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Everything posted by beanz

  1. I'm still here. Almost got sent home over an unpaid parking ticket. Paid it online on the spot. 😓
  2. Anybody else at livingston now? Something they said that's new to me. After 231 days the pay is 34.88, not top pay yet.
  3. Yea show up. I only say that because I know how some civil employees can get attitudes when things aren't done by the book. I see it all the time at my job. But if someone did say just come in, I would take my chances if I were u and just come in.
  4. As somebody who works in civil service right now, I'm gonna guess they gonna send u home. There's probably going to be a good amount of people there as it is. I would call if I were u.
  5. I got that and paid for it but it only gives you the years and the amount u made each year and the employer's address. Not the time frame that you worked for each.
  6. I imagine you write exactly what u just wrote here on the application
  7. I was only basing that on what I was reading in the schoolcar experience thread. Towards the end there were some people that were able to choose after a year in. But I hear you, I'm not getting my hopes up too high. I'm prepared to make the sacrifices I have to for my family.
  8. So funny you say that. I just started college and was in a groove (4.0 GPA) but idk how I will be able to finish now. I'm not leaving this money on the table so I'm gonna have to drop out.
  9. Thanks that's perfect. I work for the city now and I'm getting 3 checks this month. Made me wonder if it was the same way.
  10. Cool but is it every 2 weeks no matter what or is it 1st and 15th? That's a difference of 2 checks a year. Trying to do some math as far as my income before and after.
  11. I hear you, but after I accept this job I'm not going to be able to spend time with my family. You can always make more money but you can't make more time. If i can delay the start I definitely will and if I can't then I'll just have them put me back on the list and wait a little longer.
  12. I spoke to a friend of mine who has been a t/o for a few years now. He says even if I'm not ready I should go in and start the process, and when they offer me a start date let them know about my vacation. That way at least my paperwork is already in when I am ready to start and it wont take as long.
  13. Just got home and saw the letter in the mail. I'm number 86X. I am hyped!
  14. I'm 86X. This is exciting for me, my wife and I have come a long way when it comes to salary and this job would be a 75 percent raise for me. Suburbs here we come lol.
  15. Does anybody know if we are able to choose our school car tour? I hear it's 7am to 3pm, 3pm to 11pm or 11pm to 7am. I wonder if we can choose the tour. Maybe not.
  16. It's definitely a commitment. My boy has been in for 4 years and he says that first year all he did was sleep and work. What gives me hope is that I'm relatively high up so I will have seniority on people lower than me on the list. If it moves as fast as it has been then maybe I will be able to pick decent shifts a year after I start.
  17. It's just that the vacation is booked and paid for. If it wasn't for that I'd be all over it asap but if i don't take this vacay, I don't know when the next one will be.
  18. My co-worker just called me. Her brother was in the 700s in the list and he received a letter today to come in for pre-employment processing next week. This thing is moving fast. I really hope I can delay my start.
  19. Damn I'm not ready. I got a vacation in July booked and paid for. Anybody know if I would be able to delay my start date?
  20. I hope so for my friends sake. He really had his heart set on this job but he only scored a 78
  21. My boy was number 2200 on the last list and it took him 4 years to get called. Might be sooner or not though, hard to tell.
  22. It says a motor vehicle driver license VALID IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK not a NYS DRIVER'S LICENSE. That's different.
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