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Posts posted by Bstyles

  1. Tried out that TMIX exporter. A-plus indeed. It saved me tons on time to try and get everything done through 3DS Max, and as an added benefit, the Elevated canopies are in game, looking better than ever.

    No double face shares the same texture, giving it the most accurate lighting effect. This is by far the highest I've ever detailed an object, and the outcome is complete accuracy, at a sustainable frame rate.


  2. Take the train to the plane...loved that jingle.


    Anywho, in the meantime, I'm still working on the newer models of the elevated stations. The first pic is a revamp of the beta versions released last year:

    The second is a newer BMT/IRT variant:


    A couple of changes were made to the newer models that weren't featured in other models:

    -More textures instead of faces are being used, generating a cleaner product.
    -The under structure of the platform has been cut out and girders have put in their place, this way it actually sits on the elevated supports, as opposed to floating in midair.
    -The railings will be updated shortly; exits will also be a feature of these platform objects.
    -Two new elevated supports, for stations, of course, will be made in conjunction with these new station models.
    -The new stations will follow the name coding put in place for the Subway Stations and Tunnels (for example, A, B, C, D, etc.).

    More models on the way. Stay tuned!

  3. Doing some minor tweaks to the overall visuals of the stations at the moment. What Ace said was right: you cannot connect the tunnels and the stations currently out, with multi-track splines. For now, a series of 10 extra tunnel parts, as well as a variety of single track tunnels will be available for use to remedy this problem. The stations will be tweaked here and there, as well as a minor fix to one of the tunnel parts, which seems to be facing in the wrong direction. Whoever figures this out gets free candy lol, but enjoy the package!


    Now That the workload has been reduced I can focus more on returning the stations to Ace and resuming work on Phase 2 of the package: The Elevated and Phase 3: The Open Cut. Ace will be focusing on Phase 4: The Portals and we will collaborate once I've returned from Hong Kong. A New method of object building by using the Wavefront OBJ format and a simpler way of texturing I simply named "overlay" will be used to complete this pack, with pictures sure to come during the rest of the holiday season. Work will resume and hopefully be completed on the R142 in a timely manner (do not mistake this for soon, I just said "timely") which only need a few extra textures and a route texture animation before it can be released to the public. Honestly, the train is done with the exception of the route textures, and no you will not have it before then. My intention is to complete work so that you can enjoy it fully, as opposed to waiting for updates. Fair deal, no?


    R160 is also back in the game. Thanks to the success of the exterior for OpenBVE I will be returning to work on the train directly after the completion of the R142. Directly after that, I will be coordinating with the developers on BVEStation on trying to see if we can't get these high quality trains over into Trainz, and if everything gets the green light, expect the R32, R38, hopefully the R40-46, R62, and R68 to be converted over for Trainz use. It excites me more than it excites you, I can guarantee that.

  4. You can easily get the job done with the basic station and tunnel pack, which will include platform amenities like stairs, trash cans, subway maps, benches, and other things of that nature. Terminal pieces are a priority, so once the work has concluded on this first set we will come back to this after the completion of the open cut and elevated work.

  5. It's easier to place them in quote boxes.


    Yes, that's the plan. There will be two versions of the platform sign:


    Version 1- A row of 10 hanging signs that are height-changeable (double the amount of Magicland's). These ones will be texture-replacement only, so the texture library will include various signs similar to my signature, pre-made for all parts of the subway system. I'm still drafting a naming system to make things easier for you guys, as one route (like the 1 train) can have several signs along its route, and a longer route like the E and F has tons more. To add your own, simply edit or create a new picture object, insert into the library, create a .texture.txt file, and add appropriate lines to the library's config. This is for those who are strictly prototypical.


    Version 2- This is for those of you (and myself personally) who want to be in control of what your route bullet(s) is/are and want to be able to edit the route information. The route bullets will be editable with a texture library (again you can add your own, following the same steps for adding textures in version 1); the lines of text will be an editable script--25 characters per line max. These options also will be accessed through the properties tab. The difference is that to cut down on the number of attachment points used, this will be a SINGLE HANGING SIGN So, if you guys want to place multiples, you'll have to do so one by one and edit them. It was a necessary trade-off to 50 or so attachment points and I couldn't work around it. Those ones might be sparsely placed on your platforms. Also, there'll be four types of the version 2 sign--one each for 1, 2, 3 and 4 route bullets showing up, which is self-explanatory.


    The texture library for Version 2 is completed, since it was the easiest. The texture library for version 1 isn't started yet; I haven't been in NYC for seven years, so I appeal to all my Trainzers on Auran AND NYCTF (Strain should be updating you gents over that way) to take pictures or PM me descriptions of what the signs say so I can keep it accurate. I'll post a list breaking down the areas on the system where route signs change, so you all can help out. I will NOT give out my email over a public thread, so those of you who have AIM, get my s/n from my old NYCTF profile, and my Auran profile. By the way, to kill any speculation (yes I read the NYCTF trainz threads daily), my log-in information has NOT been resolved yet. We're running into a unique problem that Harry, Cait Sith and myself cannot figure out. So until then, I leave it to B and Strain to update you all.


    I look forward to getting lots of messages/PMs/emails/IMs about the signs. If you don't have AIM---well then get it! It takes two minutes to make an account and is the QUICKEST and BEST way to get a hold of me, since I also have a full-time job.


    -A awave.gif


    So that's the deal. We need help from all of you railfanners to go out there and take pictures of various route signs and destinations. It would help speed up the process tenfold. Send them to Ace on the Trainz forum via PM, or you can email them to him at anthonyelejalde@gmail.com .

  6. Can probably be edited in game after it has been exported. It's not that hard if you're using one texture.


    @Strain I have no idea how scripts work, nor does it look like i'm going to. I do not have the brain cells for such a task. I will, however, keep putting out objects and work on the website it is to be hosted on, at a later date.

  7. Never said we were working on invisible stations, but yes, you can use the AJS ones instead. And no, strain, to release the entirety of the 468 color variants is a hefty file in and of itself, which is why I said you can make your own variations without re-releasing them. Scrolling through over 400 stations to look for the right one will eventually become boring(if to put it lightly). The pack is just meant for the basic requirements to build your own NYCTA subway system, while Ace handles the actual route building.


    An increasingly considerable idea is adding station entrances and exits for those who want to get realistic with their routes. Sounds like fun, and Ace is currently researching a script that will allow us to place connections, lines, destinations, etc. on the entrance placards. Nothing on that, as of yet.

  8. It seems that information has been becoming increasingly misinterpreted, such as the projects that we are working on, so from now on I will post mine or Acelejalde(Green Eggs) pictures from Trainz, or BVE. I am well aware that I am busy and so is he but I have not forgotten about this forum and it doesn't take longer than a second to make an update here. These guys do not need daily updates, otherwise that eliminates the virtue that is patience. Thank you.


    One, I am working on the R160 and the R142. NOT The R62; as I said a few pages back it was just an idea. There is already an R62 for Trainz and it works perfectly. My Main focus are those and the development of the Super Pack V2.


    Two, Green Eggs has NOT resolved his account issues, otherwise he would have given you the updates on the previous pages himself. He is in the process of making a new account, and will be back on shortly.


    Now that that has been settled, we can get back to real business:trainz2012102015435356.png

  9. Exporting something like that to Trainz would trip the balance. I thought about adding all that detail, but it probably has more polys than my entire model combined, which is why I didn't go into specifics when I made the trucks for my model, for performance and common sense. Searching for the source of the link on Google, Strain, I found that it was an old model project for Rail Simulator that was cancelled. You can find it here, and it clearly says that it is a high poly model, which I am not aiming to replicate: http://fsxaibureau.com/portfolio/kawasaki-r-142a-new-york-subway-train/


    just a question how long has bstyles r142 and r143 been in the works?


    doesnt rly answer my question... so more then a year?


    hm well that seems like a long time i would not count on him releasing it



    I know my 142 was in development for over a year, but you don't have to say it as if I'm taking too long for your desire, because nobody is ordering you to wait. I'm kindly asking for you to be patient, which means close to nothing, nowadays. And if you don't know what I do, in my spare time, then I suggest you look through the last 5-10 pages or so.

  10. Thanks for updating the projects.


    Last time I checked the forum was undergoing maintenance so I didn't worry about it too much, but it sounds like it's been up for a while now. Not really a fan of taking pictures(and using up the last bits of storage in my long-lived Photobucket account, which I plan to upgrade later on) but a lot of projects are under re...re-construction.


    Can't wait on the tunnels. I have to move on, and it looks like they can use an update. I don't have a set of textures, but i'm working on it. You know the tunnels are too dark to take pictures of, so i have to work around that. Working off of something, but it could be better. for now though, i'll be experimenting with different textures until I get something that looks like our tunnels.


    While Ace works on his hometown projects, I'm getting back on the scene. I have obligations now, and I'm not always going to update projects on time, but you can best believe that you'll never get a bad update. The Elevated tracks are getting a facelift, coming from those cartoonish ones I made in the past and into the more realistic one currently under development. More texture use and less polygons using a new program which I call Overlay, in which we take a large overhead texture of our project and project it down onto our model, and then cut along the "dotted lines" until we get the final results, posted above.


    The R142 is coming along smoothly. Thanks to some cab photos on Photobucket, authors credited, as well as some exterior shots I took myself, the 142 is going to be done a lot faster than I had originally anticipated, which means that you guys will have something to run IRT with, in the near future. Thinking of collaborating to do some other subway cars, but for now I just have to focus on the 142, and then the 160. Contributions, as I said, are greatly appreciated. I'm going to start working on the B car and then start doing some test runs on the cars in due time. Stay tuned.


    As far as I know, the Elevated stations aren't done yet, and will be receiving a facelift. The open-cut stations are still a work in progress, and aren't too far along to have to start all over. I managed to get all the necessary textures for them so I'll start work on them soon. No start or release date, as always.

  11. *cough* Eye candy?


    I think it's high time I got this done and released before I resume work on the R160. This shouldn't take much longer(although that doesn't mean it will be released anytime soon).


    I'll also be reworking the stations and lowering the poly count on the el tracks. stay tuned.

  12. Using a DEM costs $$$ and currently, the NYCTA system is too large to fit every detail of the system onto one map(hence why there are 100+ pages of track map books). What we do have is common knowledge, and that, compiles with some of the accurate information from BVE, makes up for it.

  13. Well, it's about time for me to head out. Yes, I'm leaving.


    Oh, well, not for good, I'm just going on hiatus for a moment. In the meantime, the projects that this post resides in, or requires my input will be halted until an indefinite date. As much as it pains me to put the projects on halt just as they were making major progress, I have no choice.


    For those reading this post and begin to go “oh great, development stopped again” I suggest you step away from the computer screen and find yourself a hobby, or a book, because I do have a personal life. A handful of people know what I’m going to be doing from now, but for the others, you just have to sit tight, and use the latest development pictures as eye candy.


    Well, that’s pretty much it. Keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll be back before you know it. Turn to Green Eggs 'n Pelham, and ExpressLine 3 Train on the Auran forums for continued updates on the NYCTA Super Pack.



  14. Trainz 2010 must automatically adjust performance in tandem with your computer's hardware, which explains why the baseboard begins to disappear when too many polygons occupy the current frame. Upgrading the RAM does not, and will not improve performance (RAM is meant to allow large programs to run smoothly without disrupting the CPU). In order to improve Trainz performance you should check to see if your computer can even handle Trainz.

  15. When someone gives you instructions you should test them out instead of posting again, verifying the answer. Yes, in either Surveyor or Driver, go to the drop down menu on the upper left hand corner of the screen, click on "Performance Options". A box will appear with some notches. One is labeled "Poly Count". Turn that up to the max.


    Or how can i get my stairs to look something like this



    With good developing skills. There's no other way I can answer that question.

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