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Everything posted by beanz

  1. Anybody know if I can just schedule a sleep study myself on my own time with my doctor and bring that with me on the medical before they call me in? Maybe I could save myself some time.
  2. Doesn't help that the MTA employees just keep coming in and getting first priority 😄
  3. This is my second time and it's taking just as long as the first so I hope it's the last pre-employment for me. This waiting around is exhausting. Edit: just to put it in perspective for ya.. I was no more than 40th max on the line and I'm still waiting to do my drug test. So if u get here past 7 30am, get ready to leave at 7pm.
  4. She's funny sometimes but i could see how she can rub someone the wrong way at the wrong moment.
  5. Word to the wise... Get here at 6 30am. I'm here now and I arrived at 7am, I'm still like the 50th person on the cue. Also, the security lady is very loud. Don't mind her and don't argue with her. I've done security all my life and known people like her. They love to feel important. She's not bad just a little obnoxious.
  6. I'm only going to pre-employment today but I'm so nervous about this just because I know it's gonna cost me a month. My bmi is over 35 but I don't have sleep aepna, I just snore a little. Im never sleepy during the day unless my toddler daughter had a rough night and I have never ever fallen asleep driving or nothing like that. I started a strict diet on Friday and have been sticking to it and already lost 6 pounds since then. Maybe I can drop another 30 by the time I get a call for medical to get my bmi under that 35 mark so I don't have to stress it.
  7. Hey man sorry about your wife. Tough hand to deal with. I know that u can defer the position, but I'm not sure for how long. I'm in the same boat with the bmi over 35 but my blood pressure is ok. I would say defer and work on your health and save some money up for the move back to NY. Rent is mighty expensive out here right now so I imagine you would need a nice amount of cash put away. So take the time to lose some weight, eat healthy, and get yourself mentally and financially prepared. I wish you all the best man. As a dad of a 3 year old daughter, I can only imagine how tough that has been for you so I really mean that.
  8. I'm number 90* and I have a feeling we might be considered for either the December or January class. I'm expecting January honestly but December is not impossible.
  9. Shit that sucks to see. From what I just calculated I'm at 37.5 BMI (6'2 300). I don't have sleep aepna though I sleep just fine. Sucks that I might get delayed a bit because of that.
  10. Maybe not for a couple of years but u got a shot before the list expires I think.
  11. Yea between this and my wife's teaching salary, we will be set at retirement. That's the ultimate goal, retire before 60 and travel the world. This will definitely put us on the right track.
  12. The crazy part is that it doesn't even require much overtime to hit 100k. 10 hours of OT a week which is an extra 2 hours a day will put u over 100. Can't wait.
  13. Yea but as far as I've heard that's just to determine if I could have sleep aepna. I don't and I'm not in terrible shape I'm just a big guy. I'm a little worried about it now.
  14. I wonder if being a bit overweight has any bearing on my medical. I don't have sleep aepna or anything but I'm a big guy, 6'3 300lbs.
  15. They will tell u to come back after the court date. At least that's what they told us when I was there in June. One guy was mad because he had to drive all the way to Connecticut to settle it sooner because he didn't want to defer it any longer.
  16. As long as u don't owe money that's all they worried about.
  17. Nah as far as I know the points don't matter but I was there all the way back in June so I don't remember if that's 100 percent accurate.
  18. Pay it all off because they will send u home until u get it all taken care of. There was some drama last time because they tried to send a bunch of us home because we owed tickets, but some of us were able to pay them online right away and the dude tried to act like it wasn't acceptable. He finally gave in and let us stay but we almost lost time because of tickets. I even went so far as to plead guilty on a traffic violation even tho the officer herself told me to plead not guilty. The hearing wasn't until December 18th so I'm not gonna wait and put off the process over 135 bucks and 2 points. So Yea, if u can just pay everything u owe off before pre-employment.
  19. This post just gave me so much hope for the December class. I really hope I'm in there!
  20. No they don't keep it im just saying I still have it. I ordered it last time from ss.
  21. I have mine from when I went in for the provisional. I've had a lotttt of jobs lol but I'm happy to write it in again. It would be so perfect if I get into a class in the next 3 months. I can't wait.
  22. Got my letter for the 13th. I don't have any leave hours at work so I'm gonna have to go without pay. Whatever I'm sick of my job so it is what it is.
  23. I just got home and I didn't get my letter. I'm number 90*. People lower and higher than me all got theirs smh.
  24. Yea this will be my second time going for pre-employment. The first time was for the provisional employment though and they didn't arrive to my number so it is what it is. But if I go again and then still have to wait 6 months I'm gonna be pissed.
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