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Status Replies posted by danielhg121

  1. Why did you post that? I edited it already.

    1. danielhg121


      He has a life. His life doesn’t revolve around you asking him for signs. He is providing signs out of the kindness of his heart. 

      And yes, you were rude. Otherwise, why would you edit it? It was a sense of entitled urgency and if your criteria for something being late is less than one hour after asking for it, then you should probably stop asking altogether.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Why did you post that? I edited it already.

    1. danielhg121


      why are you being so rude and entitled to someone doing you a favor? 

      it was something along the lines of "Hello? Why didn't you make it yet?" when 

      a.) that was less than an hour ago


      b.) point A is moot when he's doing you a favor, to begin with and you never said please nor thank you. 

      Rude af. Next time, think before you post.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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