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Everything posted by beanz

  1. I've heard people say January 7th and January 28th..could it be 2 January classes I wonder?
  2. Highest I've seen in this forum called for medical has been in the 730s. Our time is coming soon bro.
  3. Use spothero. Theres a parking lot exactly on the other side of the building. I think I paid like 16 for the whole day.
  4. You guys gotta keep in mind that there was so much jumping because a lot of people already got in as provisional, so their numbers weren't called this time. Now that they have gotten into the 700s there won't be as much skipping. If u got 50 per class then it could be February or January if a lot of people defer or are disqualified. I hope for January, but I'm setting mybexpections low just in case.
  5. I'm in the 900s and still waiting. I think realistically I'll be in a february class.
  6. Have any of you seen this? https://hcm.mymta.info/psc/HCPRD/SELFSERVICE/HXMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_APP_SCHJOB.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST&Action=U&JobOpeningId=94926&SiteId=1&PostingSeq=1&HRS_SUBSOURCE_ID=1341 An alternative in case anybody is interested. Top pay of 45 is amazing.
  7. Congrats man I know this means more to you than anybody else here. Best of luck to you.
  8. Yea definitely.. I was actually getting pretty good service tho so I was good. Next time I do a pe (hopefully I don't do a 3rd) I'm gonna bring a board game or some dice to kill the silence in there lol.
  9. Word! I watched 2 whole episodes of game of thrones while I was waiting haha
  10. I would just like to add one thing to this, make sure your social security card isn't damaged! I almost got sent home because of that but the Spanish dude that seems to run the show as far as pe was cool enough to let me slide but made me swear I would go replace it right away. I have my original and 2 of the letters in my name were scratched off. I went to Montague street and replaced it right away and already got my new one in the mail. So for those of you who haven't even received the pe letter yet, just make sure to get your documents in order starting now!
  11. Yea but when u say hold it u make it sound like they are withholding pay u are entitled to. It's just not payday for you yet. The week you are starting in does not get paid until the next payday. Not a matter of holding just a matter of timing.
  12. It's always been like that. You get paid this week for last week's work, not this week's. You always have to wait til the next pay date when you start a new job.
  13. Yea you'll be lining up outside until they open the doors at 7 but u will be out quick assuming u have all of your documents and no outstanding tickets.
  14. I don't think so... Highest I've seen called for medical is in early 600s.
  15. I'm in the 900s. I think that we gonna wait a few and I might have a 3rd pe. Reason I say that is the provisional stopped around the 600s which is why it seems to be moving fast. They are pretty much just calling those that deferred and people whose numbers are close to where huey stopped. After they reach the number that the provisional stopped at, it's gonna slow back down as continue from where they left off. I still think it'll be within the next 5 months for me but I'm not expecting it too soon just to stay level-headed.
  16. Relax man. Go to livingston. You're the only person I've heard of saying their number was skipped. There has to have been some mistake and u won't get an answer on the phone. Just pop up and tell them what's up.
  17. There's a website called paycheckcity.com that has a calculator you can use. I'm seeing 1868 bi-weekly after taxes but that doesn't include overtime or night/weekend differential, just base pay. Also didn't include deductions I will add like 401k and stuff like that. It's around 70 percent more than what I'm getting now.
  18. Just trying to do a little research 😄 all good thanks bro. To the people upset about the process, I did my 2nd p/e today. It comes with the territory man. It's frustrating and I really hope I don't have to do it again, but if I do it is what it is. This isn't my dream job like TO legacy but I need to take care of business at home and this is the best opportunity to do so. Sitting around all day and waiting is a small price to pay for the life changing opportunity. My old impala is starting to die, my daughter is about ready for school, my wife and I are tired of living in a shitty neighborhood in the bronx, and the bills are piling up every month with no mercy. Good luck to all of you and just be patient. You will have your day. Think about my best friend who had his heart set on this job and did terrible on the test. He's number 76** and will most likely never be called.
  19. What that check looking like after taxes, if u don't mind me asking? 🧐
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