined employment. not because of weight or drug screening but because of an unfortunate rule.
    i'm referring to Rule 4.7.1 (c) that states:


    I'm really disappointed and receiving the letter stating so was a real bummer. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this forums. It's been a blast. I wish you all the best.

    Best regards,
    List number 98x 

    Any crazy arrests? Bad driving records? Bad employment history? Something had to of happen for them to choose this rule against you. That's just my opinion because i know people on the job with with bad records and they still were able to get on.

  2. 2 hours ago, Jericho said:

    Damn, I may be put on medical hold. I have an 18" neck and my pulmonologist is taking too long to assign me a sleeping test device (all loaned out to other patients). I am going to assume I'm going to get one from the MTA doctor anyway at this rate. Hopefully, I'm only on hold for a week or two...

    I would try to go to any pulmonary dr with the soonest available appointment to try to get it taken care of ASAP. 

  3. 18 hours ago, needajob said:

    1 in 3 Rule or Rule Of Three

    When you take an exam, pass, and end up on a list, under NYS law a hiring manager can select candidates off the list using the “1 in 3 Rule” which is also known as “The Rule of Three”.
    There have been many concerns about this practice, but it has been around a long time.

    Basically, it allows an agency to select one out of three candidates in a particular place on the list, and not have to take the other two of the three.

    For example, if there were three individuals on a list, with respective scores of 100, 95, and 90, and any of them would take the job if offered, the agency can select the one who scored 90 and can disregard the other higher-ranked candidates.

    Here’s another example. Say an agency had five openings. A test was given, and a list was certified where one candidate scored 100, one who scored 95, and twenty who scored 90. The agency can skip the 100 and 95 and take their five from the twenty “90” core candidates.

    I know of several people who has gotten disqualified based on that rule. What people dont know is if you do get disqualified based on that rule, all you have to do is go to DCAS and ask for your name be put back on the list. As long as the list is ACTIVE the agency will have to consider you from a pool of other candidates. You just have to hope there is someone else the agency doesn't want more than you.  

    Do all agencies use this rule though? Or just certain ones. Never heard of sanitation, pd or fire using this.

  4. 112x here.. didn't take the job because I'm trying to become a firefighter in nov, so good luck to the person that gets the spot that I passed up. It's  nice to see that they've passed my number for medicals so I know that if anything crazy happens I'll be next up if I had to put my name back on the list. 

  5. 5 hours ago, JoseL1992 said:

    Thank you all for your input,

    and i feel you 2nice,,, you a step ahead of me I just got called for medical and psychological... if I had the offer on the table i wouldn’t think twice but I don’t do I I figured what not take MTA it just sucks the timing they want me to go in... I’m going to call to see if they let me do it this week instead ... honestly FD for me is not a dream job like it is for most but my heart and calling is without a doubt in helping people in a postal cop now but the pay sucks my dream job will be mta police or port authority but I’ve heard so many positives about fdny .. I’m a family man so I know fdny will work best for that aspect of my life the only thing yet is that I don’t have the offer it’s only a medical and psychological, I’d hate to pass on MTA and then FD doesn’t or takes a while to call my list number is 137x

    Bro..I'm 112x on the list for mta...112x on this list for fire..it's crazy bcuz my list numbers at literally 1 digit apart for 2 diff exams..you'll def be in the nov class with the number. They reached 900's for the first class.. next class will easily hit 15-1600

  6. 11 hours ago, JoseL1992 said:

    I’ll vent with y’all here as well ; I’m in for the June 10th class - I’m also in the hiring process for FDNY and today I received noticed they want me i for medical and psychological on June 11th 😩

    Blessed to be in a stressful situation like this deciding what to do. At the end it’s obviously my call but I simply just wanted others people opinion on what they would do 

    I'm in your same position. Got called for pe 5/24 but I didn't go bcuz I'm supposed to be in the fdny academy in nov. I've already done everything for fd and I'm just waiting for the run letter. Makes no sense to join mta for 4-5 months just to waste their time, my time and take the chance away from someone else knowing I'm going to leave. Mta pays more upfront, but once u hit top pay as a firefighter you'll make more. Plus the scheduling is waayyy better. It's called the best job in the world for a reason. If u had more than a year available to work for mta then I would say go for it bcuz u could always go back if anything happened after u put 1 year in. If u left before that year is up u can't return. It's also another reason why I'm not taking the job, just leaving it in my back pocket just Incase for the future.

  7. 55 minutes ago, MTAHopeful813 said:

    The folks who got the letters what’s your list numbers? Highest so far I’ve seen is 111x, anyone above that?


    im sitting at 115x getting impatient lol.

    I got a letter through email, and a phone call.. 112X

  8. List num 11xx...got the call as well but I'm going to decline so someone else can get pushed up. Expected to start the fdny fire academy in nov. it would be selfish of me to take a position knowing I would leave in 6 months when one of u guys can get your dream job. Good luck to all.

  9. 17 hours ago, Schecter said:

    Yeah like the guy above me said you can't have no pending tickets what so ever, you can't owe the city money while trying to work for the city.

    Mta just doesn't want to hire if u owe tickets. Corrections & nypd is the same. But there are plenty of CITY jobs that WILL hire you if u have tickets. My cousin became a firefighter with pending tickets. Every dept is just different.

  10. 4 hours ago, Schecter said:

    Yeah because the 1st and last PE that I've done was back in November of last year and still haven't heard back. I'll call Ms. Vargas tomorrow and ask her for an update and then I'll let you know what she says.

    Ppl need to stop annoying this lady and wait until they start reaching out to us again. We'll be notified when/if they need us for PE. Everyone here will start posting that they got letters & ect. 

  11. 1 hour ago, acabral136 said:

    Damn I understand u wanting to keep it private but I'm wondering if it's sleep aepna. I don't have it but I'm sure I will get put on hold because I'm overweight. Whatever it is tho best of luck. 

    If u know that start losing the weight now.

  12. 28 minutes ago, TO legacy said:

    The Complete fool that quit from my/our hiring class after 3 PE’s on day 3 didn’t deserve this great career. 

    Only a complete POS loser would give this up. 

    Glad im not working and calling such a loser my brother/ Sister.  


    The rest on my 12/17 class are outstanding. 

    What if he gave it up for something else? I have intentions on taking the job but once I get called for fdny firefighter I'm out lol

  13. 12 hours ago, wrong side of tracks said:

    Hhmmmm, 27 difference....me being list #14xx, well it's the same. If there are 60 in a class, one class this month, 2 in January... And I go with medical being at (Imma use Markguy's number, it's higher😬) 757+60+60+60= Medical list #937.

    From there, I'll be called for medical 8.6 classes later, if it's 60 per class.

    Anyone care to share insight if I'm wrong? Not am exact science, gives a good idea of how long is the wait.

    Thanks in advance.

    They go through more than 60 people to fill a class lol...after 3 classes they should def be higher than 937

  14. 2 minutes ago, stansmithadidas said:

    a lot of people are saying that there's a chance we'll have to do 2 or 3 urine/drug tests. does that mean we'll have to do the application with your job history etc over again each time. is this what happened to those that went through multiple pre employment procedures? if so, what happens/happened to the first and/or second application(s) you fill(ed) out? do they discard them? can't they be kept and used again? how does this work??

    Yes u have to fill it out again..just make copies so it's easier

  15. 3 hours ago, mtaallday said:

    on the application they give you there's a sheet asking if you have ever been fired from the jobs you listed. i said no. i was fired though, from a retail job 19 years ago. will this disqualify me? anyone know?



    Tell the truth..they really don't care lol.. y jam yaself up for no reason..

  16. 2 minutes ago, train1290 said:

    MTAHopeful813, ok so I just looked, it just shows my score for, Bus Operator, Conductor, and Sanitation worker. What now? what does it mean if it doesn't show a score for Train operator? My address is still the same....still living here.

    Means u didn't score the minimum 70 to be on the list.

  17. 48 minutes ago, Jblack9727 said:

    Im number 155* and did my 1st P/E wednesday. I know ill be a while but i feel the need to chime in for those in the higher numbers since only 3 digit lost placements seem active on the post. From what ive gathered im looking forward to @ least 2 more P/e’s and a couple medicals. Im hoping for a march class honestly but would love yall imput


    PS - i was 2nd online and arrived about 5:45am and still didnt leave till 7! They dont go by ticket number so have patience! Thank god i brought my phone charger and a tablet. Caught up on a couple of shows I favor.

    Lol that's wicked.. 5:45am to 7pm.

  18. 1 hour ago, MTAHopeful813 said:

    How did Things go today at 180? Any info to share?

    Dec 17 class and another in January. Lady said both classes has 70 slots each and that she hires in quarters so she doesn't know about the schedule after that. Other than that..got in a 6:30..left at 1..and I was the first group for drug testing. 

  19. 2 minutes ago, acabral136 said:

    Yea you'll be lining up outside until they open the doors at 7 but u will be out quick assuming u have all of your documents and no outstanding tickets. 

    Lol thanks for telling me I woulda been outside for 30 mins lol.. I was driving so I was gonna wear a hoody..parking lot is right next door lol

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