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Everything posted by junjun798

  1. 380 R142As are being converted,and there are 103 new cars if im not mistaking. It must be all NTT because only the R142As are cbtc compatible and the R62As are not. And flushing cannot get an order of NEW Subway cars that have never been in the system because where would the R62As go to they cannot be retired they are not even 30 yet flushing has the youngest R62As in the system and the cars are 25. Converting R142As will save money thats why it makes sense for the and to swap cars hope it makes more sense now
  2. That is where those R142As that might remain will go into play.
  3. Yes sir who knows might keep 3 or 4 R142As on the for spares it may very well happen.
  4. Weren't Passengers on the the reason MTA Retired those R32s because they had no where to go. At least part of it ?
  5. I see where you are coming from but we need to see how it will work for Westchester i am not saying your way isn't good. On this Case R62As at this point wont go to the unless Westchester's Passenger really but really gets on the mayors nerves but that likely won't happen yet lol. Lets try and thing on how R62As on the spare wise will work.
  6. I agree with that. What ever MTA wants to do they will do.
  7. Reposted It may happen but at this point I dont see the being touched with R62As.It will be smarter if MTA moves Half of what will be left over to the and the rest can stay on the for spare trains if needed now that makes sense.At the same time the is all R62As so if MTA does move all R142As to the they can do what ever they are doing to the as they always have like on the .By that everything they do to the you know such as spare cars and stuff like that they can do to the as well.If you think about it the and are very identical they are both local,they are very important lines and will again run the same fleet of cars but they are in different places in the City. So lets see what the MTA's solution is. There is Nothing wrong with the being mostly R62As and some R142As.
  8. There is absolutly nothing wrong with that.
  9. It may happen but at this point I dont see the being touched with R62As.It will be smarter is MTA moves Half of what will be left over to the and the rest can stay on the for spare trains if needed now that makes sense.At the same time the is all R62As so if MTA does move all R142As to the they can do what ever they are doing to the as they always have like on the .If you think about it the and are very identical they are both local,they are very important lines and will again run the same fleet of cars but they are in different places in the City. So lets see what the MTA's solution is.
  10. Yep they should have a solution since they are the ones doing the swaps.There probably will be enough Spare R62As on the in the Yard and if R142As from the wind up on the same thing.
  11. No but all im saying now,its not hard to make the 100% that was it.
  12. I doubt it Pelham riders have always been Very Smart and have always known the difference so that maybe wont be an issue.
  13. Hmm ok thanks. If you read what i said,I have friends who get their infos from friends that work in high managment so i technically dont have friends in high managment so that was a mistake of mine,wich I apologize for. I must rephrase what I say and properly. And I was gonna say they can use the shuttles R143s, that way the R42s can go somewhere else but i see where RolloverMyHead is getting at.
  14. Lol See like I said once arriving those R142As services will no longer be needed on the
  15. Question why don't the R42s go to the and the and Get extra R160s from another line that done use them isn't that a possible thing as well?
  16. Your Math is wrong subtract 450 R142As to 380 it will be 70 left over.So Westchester will only have 7 sets left and they Now wont be needed. since there will be enough R62As to make the 100%
  17. The Remaning R142As will likely go to the they wont be needed on the Westchester will have plenty R62As for the to be 100% and now its 2012 back then in the 90s the had redbirds because it needed them. There wasnt anyother place for the R29s. And Remember gave its R62As up to the as well so now when returned to the there will be enough cars to make it 100%
  18. I agree with donald theres more than plenty R62As for the the is running every R62A that the ran and most of what the ran so technically there is enough and it is an even swap R62As From the with the it wont make sense for a line to have NTT and OTT not at this point and let me remind the and only have it because there is no place for the R42s to go to and they need the extras. and @ TheSubwayStation its actually because westchester has 3 R142As usually as a back up if anything happened to a set they can be used as an extra or they would be used for the for a Yankees game if you think about it,really its even and i dont think Westchester would be keeping the remaining R142As they would likely go to the there will be enough R62As to make Westchester 100%
  19. That article is prove R62As wont go to eastside lol
  20. Very True,if R62As went to the it would be 1990s all over again for the crew,and the as well R62As wont go to the or . This got released a few weeks ago http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.capitalnewyork.com%2Farticle%2Fpolitics%2F2012%2F09%2F6536240%2Fmta-upgrade-7-line-trading-old-cars-lexington-avenue&ei=n3ZXUO6mPOqO0QGgyIHQBQ&usg=AFQjCNGVhxr3PSW2miwpjaRASZHk9nNELw
  21. Makes sense,this is why sometimes i wish we were still in the Redbird days there wasn't confusion really,At least for me there wasn't.
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