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Posts posted by Mina

  1. 7 hours ago, Schecter said:

    Because the drug test expires every 3 months from what I've heard

    Lol that’s what they want u to think. Jk I understand. But besides that some people got called in April/May and that was their first and only time they went. So idk why they make some people come every 3 months and others not when list #s be in the same range. That’s what I don’t understand. It must be that 1:3 rule they doing to me 😩🤦🏽‍♀️ 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Riku said:

    I’m 15** only took the first one and that was last April 🙄


    35 minutes ago, Schecter said:

    When did you do your first PE


    I did my first one early May. Second in December 3 and the third on February 7 

    Why do some get multiple invites while others just get one if we not too far off in list number ranges? 

  3. 4 hours ago, The Batcave said:

    Just to give you guys an idea of where they are on this list- I was sworn in earlier this week, class starts Feb 25. My list # was 107* 

    Wow Congrats.

    They can’t get to the 1400’s quick enuff lol it’s killing meee. Then they gna send me like 3-5 more PE invites 😩😂😂  

  4. 1 hour ago, JessiBell said:

    Hey all 623 here, I went for final processing yesterday.  Anyone else get hired for the March 18th class?  

    Congrats!! I go on Friday for final processing for the March 18 class. How was the final processing? If u don’t mind telling me what your day consisted of doing? How long, etc...?  Thank you. Looking forward to being in that class!!!

  5. 12 minutes ago, TrueBlu said:

    Relax dear you already pretty much got the job in the bag...from PE to now you will be just fine.

    Lol thanks. I jus be afraid cuz they said u have to explain breaks in employment. Some I am able to but others I can’t. Idk what they are looking to hear exactly but thank you I’ll try not to stress too much. 

  6. 1 hour ago, hmc12989 said:

    It's not an interview where you have to sell yourself. They make sure everything is filled out in the DCAS packet. If you've had any lengthy gaps in employment just be prepared to explain them. Nothing to really prepare for/figure out what to ask the interviewer to seem interested in the job type of things if thats what your worry is.

    Okay thank you so much. I hope I get thru all this. I’m afraid they would find something to disqualify me but hopefully they won’t. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, StationAgent7-2015 said:

    I’m very happy fir you and all the candidates that took this exam in that cold Sunday morning , did the long lines to wait and be let in and take the exam, I wish everyone all the best, on the next phase of this process, keep us posted how it goes, I received my letter in December and my number is high like 3###. Maybe I get called this current year.


    And thank you. I wish you the best too. You probably will be called this year. There’s only 3410 eligibles on this list after they regraded the tests. But good luck to u too. 

  8. I remember I started filling out the 21 page packet last year when they first started calling me for pre employment in April, and only one thing changed for me. So I have to do it again. You will get that packet every time they invite you for PE. But if you do start just hold on to it n don’t date it until they call u for medical. You can add stuff if something changes but make sure it matches the application u gave them wen u went to the PE

    But they haven’t called me in for medical yet nor have they even reached my list number yet. & I’m 14xx’s also. So I’m really waiting for an email or call for medical to start filling out that packet.

  9. Oh okay that doesn’t sound too bad. Lol I kno it was dumb question to ask about training but some jobs don’t really do extensive trainings like that. I mean like they will train u for like a couple of days then expect u to kno everything after. I meant to ask that question differently lol.

    But thank you so much for understanding and answering it perfectly! I take it that ur an employee already, so thanks so much for your info it’s very helpful!

    Hopefully we hear something soon tho. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Schecter said:

    Makes me feel less optimistic now 😟


    Oh nooooo I don’t mean to make you or anyone feel that way. I apologize. I felt the same way too but I was just saying that after all this we are doing I just hope THIS doesn’t happen to me or anyone who’s been waiting and wanting a city agency job. 

    For me tho I have nothing to lose so ima keep doing these pre employments until weneva.... 

    For others I just hope you remain optimistic because you never know, you MAY be deemed more qualifiable than anyone above or below ur list number (shoot maybe even me- which they aren’t even close to appointing yet). IMHO so as long as MTA keeps inviting us in then there’s a good chance we’re in already, they probably just testing us to see if who really wants the job like someone said before.

    But don’t let that 1:3 rule discourage you . I feel that other jobs already do that. They will have 5 positions open, interview 10 people and then only hire 3. Then still have an ad out to fill a position you know you qualified for and yet they didn’t choose you. And sometimes I still don’t be understanding but it is what it is.

    SOAN I hope you stay positive. You probably still have a really great shot being that there wasn’t many qualifications for this position either so it shouldn’t be that competitive. 


  11. So apparently theres a law for agency’s when it comes to consideration and selection.  People will go thru the process many times and will have all the qualifications and get a letter from the agency saying you were considered but not selected and so on. But I had to quoted it from another forum cuz I can’t really explain it like they did here:


    “When a civil service exam is given, a list is established afterwards from which city agencies hire. The list consists of all those who passed the test, ranked by their scores. New York State Civil Service Law requires agencies to utilize the list when they are hiring for that title, and requires them to consider the top three scorers remaining on this list; this is known as the "one-in-three rule." Once a list is established, it remains in effect for one year, and can be extended for up to three additional years.

    One in Three Rule: Under New York State Civil Service Law, this rule provides City agencies with the discretion when hiring to select one of the three eligibles scoring highest on the ranked eligible list of exam passers.

    Your list number as a result is very important. Your agency cannot simply appoint whomever they want, whenever they want. Now they must, by law, proceed in number order while making appointments. If, for example, the Commissioner of the agency is list number 19, the Commissioner cannot be appointed while the first 18 candidates on the list are ignored.

    The One-In-Three Rule.Your agency does not have to appoint every successful candidate. When the agency "considers" candidates whose list numbers are #1, 2 and 3 for the first job, the agency can select the best of the "one-in-three."

    If the agency gives that first appointment to the candidate whose list number is list #1, numbers 2 and 3 are marked "CNS" or considered but not selected. If a second job is available, list #s 2, 3, and 4 must be considered. If #2 is chosen, #3 has been considered but not selected twice and #4, once.

    When a third position is offered, #3, 4 and 5 are considered, but if the job goes to candidate #4, candidate #3 has been considered but not selected three times. His or her name is removed from the list for any future consideration. The Agency can (but does not have to) grant a candidate's written request for later restoration to the list.”

  12. yeah I was there yesterday for the third time. And it did seem like they took all the first timers first. And then they called all the station agents first.

    I was sayin that yesterday how people have on constructs n jeans and its not right how people have to go to extremes just to make it to pre employment and others just show up like it’s a casual first day of school. Lol next time ima wear some uggs and leggings. 

    The application I didn’t have to do again cuz it’s good til March. But I’ve spend like all day waiting too. They called me to the counter to tell me the lab was on hold n I can leave n come back in 40 minutes. That was like at 1pm. They opened up again a little before 2pm. Went in the lab and waited maybe an hour to be called. 

    My thing is I hope that after all this tedious and extraneous work they have us doing that I atleast get an offer. I would hate to be declined especially by that dumb 1:3 random rule for candidacy selections after I’ve met all the qualifications and passed all their pre employment stuff. 

  13. Oh lol dang I was hopin it would be faster than this initial process being that it was only 2 months since the last one. The other times before when I went  more than 90 days had passed between the invites. So It would’ve been nice to jus get straight to medical n final processing. But it’s all good lol. Hopefully this is the last pre-employment. 

  14. I just received a pre employment invite to come in on Feb 7. My list number is in the low 14xx’s. I went in December 3 as well. I was wondering if we still have fill out everything and do another drug test if it hasn’t been 90 days yet. Can I just tell them and just skip straight to the medical process?

  15. Hey all... thank you for all the info and support and positive vibes. I’ve been following but I thought I share my experiences cuz everyone is different... 

    I’m number 69x So I got a letter the week of January 2 to go in on the 10th. I had missed my appointment. But I called MTA the next day. The lady asked me if I wanted to still come in and I told her yes. So she said come Monday the 14. I went in that morning 7:30. Like usual wait in line, get checked in, blah blah, but after waiting for a few hours I noticed it wasn’t even busy like there were only about 20 people there. I think some were call backs for final processing or something but who knows. I asked them around 10:30 am if they had forgotten me and they were like wat am I here for. I told them Station Agent. They had to look for my paper work again and then they sent me to the lab. I went in the lab waited less than 10 minutes before I was called to do the drug test. Did everything and was out by 11:30. 

    But let me tell you, I went in for conductor pre employment in December and people was literally there all day. When I say that I mean that. The personnel had to tell us then to be prepared to leave very late cuz the group prior to the one I came in with, some people was waiting to be drug tested til after 7:00 PM. N that day I went in December I didn’t leave til after 5. And I had to go home n come back wit documents. 

    But I’m hoping since it’s not that many eligibles on the list that the process goes much smoother and faster than any other title. 

    Best of luck to all. And keep us informed! 

  16. The letter is dated May 17 but I jus got it today. And for some reason I haven’t been receiving mail on time cuz I would get an email from USPS informed delivery but wasn’t receiving it. But all my mail from last week is jus now coming to my mailbox. 

    And I took the OPA on October 31st. Idk how they do the OPA invite but you should get one soon. 

  17. Hello everyone 😊 so I been following this forum for a while, and I jus want to say thank you for all the helpful info. I took my OPA back in October. I passed both sections and my final score was 97.5 And my list # is in the 1400’s range. I’m excited n frustrated cuz the MTA is moving faster than I thought but they are still taking forever 😩 hopefully I’ll get a call for pre-employment soon. Good luck to everyone and hopefully some of us will work together soon 💯🚇🤗

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