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Posts posted by Brakeman

  1. Because there isn't this guy is a liar him and his trusted "souse" spell check first then I'll believe. His lead isn't the only thing he's blowing. Ignore please.


    They test your urine for sugar (diabetes) and protein (kidney problems) by using test strips that they dip in urine sample.

  2. Evening all,

    Love the thread as it has been most insightful and informative. I have been considering applying for the upcoming T/O open competitive exam and was wondering which study guide I can purchase to prepare. I have tried to look for a thread relating to this exam

    Dont bother, the study guides have nothing to do with actually what going to be on the test! I spent $35 for a study guide,and it was worthless!

    unsuccessfully. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


    Evening all,

    Love the thread as it has been most insightful and informative. I have been considering applying for the upcoming T/O open competitive exam and was wondering which study guide I can purchase to prepare. I have tried to look for a thread relating to this exam unsuccessfully. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


    Evening all,

    Love the thread as it has been most insightful and informative. I have been considering applying for the upcoming T/O open competitive exam and was wondering which study guide I can purchase to prepare. I have tried to look for a thread relating to this exam unsuccessfully. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


  3. I had Ms Murray she is very tuff but fair she's very good & knowledgeable listen to her our class started as 10 were still 10 now with other classes having lost people absorb what she says she'll tell you she's going to show you how to be a train operator not just pass a test


    Do you have Ms Murray as your TSS?

  4. @runningonrails, yea same here DCAS automated system said same thing for me. Im assuming thats just an error on the system.


    When the system says "not currently on a outstanding certification" it means the list has been returned to DCAS because they stopped hiring for the moment, when hiring resumes, they return the list to transit, and then you will be on a outstanding certification again! WHEW!!!

  5. Also be sure you are in good enough shape to be able to climb on to a subway car from the track bed! One person had to leave their class because they weren't able to do it. MTA is allowing them to go to the gym and come back for the July class,

    Ta18 is the name of one class section in the B division.

  6. Yes, we are the 2nd. class to have to take the signal test twice! There have been problems with people passing the signal test, and then not knowing how to understand the signals while on the road.

    The name of one of the class sections in the B division.

  7. Well being a Train Operator is a lot harder than the Civil Service test announcement implies! Learning the signals are hard because you have


    to give the exact definitions and procedures in order to past the signal test. If you pass it the first time you have to pass it a 


    second time also!. You have to learn how the trains work from a technical point of view. When working in the yard you have to learn how to 


    thoroughly inspect the entire train inside and out, including underneath the train. If you miss any defects you will be blamed for them.


    Yesterday we got to operate on the road from New Lots Ave in Bklyn. to 145st in Manhattan, and that was great. Be prepared to have a lot


    of info thrown at you all at once, and not a lot a lot of time to learn it! Hate walking over all of those 3rd. rails in the yard, but I'm getting used


    to it!. So far I'm enjoying it, especially the pay!! Can't wait until School Car is over!

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