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Everything posted by kev2112

  1. Got my boots ordered. What kind of shoes are acceptable for the first week? And do I have to show proof that I ordered them? Thanks
  2. Greetings all. First off thank you all for your info and insight over the years. It’s much appreciated on my part. Got appointed yesterday and obviously won’t have my boots in time. Can anyone recommend ones I can wear as a substitute until my real ones come in? Thanks
  3. I cleared a medical hold and drug tested last Thursday…got emailed for final processing tomorrow
  4. 16xx here. Cleared medical hold and did my 3rd drug test last Thursday. Hoping to get the email for final processing this week.
  5. Went in today for medical clearance. Took care of that. 2 hours later was told I would be doing final processing. Then 10 minutes after that I was told I had to take another drug test (3rd) and be called for final processing. I don’t get it. 16xx
  6. I brought a note in from my doctor stating I had no sleep apnea. Didn’t help. But if you have a note, bring it
  7. Eye test, hearing test, piss test, blood pressure, ekg. Then you see the doctor. And if you pass all those things, and have a neck that measures bigger than 16.5 inches, you have to go for a sleep study. (My personal story)
  8. Greetings all. I'm going in to clear my medical hold Thursday. For those of you that know, do you think there is any chance I can clear my hold and get hired the same day? Many thanks
  9. Got emailed yesterday....Going in to clear my medical hold this Thursday!! 16xx
  10. Coming off medical hold next week!! Hoping I can get in the next class.
  11. Greetings all. Best of luck to all those starting this week. I am currently 20 days away from clearing a medical hold (Sleep apnea) and hope to be joining you soon. If any of you that have cleared medical holds for sleep apnea could reach out to me through messaging or on here, I would appreciate it. I just want to know what to expect when I come back. Many thanks
  12. Appreciate that info. I will be off medical hold around the third week of September. (I'm a week into the Cpap machine, and doing great)
  13. When you are restored do you know if you keep your spot? I mean will you be called first when a class opens?
  14. Greetings all. Does anyone know how long a medical evaluation lasts for? My medical was on 8/2, I passed everything and am currently using a CPAP machine to clear a medical hold. I'm just curious if I'll have to do medical again when I clear my hold in September. Thanks to all of you for the always helpful info.
  15. Great thanks...I should be off medical hold (Sleep apnea) by September 20
  16. Greetings all. Starting on the CPAP machine this week for the MTA mandated 30 days. Hope there is a spot for me in mid September.
  17. Anybody know if there are going to be classes beyond August?
  18. Congrats. I was found to have moderate. Still don’t know how. Either way I’m going on the machine next week, and hoping there will be a spot for me in mid September
  19. My neck was 16.5 and my ekg was “excellent” I’m on hold and have to get a sleep study
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