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Railfanner Mario

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Posts posted by Railfanner Mario

  1. 17 minutes ago, MTAbus677 said:

    What are your guys recommendations for bus exploring as of now?

    I mean You do have the hybrid buses between Manhattanville Routes and MJQ routes and probably the latest 2022 LFS’ running in service along Queens Village Routes.

  2. 1 hour ago, trainfan22 said:

    Saw in a COVID thread on Reddit that at one point last week there was a depot out there down 60 Bus Operators due to COVID.



    I thought depots were short like 10-15 operators at most... not SIXTY! The driver in the reddit thread didn't say which depot it was.

    Oh Boy not again….. This situation reminds me of last year when Kingsbridge Bus Operators Getting sick to a point they were severely short on drivers that other depots had to assist. Hope it doesn’t end up in that bad situation again.

  3. 6 hours ago, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

    These new Prevosts man. From the shitty rattling, to the crammed seats. Literally just lipstick on a pig. I'm disappointed because the 2015s are much better, and the 2012s are even better (I just don't like that ugly rear design on the 2012s). 

    Its really hilarious how in 2021 we gotta delay buses because passenger comfort has completely went out of the window. Prevost, WTF were yall thinking? MTA, as hard as yall go to inspect and get these buses approved...how did legroom just completely go over yall heads? 

    VanHool would NEVER...(I hope hope hope this can open the door to VanHool for future orders)

    So I'm curious now if they are willing to sacrifice 4 seats? That's really the only legit feasible solution to actually have a change. The first two is chained off so the total has been 53 for quite some time. The average bus only gets filled to about 35-45 seats per bus. It only makes sense to then take the existing fleet and have them modified as more buses come in with the modifications. 


    Peep the article though...

    "Cipriano said the buses are the same size as the ones they are replacing but added that a previous redesign resulted in less room for seats to make more room for riders using wheelchairs" (manipulative) 

    "Cipriano said the space issues are limited to the first seven to eight rows on the driver’s side of the bus." (FALSE)

    "Cipriano declined to comment specifically on what changes could be considered for the buses, saying the MTA and Prevost engineers will “try and get this rectified.”" (there's literally only one solution Cipriano...)

    (MTA Rider) said a “tweak” of a “few more inches” would be enough to make her more comfortable on the new buses. “Now when I’m waiting for the buses, I’m just crossing my fingers,” she said. “And I’m thinking, ‘Please, let this be an old bus.’” (NOW people prefer the old buses...just a year ago they were crying to get them replaced)

    “Please let this be an old bus.” Man some people….Also to hold off deliveries because of a few seats?!?!? Since when did “seats” stop the (MTA) from bringing buses into the city?

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