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  1. Yes I took the test on the 28th of September and have an interview this upcoming Wednesday.
  2. Not to sound like I am rushing but what is the normal amount of time it takes from finding out that I passed to invitation to an interview? It says on the email of my test results that not everyone who passes the test are guaranteed an interview. Again not to be impatient or sound like I am rushing just worried that they might pass over me for consideration.
  3. Hey everyone I found out four hours after completing the exam that I passed
  4. Thank you for all of the insight on this I really appreciate it. I made flashcards on EVERYTHING in the packet they gave me so I am confident that I will do well on that part. Can't help but to be nervous on the math. I have been brushing off basic math skills including decimals so I just hope I do well with that. But thank you for the information. This forum is a lifesaver considering the older forums on this topic are 15+ years old and now most likely outdated.
  5. Hello all! I got invited to the MNR Conductor exam this Thursday at 10am. Is there anybody else invited for that session here? I have read some of the information in this thread about the process but have a few questions. Is the test on a computer or written. Next for the math portion what should I brush off for as I have been brushing off multiplying dividing, adding, etc. But more specifically when the senior fares, child's fare, is all of that information given for the test to solve or is that something we need to know before? For the signals part is that written or multiple choice? Lastly is there a Hogan psych test at the end? But otherwise very excited for this potential opportunity as I have transportation experience.
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