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Posts posted by Albertbklyn

  1. On 1/16/2023 at 9:21 PM, Biggie said:

    TA already decided on their exam schedule for the first quarter of 2023. There may or may not be a promotional by the end of the year (June to December) but definitely this list would have to be terminated next year in 2024. So anywhere from the mid point of this year to 2024  there may be a new filing but it will have to be a promotional test first. As for the whole open competitive no longer being available theory that may entirely be false considering how promotional exams in TA have been going for the last few years especially after the giant disaster with the TSS exam.

    Can you elaborate on "the giant disaster on the tss exam" ?

    Inquiring minds ....

  2. 2 hours ago, jbolanos said:

    hey, went for my second drug test today and the technician said to me congrats on your new position. I asked her did she just let the cat out the bag and she said no transit wants you if this is your second time here. So now just wondering about how long before I get scheduled for the medical. Anyone who did the process already please share your time-line.

    Probably be in the jan 30 class sounds like

  3. 1 minute ago, jbolanos said:

    I know we've discussed this many times before. I don't want to go back to find the answers so I'll ask again. (Sorry to all if I keep asking the same questions). 


    I went for my first drug test on 10/31 my list number is 55xx I received the email to report tomorrow morning at 630. The email is the same as the first one just saying pre employment. So I don't know what to expect tomorrow. Will it be just another drug test? Will it be the medical? Or will they do the drug test and send me for my medical rather soon or will I have to wait another 4 months? I am patiently waiting and I know my day is coming I just like yo have some information going in. So if anyone can please share their process and time line I would be extremely grateful.  Thank you all.

    Probably a drug test, bring everything you did last time and triple check you have everything. 

    I went 2 times as well, then medical and sworn in after medical so total of 3 times over 5 month period.

  4. On 1/10/2023 at 8:57 AM, RTOMan said:

    Only if one is expecting to deal with some sacrifice because there will be some indeed if not and one is "expecting" to be treated like others who got it better(because that's the bottom line here  some folks can sugar coat it all they want) then don't bother...

    Like I'm seeing a lot lately...

    You'd think some folks never worked in their lives...

    I hear that....guess that's why the turn around is high.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Charliedragon said:

    I just got my email tonight to go for the medical on 1/17/23. says the class will be January 30th. My List # is 54xx I was 9/14 pre employment, did 2nd drug test on 1/6/23

    Congratulations..... Start studying the signals now!!!..... Not joking!

  6. 47 minutes ago, jbolanos said:

    I also received the email to report on Thursday. So should I start giving my current employer my 2 week notice?

    So fyi....

    I was called in Thursday on Wednesday, was asked if I could make a Monday class.

    I said yes. Went in for medical after already doing a second drug test week prior. I was there the entire day till 1630.

    Showed up for work Monday.

    Word of advice..... Wait till they officially tell you your start date. And only then..... Give notice. 


    My opinion, if you do what you are supposed to do, you this will be your last job you will need. Don't worry about giving short notice to last job.... This is the job.... period!!

  7. 10 minutes ago, Nyhoneydip said:

    Ima have to sneak out by lunch because the post office doesn't open that early 

    Don't sneak out! Let them know you are going to get the money order and they will understand. I seen many people leave for dispositions and abstracts. Just let them know. I assure you they want you to get the job, they just need to comply with the procedure.


    Good luck!

  8. 1 minute ago, ealfinez said:

    Nah I was there last week Tuesday brought my compliance report...took vision and weight. Doctor came out told me your clear sent me to the window, was told they had no class to which I politely balked pointing out that I've been going through this since October... had a Sup come out make me initial my paperwork and then he sent me for another urinalysis. 

    Not sure your entire situation..... I got email in August, did first test in middle of August, went back again in November.... Then again December... 2 more times... Did medical and sworn in on Thursday the 22nd... Was there all day... To report on Monday for the 26th..... It's a process but I'm in. Hang in there you are in as well just takes time. I know the anxiety feeling... We all went through it

  9. Just now, Kabr79 said:

    The initial email for orientation had the wrong date. That’s it. The paperwork with our schedule is correct. Show up 7am sharp to PS 248 on Monday. I’ll see you folks there and looking forward to putting some faces to these names lol

    We need to set up a group chat, groupme is a good app

  10. 1 hour ago, Amonroe90 said:

    Part of me wants to just show up and if nobody there I have peace knowing that they reserved Monday as a holiday. But I live all the way up in westchester. So to commute all the way down to Brooklyn is going to be rough, especially if nobody is going to be there on Monday. 

    I'm on the jersey shore, I hear ya

  11. 8 minutes ago, NewOP718 said:

    This feels like a classic case of someone over communicating and not doing it well enough. I was hired on 11/18/22 with a start date of 12/26. It was confusing one because it’s a reserved day. Two because when I attempted to register for orientation the necessary dates weren’t available lol. I emailed Hr asking how to proceed, no one responded. Then these emails came in. Worst case scenario I’m showing up anyway, should be a nice time and a half day on our first paycheck, OR an argument to be paid if in fact they messed up… cause some of you guys got hired a week ago and they’re pushing 12/26 for induction. Seems legit.

    I'll be there Monday!

  12. 3 minutes ago, arestab said:

    Has anyone gone from working corporate, took a pay cut, and joined the MTA, specifically this T/O position?

    I'm kind of on that same boat & wondering if any one has had a similar experience. For some context, I work for a bank, make 96k (salaried), manager position, I work from home and go into the office 1 day a week with free parking, somewhat basic 401k with a company match, really no stress, a lot of flexibility and time to take off whenever.

    Of course, I took this test 5.5 years ago (when I really would've needed) and was making a subpar wage. I recently got the call/email to come in to 180 Livingston next month.

    Ive read countless articles, stories, thread here and everywhere I can find, and most situations lead to the same place, where joining the MTA might be the wrong call at this point. I am stuck on the idea of long term (having a pension) in the future, which is something I will never have, and the ability to retire early, 63, instead of 65 or hell, even 70. 

    I am huge risk taker and huge believer that no matter what people say about their experience, you have to do it, or try it for yourself, and create your own experience. Ideally, when I imagine this MTA career path, I would love to do T/O for some time and possibly love to move into a management/training/corporate position. I dont know how easy or how hard that is.

    With that being said, I just want to know if someone has been a similar boat. Any knowledge or life advice would be much appreciate. It is almost like comparing oranges to apples but would really like some insight and thoughts that someone might have.

    Thank you for your time.

    I hear you, I have a small pension from another job, and a similar career type as TO. I want the job because, mainly the pension. The pay is ok but the pension is the seller. 

    Everyone is different, you seem like you have a completely different job than to. It's not that fun first several years, no time off when you want, bid job schedules, bid for vacation. It's something to get used to. If you don't understand the bid process, it's harsh, seniority rules and sometimes you get lucky, but overall there's a lot of anxiety. You get used to it but the pension, is the seller. Overall the job is fairly ez but you have to deal with nonsense 

    The grass is always greener on the other side.


    For me and my family I choose the job. 

    Its definitely a commitment. But only you can answer your question. 


    All I can say is pension. You will appreciate that when the time comes. 


    Just my opinion 

  13. On 8/15/2022 at 11:20 AM, Ro323 said:

    @Kashmullaokay but what if I can’t find my diploma and I ordered. Reprint of it and won’t arrive in time? Original got destroyed in flood. 

    Same for me. Lost everything in sandy!

    When I went in they said bring it next time.

    I was nervous as well, but after I got home from my appointment,  my diploma came, took like 2 weeks. I mailed in a request for duplicate and sent it overnight with a self addressed overnight envelope for the return.

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