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Posts posted by VIP

  1. On 1/21/2024 at 8:05 AM, RTOMan said:

    People just posting Bulletins such as that aren't too smart TA monitor's all social media and there's rules in place...

    That's RTO material for RTO folks not just some random person to see.

    That person should expect a DAN whoever shared that with....

    Thank You !! 

  2. 8 hours ago, R32 3838 said:

    Most of this info is public and not for nothing some people within RTO were giving information,keys and etc. and they still work down here.  Y'all act like there isn't shit in your own backyard when clearly it is. The majority of the incidents were because a few in your department was giving info and equipment to underage teenagers and adults to do f**kery.


    Certain people used discord as a playground to share confidential information which in turn turned ugly but yet that person is still employed with NYCT.


    You can't say some shit like this when there is so much stuff going on behind the scenes.


    A lot of these things can be avoided if (MTA) does a better job, They always pick and choose who they fire and who they keep. Certain people I know have lost their job over shit that weren't even their fault but yet someone who is a conductor that shared personal info on social media info for clout is still employed.



    The one thing i hate about this community is the amount of people who they protect knowingly knowing they are either a sexual predator who prey on underage minors or a person who constantly break into shit. Most people on this forum know who they are and they stay quiet because they want that source to continue feeding them the info and the clout they crave. 


    lets not forget how certain people who work in NYCT who are high level allow people on NYCT property who don't even work down here.

    My boy, you said a whole lot of nothing. My comment had absolutely nothing to do with pedophiles, arbitrations, nepotism, or corruption. But go off. There are users on here who simply run their mouth about operations and sensitive information. It STARTS HERE. Public or not, content needs to be moderated. Period. Case closed. 

  3. On 1/4/2024 at 12:49 PM, Lawrence St said:

    This is insane. They moved a whole train several hundred feet. They are going to get someone hurt with their antics.

    I’ve been saying this for years “ya’ll divulge too much information on these forums and expect users to be diligent and not go out and vandalize or joy ride”

    there needs to be moderation on the information leaked on these forums much more than the pointless questions or petty insults thrown between two 14 year olds on here. 

  4. On 12/1/2023 at 9:34 PM, zacster said:

    Maybe they'd run that as part of a 7 car C train?  Or have they already been cannibalized or written off?

    Now why, just WHY would they run a 7 car train?! It’s been written off the moment the Feds got their hands and feet in them. 

  5. 21 hours ago, Calvin said:

    The (Q) train yesterday had about 2 train sets  this past Monday. Not sure if the AM rush (R) tripper was kept on the (Q) the whole day. Around 5 PM at Times Square, I got on a Alstom A-2 set to Sheepshead Bay. Cars were 9797-9793 and 9588-9592. Another set that was told: 8818-8822 and 9823-9827 B Kawasaki units. 

    Yea R160’s are going to pop up regularly on the (N) or (Q) if the shop is overwhelmed with keeping up with the vandalism of the R46/68/68A’s which also have been running to death.

  6. On 11/3/2023 at 11:42 AM, Maxwell179 said:

    Give them a third rail to play with ?? Like come on , these are kids wtf 🙄

    Stupid kids at that! They’ll turn into criminals or develop a wild mental illness that we have to pay taxes for… nope not me. Let em play with the third rail. Kids or not. Have some sense. 

  7. 7 hours ago, BenTheMiner said:

    There has been a claim from an employee that 40 R46 cars has been retired. I'm not sure how true this is, but I will start tracking the last time ALL Pitkin R46 sets ran (as opposed to just the married pairs).

    And as an employee I can tell you that’s not the case. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Calvin said:

    The married pairs of the R46s are starting to vanish, 6244-6246 are removed from the system. They were at Coney Island for weeks unknown if it’s a move only to be thrown out. 

    There were talks of salvaging an AA pair for the TA Museum and for “museum runs” so that they can pair them with the R44

  9. 6 hours ago, RTOMan said:

    They have been testing them often..

    Doing it again this week actually..

    Rumor has it once the R211s are coming in service en masse the ten car R179s will get sent to Queens..

    I heard that from someone at Continental tower. The TA wants the (A) and (C) fully R211 since the 13 sets of the R179’s would be a complete odd ball fleet. Meanwhile the R179 has similar parts and features as the R160’s. If those cars go to Queens they’ll break them up and put them on the (G) 

  10. 4 hours ago, Kamen Rider said:

    … I give them one day… ONE DAY… and what do I get? 


    So, I am currently on paid leave for Grand Jury Duty. Yesterday, I had to go in to work since the courts were closed and per contract, when you’re not going in to court, you have to come into work.

    they gave me a job, I do it, they ask if I want to do one extra trip…

    Pull into a station, I see a bunch of kids standing around at the far end of the platform…

    We start to leave and two of them leap onto the side of my train.

    they ran when I pulled the brake.


    this grand jury gig is four weeks. I give them 1 day and this is what I come back to.

    ROOKIE! (You kept ya head out too long)

    Know that RCC hates when a C/R pulls the cord when there’s imbeciles surfing the side of the train… any vet knows those losers jump off before the train picks up speed out the station. 😂😂

  11. Y’all gotta chill. But also remember that R46’s still dominate the (A) line. The R179’s that they have are still covered by warranty so the TA is not gonna run all 13 sets at once and the R211’s are still very new and unreliable so they will be careful on which sets to run. Also keep in mind, there’s a few of you or others who want to vandalize the “new tech” trains on that line for whatever sick; ridiculous reason, and the TA knows about it. So R46’s you will have until they start performing like the Worst R32’s we had to deal with in 2019-2020.

  12. 9 hours ago, Vulturious said:

    That's probably what it went to QBL for, testing with CBTC.

    Yes, occasionally R179’s are going to be tested on the Queens Boulevard line because they have the same CBTC package as those R160’s that are assigned to Jamaica yard.

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