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Everything posted by beanz

  1. I got my first letter back in May and took the drug test on June 7th. My drug test expired and I'm waiting for contact to take the next drug test. If u read thru the thread a bit you will see there's been some movement for a while now.
  2. Yea man of course. I'm number 86x and I already took a drug test. U aren't that far after me.
  3. As a man with a wife and toddler that's the part that I'm not looking forward to. Still, my wife understands sacrifices have to be made by me on their behalf. When my daughter graduates from her private schools and goes off to a good college that I will be able to pay for, she will thank me.
  4. I've had a shit ton of jobs man lol some of them were security guard for a bunch of different companies. It was a bitch finding all of that information.
  5. I hear you. My time at my current job has run its course too. All jobs have their drama and drawbacks but that mta salary has me ready to move the f**k on. I'm number 86x so maybe they just aren't up to me yet. I thought it purely depended on when the drug test expires. I took mine on June 7th.
  6. How and when were you guys notified of the 2nd lab? Mine expires tomorrow, Sept 7th and I haven't received anything about a 2nd lab yet.
  7. I have to fill all that shit out again? Wtf I had all those details on a piece of paper for the first pre-employment. I'm gonna have to find all that shit again unless I find the paper I used before.
  8. Oh yea we will all be getting that email soon. Means your first drug test expired. Silly me I thought the list began to move again lol
  9. I understand the frustration. I'm going to have to take another day off that I can't afford to take just to spend another day over there taking the drug test again. I need the salary boost so I'm very eager to get started. All we can do is wait. My only fear is the list slowing down to the point that I don't get called until next summer.
  10. Oh no doubt, he told me the same thing. He says don't go crazy at first while I'm still learning the job. But it's nice to have the option as soon as I'm comfortable.
  11. I am kicking myself for not scoring higher on the test. My lease is up for renewal on my apartment, but there's such a nice apartment available for rent for more money. If i was already making that mta money this would be such an easy decision to make. I had a conversation with a friend of mine who has been a TO for I think 4 years now. He explained to me the way overtime works and how much of it is actually available and oh man this is going to be life changing money. He told me he can always ask for ot when his shift is done and almost always gets it and that he can even work on one of his days off if he chooses for more ot. This job pays so much more than advertised. I'm even more impatient now than I was before.
  12. What about pending moving violations? I just got a traffic ticket 2 weeks ago and pled not guilty on the officers suggestion (she was cool about it). The hearing isn't until December 18th though. Would I be put on hold pending the hearing? Would it be better if I just pled guilty, paid the fine and took the points?
  13. Do u happen to know what session the grading issue pertains to?
  14. I hear you. My plan is to take a semester off while I'm in school car and then take an online class or 2 at a time after I'm already finished with training. I would like to finish school just because I started it but I'm not gonna jeopardize that t/o salary.
  15. I for one am glad I'm not being called too quickly. I wanted to at least finish this semester of school so I can do all my other classes online. This semester is the last one that I will have to take in person classes. I'm number 86x on the list so I'm thinking maybe end of this year, early next year. Only sucks because I will have to go back down there and take a day off to take another drug test. I was at the June 7th pre employment.
  16. When I was there for PE there was a guy who said he was only back for the drug test again. So it does indeed happen.
  17. What sucks is that the drug test expires. So if we don't get called within 3 months of taking the test, we will have to go back and take it again.
  18. Something im curious about. What do dispatchers and tss make? It was said at the orientation that those are the two promotional opportunities for train operators, but I can't find info on the salary anywhere.
  19. Fine by me. I was worried about my vacation at the end of July but looks like I'll get to go.
  20. Luckily I'm a city employee so they didn't even give me a packet. No homework for me.
  21. Word of advice. Go early. Like an hour early. Bring snacks. Bring your charger. Download some movies to your phone. I was there 7 30am to 4pm. 12pm to 4pm just waiting to take the drug test! I was pissed I left my charger at home. My phone was almost dead and all I could do was watch new york 1 news on repeat for 4 hours. The sad part is that there was another good 20 to 25 people waiting, so it wouldn't shock me if someone was still there right now. Also, mta employees that need drug tests go in front of u no matter what, so if 8 people show up for random drug tests, they going in front of u unless they have somebody dedicated to just them. It was an exercise in patience today.
  22. I asked the dude processing me and he said there's a chance u could hear something by a month or two. He seemed confused about other things tho so take that with a grain of salt.
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