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Posts posted by Two2Go

  1. 2 hours ago, brooklyn132280 said:

    Got it. Thanks for the knowledge. Do you remember if they do like an in-depth review or did they just hand you the material and sent you on your way?

    They go through the material, showing you the different signal aspects and the definitions, and they will discuss some different methods for trying to memorize it all. There isn't really much they can "teach", though -- you just have to learn it all word-for-word verbatim; understanding it isn't necessary at this point. 

  2. On 1/14/2023 at 7:10 PM, MDG171 said:

    Hey everyone! I've been lurking for a while, but I finally got an invite to the open house for A/C on Jan. 23rd. I'm really excited to get the process started! This might seem like a silly question, but this is an entirely new industry for me and I want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. What is the dress code for the open house? I'm assuming that it's a given that jeans and sneakers are out, but what level of formality is expected? Suit and tie, khakis and polo, something in-between? Any insight you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!

    A lot of people show up dressed very casually. No one will say anything, but it's absolutely a bad idea. They WILL remember who didn't dress up enough. A suit is probably overkill, but definitely khakis and a button down dress shirt at the minimum. Sneakers are forbidden on LIRR property at all times.

  3. 35 minutes ago, KLebz said:

    I received an email saying I get to move forward with the s&d portion, but then underneath that it says:

    "If you have attended the LIRR Overview and/or Exam for Assistant Conductor Trainee, Block Operator Trainee, Locomotive Engineer Trainee, Yardmaster and Assistant Stationmaster within the past 12 months please disregard this invitation."

    So does that mean I get to move forward and go to the meeting or that I just disregard the email altogether and do nothing and still play the waiting game?

    Did you attend an S&D overview class for any position in the last 12 months? If so, what happened when you took the test associated with that overview class? If you passed the test, your passing score should apply for this job application as well. 

  4. You should definitely read through the previous thread on the LIRR AC position, it's full of good information (see link below). But, to answer your question, the open house is the first step in a lengthy process. You'll be in a large room with other applicants, potentially over 100 of you at once. A few transportation managers and/or superintendents, along with HR reps, will be present. They will briefly describe what the job is like, and they will tell some stories that may discourage some people from continuing (how awful the hours are, how little vacation time there is at first, how horrible the passengers can be, etc). They will answer whatever questions people may have, and then they will begin the tests.

    First test you will take is a Cognitive test, like an IQ test basically. It's multiple timed sections. When time is up on one section, you cannot go back to it again. The idea is to get as many questions right as possible without guessing; it's tough/impossible to finish all the questions, so don't try to. There's no way to study or prepare for this kind of test, all the questions are based on material that is present on the test (articles to read, flow charts to interpret, etc).

    Approximately half the people in the room will fail the Cognitive test. Those that pass will be given a simple math (addition, subtraction, multiplication) test and a simple vocabulary (multiple choice, pick the synonym) test. Almost no one fails these. Assuming you pass both of those tests, you will be interviewed. It's a short interview where the interviewer is really just checking off a checklist to make sure that your resume/background meet the job requirements. It's possible that the person interviewing you has no idea about the job or the hiring process, they are just there helping fill out the checklists. After that, your day is over.

    A few days, weeks or months later, you will (hopefully) be contacted to continue the process with a Signals and Definitions overview class, which is roughly 4-6 hours long. Five weeks after that class, you are brought back in for the Signals & Definitions exam. If you can pass that exam, you are basically guaranteed to be hired, assuming you don't completely bomb the second interview (it happens right after the S&D test), and assuming you can pass the physical exam & the background check.


  5. 12 hours ago, Bulldog said:

    Hey guys, i passed the S&D test back in july of 2019 for assistant conductor and was told after the interview they are going to try and get us all in for the first quarter of 2020 And i still have not received a call. Just wanted to know if anyone from that class has heard back and if anyone knows when maybe i can expect a call? Thank you for the help in advance!

    The people that passed in March 2019 are just getting invited now for a January class. You'll probably start before June.

  6. The HR people are going to tell you that you need steel toe boots but in reality that's not true for our department. You just need black leather shoes that lace up with metal eyelets and have a defined heel not exceeding one inch. If you prefer boots, by all means go for it. I personally find working the train in boots to be uncomfortable, so I only wear my boots if it's snowing. Otherwise I wear these, an oxford shoe by Red Wing. Expensive but very comfortable and lasts way longer than the other junk I bought when I first got hired.

  7. On 8/13/2019 at 8:12 PM, bobtehpanda said:

    I mean, those are stupid restrictions. It's not as if any of them are the point.

    Now that the LIRR is (allegedly) looking at getting rid of cash-on-board, extending regular tickets is going to be a thing of the past.

    Those restrictions are exactly the point. It's why they don't automatically sell everyone an Atlantic Ticket. If you were buying a one-way ticket from Jamaica to Atlantic Terminal and were planning on using it tomorrow, or two weeks from now, and found out they sold you a cheaper ticket that expired on the day of purchase, you'd be beyond furious. It's better to give people a choice between the two options than force them into an option that doesn't work for them.

    If you're arguing to get rid of the Atlantic Ticket and just lower the price of peak and off-peak tickets to $5, then that's an entirely different conversation.

    If and when they get rid of cash, we will still be able to accept credit cards to pay step ups, extend tickets, etc.

  8. The Atlantic Ticket is valid only on the day of purchase; the regular one-way and round-trip tickets (peak or off-peak) are valid for 60 days. Regular tickets can also be extended to other zones (by paying the difference in price); Atlantic Tickets cannot be extended and their dollar value cannot be extended to a different ticket, nor can they be used for trips to/from Penn Station. 

    It's sort of like how the airlines sell more expensive tickets with very flexible fare rules (fully refundable, changeable, etc) and cheaper tickets that have huge penalties for canceling or making changes.

  9. 5 hours ago, Trainguy123456 said:

    Maybe it takes forever to fill a class because 5 weeks isn't enough time to remember verbatim 75 definitions and 40+ verbatim indications while holding a full time job

    No offense man, but you're not gonna get a lot of sympathy from anyone here. We all did it, which is proof that 5 weeks is enough time if you plan it out properly. There's currently over 1400 conductors and assistant conductors on the roster, they all did it. I think the engineers only get 3 weeks to learn the same material? Be happy you have those extra two weeks.

  10. 3 hours ago, misslo said:

    Can I do this since it will be in Babylon?

    Honestly, I wouldn't expect to get a free ride to Babylon with an e-mail about an open house. Before I was hired, any time I had to go to Hillside I bought a ticket from my home station to Jamaica, and then from Jamaica to Hillside it's free. I'm a conductor, and if someone showed me a letter about an Open House, I'd still expect a ticket out of them (except to Hillside, since you can't buy a ticket to that station). Maybe some conductors will let it slide, but some definitely won't.

  11. 16 hours ago, Trainguy77 said:

    I have the S&D Exam, I know if you went to the overview, you must sit for the exam. However, is there exceptions to this rule that would allow someone to take a later exam? Like medical exceptions? 

    I highly doubt they'd make any exceptions. The whole idea is that once you go to the overview, you are "locked into" the test date 5 weeks later. They only want you having 5 weeks to study for the test. If you had more time, you'd have an easier time passing the test, but that doesn't show them that you have the ability to study and pass the qualifying exams in a couple years (which is the whole point of making you learn the S&D's in 5 weeks).

  12. 5 hours ago, Mikey23 said:

    who is this bozo? you sound like a clown. If anyone sounds like a douche its you. Hopefully i dont work with people like you when i get out there. You sound like you belong in my class with the rest of them. I am not going to sit back and  allow anyone to talk to me like this, i speak my mind and if you dont like it then dont read it.  i dont care if your fresh out of class or have 25 years in. Save your posts and save yourself the embarrassment. Ill fill you in on a little something lappajj, you have any idea how many people out there are jordan fans? Your a donkey.  im not the only jordan fan out there. Worry about your job not mine. 

    This is the kind of job and environment where teamwork is really important. Being able to work well with others and communicate is essential to both your safety and your success. Based on the way you talk about your coworkers and talk to people on here, I don't think you are going to have a very long or enjoyable time on the railroad.

  13. On 3/19/2019 at 10:06 PM, Ador said:

    Can anyone offer some advice on applying for the position being that most of you on this forum have had success. I see they just posted a new opening LIRR Assistant Cond. on the MTA career website. I have applied for this position before but have not had success. Did you include an cover letter with your resume or just the resume.  Does it help at all if you are a current MTA employee (currently I am with MTA NYCT and looking to get into the LIRR). I am trying to see if there is anything I can do to increase the chance of getting a call. Thanks any advice or help is appreciated. ! 

    I only included a resume, no cover letter. You want to make sure your resume emphasizes your previous customer service experience and cash handling experience. Being current NYCT might actually not be a positive in the eyes of the railroad...I honestly don't know a single conductor who previously worked for transit. I know of one conductor that was previously a bus driver for MTA. 

  14. On 3/22/2019 at 2:20 PM, MattyCass89 said:

    Just applied to AC.  Last year I got accepted to the S&D Test for Loco Engineer and I failed. I know I got the 100% on the Aspects but the definitions is where I knew I lost it. I have a much greater foundation and know what is expected of me on this test. I saw the ACs take the S&D test. Are the passing requirements the same as engineers? I am going to study as if 100% and 100% are required, but I was so disheartened after failing the first time I have a bit of hesitation. It is a job I have wanted for a while now and am doing my best to prepare myself and put myself in a position to succeed. I dont want to know the requirements to be lazy, but to be prepared. I plan on busting my ass to work hard for this position. 

    Should be the same passing requirements, yes. 100% on aspects and at least 80% on indications & definitions. You absolutely need to shoot for 100% to have a shot at passing.

  15. 1 hour ago, Jayy said:

    I got a call from the LIRR saying that the April class is canceled. And the next class would be in the fall. When in the fall does the class usually start ? 

    Typically September. 


    Just curious, when did you get the call? When did you take S&D? Had you originally been offered the April class?

  16. My friend that passed on March 13 (last Wed.) asked about future class dates and was told that nothing is scheduled right now. Until they decide to schedule additional classes, you won't hear anything from them. I would suggest looking over your signals & definitions once or twice a week just to keep them fresh, but don't start the other packet until you know you're getting hired. Definitely have everything they've given you memorized 100% verbatim by the first day of class. 

  17. 8 hours ago, Mikey23 said:

    This is very discouraging, my class is made up of a bunch of donkeys. We already had one person fail the book of rules test and now we are right in the middle of air breaks. One girl in the class literally broke down and was crying her eyes out over air brakes. I have never seen so many grown men so scared as these guys in this class. We do go out and look at all the stuff on all the different types of trains and i am at the point where i am super bored in class. 


    If you just passed your signals and definitions test this past week think long and hard about working here as an a/c. All you do is study within a half hour of waking up all the way up until you close your eyes for bed. 

    If for some reason you decide you dont want to to study for just one night you fall very far behind. When they say you will have no life you really dont have any life at all for years.So consider this a warning ac class sucks think twice before you actually take the job.

    Mikey, I feel bad that you're not enjoying the job so far. Fortunately, the job isn't anything like being in class. Life sucks right now, but it gets a lot better once you start working the trains, and even better once you've got a little seniority and can start working some decent shifts. In a few years you'll be qualified and making some serious money, which is what we're all here for, right?

    I feel bad for your classmates that had a great opportunity and lost it, probably forever. If you are feeling bored in class, maybe don't study quite so much at home and utilize your class time more efficiently. I'm just curious, do you have any previous college experience? I found A/C class to be comparable to a very difficult college level course. Full-time college students typically take 5 moderately difficult courses each semester. 

    A friend of mine actually was one of the 8 that passed S&D's this past Wednesday, I am absolutely encouraging him to take the job. 

  18. 1 hour ago, dewclaw said:

    Okay thanks. I’m in the process for block operator but just wanted to get an idea for how interviews tend to be conducted. 


    You’re saying Rule G is alcohol and drug use rules for employees? Do you know if or know of, Block operators are interviewed about this subject?  

    Honestly not sure what the employment process looks like for a block operator. Rule G does apply to them, though.

  19. 2 minutes ago, dewclaw said:



    What are some example questions they asked? 

    I honestly haven't met anyone that felt like they aced the interview.

    First part of the interview is they're going to have you read Rule G out loud to them, and then they're going to take away the paper and ask you questions about the rule to see how much you remember. Rule G is the rule that talks about drugs and alcohol usage. After that they'll ask you a bunch of scenario-based questions. For example: "You are collecting on a train from Penn Station to Ronkonkoma and the Ranger game just let out at MSG. You see a rowdy group of passengers in your car, how do you handle them?"

    Or: "You are collecting tickets after Jamaica and a passenger tells you that she saw a man leave a large suitcase in the vestibule and get off the train at Jamaica. What would you do next?"

    It's all stuff that you haven't been trained on yet, they are just trying to see what your initial reaction would be without them training you on it. If you get it "wrong", they're going to keep rephrasing the question in order to nudge you in the right direction. I've never seen anyone post on here that they passed S&D's but didn't get hired because of the interview. 

  20. 2 hours ago, fd87 said:

    Great information. So does Speonk have a parking lot that LIRR employees can park? 

    Yeah, there is parking in the yard. Almost every east-end terminal has some sort of employee parking. The big exceptions are West Hempstead and Babylon Station (there's plenty of parking in Babylon Yard, but very little employee parking at the station. If you're a ticket collector reporting to Babylon Station, arrive early and be prepared that you may need to pay for parking in a private lot). West Hempstead does have a small public parking lot which employees park in if they can nab a spot, but there's also a shopping center across the street that I've heard employees use. 

    Jamaica Station does have some employee parking, but it's very limited and hard to get. Generally it's only reliable if you're reporting late at night or on a weekend. Jamaica Storage Yard (on the other side of the Van Wyck from Jamaica Station) does have a little bit of parking, and the adjacent Morris Park Yard (walkable to the Storage Yard) has plenty of parking.

    Atlantic Terminal used to have parking in the nearby VD Yard but they got rid of it, so now you're stuck finding street parking if you have to drive there. Penn Station obviously has no parking available but the nearby West Side Yard actually does. It's not a ton of spots, but they're there. Plus they have some sort of arrangement with a newly opened parking garage in Hudson Yards (the development being built over WSY), I don't know exactly how it works but there's something like 25 or 30 spots that we can use in there.

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