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Postal 1

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Posts posted by Postal 1

  1. So .... so far so good. I'm on the job at PATH for over 2 months and no real issues.  If your planning on working for PATH as a TPIA ( temporary passenger agent ) be ready for crazy hours and a staff that both welcomes you and expects you to know your job very quickly. 


  2. This PATH forum does not talk about employment opportunities.  Which is something sorely lacking .But I have looked at this  forum and will attempt to use this as a place where all can gain information on PATH and other employment issues.

    And I have used other transit systems as a place for this forum...


    if my protest session was today, but I could not make it today, can I show up tomorrow or the day after just to get the book for the questions and answers so I know what can be protested?

    No... They have specific test books on the day your protest is scheduled. If you do go they might give you a different day to come back.

    That's a good question, I think you can or maybe they let you write them down. I know that on the back of your answer sheet, I believe they give you a 30 day grace period after your protest date to submit your case in writing which you can mail in. I don't have the sheet in front me so I could be wrong.

    I'm not sure if they'll actually let you take the booklet with you though.

    No you DO NOT get to take any paper work or books with you when you are done....
  4. Yes, we are the 2nd. class to have to take the signal test twice! There have been problems with people passing the signal test, and then


    not knowing how to understand the signals while on the road.



    The name of one of the class sections in the B division.[/quote

    So they are allowing people to take the signals test 2x wow. Look guys knowing what signal aspect is infront of you is no joke. A train operator is part of the train crew the conductor is the other part. Each has to know that the other KNOWS HIS OR HER JOB! Having to take the signals test 2x means that you are not studying!

    Put aside any distractions and take school car seriously. The lives of everyone on your train is in the train crews hands. Would you want to be on a train where the person operating the train couldn't read all the signals?

  5. Hello guys,

    Sorry for lack everything has been moving really fast this first week with orientation and the first day of school car. I'm just trying my best to focus and take everything in. For those interested I haven't heard nothing of future classes unfortunately on my end. If that changes I'll be sure to pass that information along. Stay well all and I'll will periodically respond when I have the time to do so. *Lack of updates

    Congratulations Loydmike! A word of advice, put all of your focus on studying! You have a lot of material to digest and memorize. Some of which you must get 100% correct.

    You can update us when you are posting.

  6. #1:For of all conductors would not really know how many School classes are left for TO's.#2:This list expires Sept 19, 2016. So basically that is a yr & half of life left. You make out like 3 classes & that's it. If that is that case then you are toast as well dude.

    And neither would Train Operators....... My partners are so into the job that they do that they and we ( Conductors ) don't know about new classes until we see them posting or doing practicals. What we do hear are from the TSS's that were our instructors . Don't put a lot of stock in what you hear in the crew rooms, Transit does what it wants just prepare your self for the eventual call or letter. It may all end tomorrow or classes could go past the end date of the list. Just be ready. Your best source of info would be 180 Livingston. Call the person ( Ms. Rivera ) that is the employment liaison. And don't call her everyday! 2x per month is enough.

  7. I went on Tuesday, if urine comes back ok, we should be notified in about a week for medical, Or so I'm told.LOL

    When I went in a little more than a year ago I went to 180 Livingston 2x. The first time was to turn in paperwork and to pick up booklets to be filled out. The next time they called me in for the physical, turn in any paperwork that I didn't turn in the first time and I got sworn in and given a start date to report to 130 Livingston. The urine for diabetes and drugs were done on the second visit. Also blood pressure,eye exam,and a visit with transit physician were done on that day. I'm sure that I got the chronology right. But it's as close as I remember it.

  8. Got my paperwork in the mail today, telling me to report on tuesday at 180 Livingston Street for medical. Includes paperwork for background check. Hope all goes well!


    Again make sure that you fill out the paper work fully and honestly. Get you arrest disposition from criminal court if this applies to you. They want to see how honest you are. And all education documents and birth certificate. And anything else needed. And get there EARLY!!!! Good luck.

  9. Glad to hear the license thing wasn't an issue. Sorry to hear that you didn't pass the test. Keep trying. I'm still waiting for the invitation for the panel interview. anxious about it. Who knows if I will get an invite back. Fingers crossed here.

    congrats on passing vocab & cognitive. I'm still looking for a practice example of the cognitive so if anyone can help just inbox message me. And once again congrats to all who passed.

  10. Hey Postal 1! Any luck on the orientation?? How'd it go?? Did you pass and got interviewed??

    No I didn't pass the cognitive part of the test. But I will try again next time. I have never seen a test like that. It would be nice if I could prepare for it .

    But the license thing was not even an issue.

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