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Posts posted by lawkev

  1. I failed this bus operator school last month. They told me that I have to wait five years. If I took this exam would the list expire before 7/2018? I think I would have to decline and reinstate myself if they reach my list number before that correct? 



  2. I had sup. castaldo He's big on forward planning and setting up turns. There is parking at the depot but i am not sure where exactly (I took the train).


    3 out of 4 of us are going to day 9...I am going to meet Sup. Fallon at Casey Stengel in Queens tomorrow - Can tell me about Her???



    Thanks dunno about Fallon

  3. my trainer told us that we cannot qualify without a clean day 6 sheet....Pivot point turns (tighter turns) are my issues. I am not setting them up properly. I am actually not really setting them up at all.


    I just need to take a breath and treat every turn carefully and SET THEM UP - when I set up my turns (any turn, pivot, left, right, hook, acutes) I ace them...it's when I get comfortable that I think "I got this" that i am not taking the time to do it correctly.



    I am consistently not setting up all my turns. That's my ONLY problem - big one yes. I will ace most turns and then get cocky I guess and BAM! hit the curb. I need to relax and take my time. Breath, and set the damn turn up.



    My trainer is Castaldo...he said no to being able to qualify tomorrow...making me and 2 others in my group go to day 9. Who is your trainer? He also told us that day 8 & 9 we will have a differentiate trainer than him.

    What I have been doing is making every turn in my head first. Ask yourself: What kind of turn is this? What is the reference point? Keep the bus straight and crawl. When you reach the reference point make it happen. Don't pass the reference point and don't turn before it. There are some turns that you might just have to use good judgment for but these reference points seem to work for most turns. I did good on day six and if tomorrow is a carbon copy I'm good. IMO you should treat every day like it is day ten. My biggest issue is nerves. I took so many deep breaths today it was ridiculous.


    Hope that helps






    Take your time and think before you do something.


    Call out everything from the side of your bus and front. slow down and cover your brake when making a turn.


    Stay 4.ft away from the park cars.


    Stop when someone is crossing or a bilker is on the side of your bus just stop let them go.


    Stop before the stop sign.


    Remember to look in all of your mirrors from 1,2,3.


    When there is a yellow light slow down and watch the cross-walk.


    When pulling away from a bus stop watch and make sure your front door is clear and closed then look in your right side mirror to make sure everything is clear look in mirror # 2 and watch your rear side windows to see if anyone is running up on the side of your bus. Then put your signal on look in your left mirror and also turn your head to make sure no one is running across the street when it's safe to do so move your bus.





  5. My whole class failed day five. He said I was too close to a parked truck. He stuck his hand in the door at a bus stop and he said I did not see a pedestrian walking towards the rear of the bus. I was busy calling out two pedstrians in front of the bus. He said I need to be more aware and watch the back too. I feel like he found a reason to fail everyone today. I tried hard and it was not good enough. I don't know how much better I can do. He told me that the next two days have to be flawless or I will go to 8 & 9.

  6. tomorrow is day 5 and I have to say I am a wreck about driving in manhattan tomorrow...just trying to get a grip.



    anybody know where in manhattan they take us to drive? Also, Day 7, who does the qualifying, your instructor or someone else?

    Go over the manual. Especially the part on turns. Go over any past comments your Sup has made about you.


    Hope this helps

  7. In the right side mirror you should be able to see the right rear tire touching the floor and some traffic. The left mirror is used to see the left tire touching the floor and some traffic more or less. That is for the top mirrors and not the bottom convex mirrors. This info is in your manual.

  8. Same here. Did well on days three and four but I do have some CDL experience. It's true they don't care how much or what kind of experience you've had but my experience has helped me a great deal. I was a tractor trailer driver and recently got my bus license. I have no bus experience. It aint over till it's over. Next week is the week that really counts. Bring your A game, have on your game face and make it happen.

  9. No you won't be required to wear glasses only for bus training. I have prescription lenses and glasses which I carry as backup but, I trained only in my lenses.


    Of course I'm sure you will or already do like most lens wearers: keep an extra pair of lenses with you as well as your glasses, you never know.

    Thanks for the response. That's what I thought. 

  10. Training on half-a-million-dollar simulators and high standards are what Metropolitan Transportation Authority officials say have helped the city’s transit achieve the lowest rate of bus driver accidents anywhere in the country. That's according to a federal study from two years ago.

    Stephen Vidal is the vice president of bus safety and training at the MTA. Back in 1998, he helped create the first 360-degree bus simulator.

    “A new operator is no more likely to be involved in an accident than an experienced operator. Over time that has been a dramatic thing to see,” said Vidal.

    Vidal said the program has saved the MTA money because fewer drivers have to be replaced and those on the road are safer.

    Most enter the four-week program only having driven a car.

    After passing the simulator training, students and their instructors take real buses on the roads.

    About 80 percent of them, or about 1,000 a year, graduate.

    Shamika Dottin’s road test is just days away.

    “The training was tough,” said Dottin. “Pillars, keeping us four feet from cars, curbs, protecting our right side and looking out for the hazards, obstructions.”

    Instructors say one of the hardest moves is learning to make a right turn without hitting anything with the tail end of the bus.

    Vicky Jones started teaching at the training facility 15 years ago.

    “I'm looking for one who comes in warm, ready to learn, very eager, very attentive, uses their book, listens to instructions and follows through,” said Dottin.

    Those qualities can get drivers a starting pay of nearly $22 per hour plus benefits, something Jerry Figueroa is looking forward to.

    “I want a future that I can have with my wife and children, retire at an early age,” said Figueroa.

    A few students said they're after more than the money.

    “I like being out with the public. I love it,” said Dottin.

    And that attitude is priceless.

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  11. I guess that maybe us, because that was were we doing our parallel parking. You got that right I have a lot of respect for b/o.I suppose to be call for another city job soon, with what I learn from mta Bus, I will take with me to this other job.I did my training in fresh pond depot. If you can drive there you can drive anywhere in the city trust me.

    What fails you automatically? So far we have hitting curbs and touch the cross walk. A buddy told me some guy did am extra day because he hesitated making a turn somewhere on st marks street in the city.


    Bottob, wish you the best man. I know you waited a long time. Can you give us some dos and dont's as far as the training goes? What advise can you give? It would be nice to hear from you since you just went through the training.



  12. Your more than welcome. I'm waiting patiently for medical and mentally preparing as well to begin training {Again}. I just wish I was aware of forums like this before my first time in so like you I'm taking full advantage of the plethora of information available. Right now I'm a sponge soaking it all in.

    What have you learnt from you past experience?

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