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Posts posted by Milano

  1. 3 minutes ago, AP-MTA said:

    I'm pretty sure the Hilton can match or nearly match anything the MTA has to offer. And I'm looking at a starting per hour rare of $28.75-$37.85

    I'm just thinking about the insane repetitive nature of being a conductor... And this not so guaranteed "process" 

    But is Hilton going to pay you 10 hours for working only an hour and a half? 

    I made $28 an hour before I came to transit for $24.33.  My checks are bigger now. Even with that cut. Even with Union dues that I never paid before. 

    It's your life and it'd be your sacrifice. I can't make your mind up for you but I would recommend it. If you can get through the initial crap you have to deal with. I travel 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours most days to get to this job because I see the value in it.

  2. 5 minutes ago, AP-MTA said:

    I wonder if I should even bother with this anymore, took the OPA back in September after postponing my Jan exam date, seeing what initial pay and eventual top pay is I wonder if just working in a midtown hotel for about the same pay if not higher initially is a better idea then deal with what I anticipate to be a mess of a schedule and a bunch of nonsense being stuck in a train every day lol... Meh. 

    What promotional opportunities do the hotels have for you? Do they offer completely free medical with no deductibles and no copays?


    Also, if you're only looking at Transit standard rate of pay, you're only seeing half the picture. There's a lot of things that bring a day up to 16 hours, 20 hours, 23 hours pay.

  3. 59 minutes ago, alexx said:

    I'm trying to follow with all this but you veteran folks using all these key terms us newbies have no clue about :(

    What is this bidding sheet I keep hearing about? For sick time, do you just walk in to the associated "mta" doctor, need an appointment or what?

    How exactly does everything work? Any other fantastic information to include us newbies would be great. I'm personally super lost   :(  , Haha, Thank you

    I just wrote you a two-page response and it disappeared. 🤦‍♂️

    So forgive the short version. Ugh. 🤷‍♂️


    This place has its own language and its own world that it exists in. The best way to learn this stuff is to hang out on your breaks in the dispatcher offices. A lot of this will be covered in school car, also. 


    When you're sick you call the crew office, who is responsible for assigning work. They have a sick desk that handles this. The MTA has doctors on the payroll, and you don't deal with these people unless you absolutely need to. They're not looking out for you, they're looking out for the interest of the MTA. 

    Every 6 months conductors and train operators pick what job they want to work. As a brand new person, you're too low on the list to pick anything. All the jobs are gone before they get to your number. So that's where vacation relief, extra list and extra extra list come to play.

    After the pick comes a bid session. They publish a sheet with a list of all the jobs that have been vacated. Jobs are vacated usually temporarily by people who are out to recover from surgery, from assault, due to promotions or demotions or termination or retirement.. this is your chance to get something better.. So you fill out a sheet in preferential order of which of those jobs you would like, and you see what you get. When I did it, I picked 41 different jobs and I think I got my 14th choice. You'll keep that job for 6 months about... or until that person returns to work. Could be tomorrow, could be never.




  4. 2 minutes ago, RTOMan said:

    That's what drives me nuts them bid sheets are GOLD..

    Folks are out here telling people go for it..

    Nah they rather complain instead of at LEAST trying.....

    Please don't ever confuse questioning with complaining, though. I post a lot of questions about how to crew office operates but it's not necessarily a complaint. To me, if I understand what they're doing, then I'm good. It's the fact that it's all some sort of shroud of secrecy how it all works which gets people aggravated.. You know, I might not agree with how they do things, but if they told us how they do things I could at least understand it and accept it. 

    Anyway yes, I have a couple classmates who didn't bid but they're certainly going to bid on the next one That just came out. It's the only guarantee you get in XX. Even if it's temporary. Even in the extreme case if I had to pick a job starting or ending  stillwell? Which you know I hate because I just told you - at least I can plan my day's better. This process of not knowing where you're going to be 48 hours ahead of time is rough. Any bid is better than that.

  5. 26 minutes ago, RTOMan said:

    When i was XX for five  years it was the lower your XX number was the better you got treated..

    I was living the life with weekends off..

    Then i had to pick..

    I wasn't able to SEE a weekend day off for 12 years..

    Yet there is nothing in *Writing* saying they should go by that only try to accommodate as best as they can a trust me brother they do...

    Those folks aren't the ones talking and the newbies see it and they start barking, because some folks gotta worry about what the other person is doing down here...

    Instead of worrying about what they gotta do...

    Those are facts...

    I started out of school with favorable locations most days... Favorable being anything not in Brooklyn.

    Then the pick came and I'm in Stillwell every day. One day I get 145 and sent to Stillwell anyway. So my number got lower and my location couldn't possibly be more difficult to commute to.

    I hear a lot of complaining about people in Coney Island don't want to work at Euclid and such... and they need an AM job and get pissed they can't have one.. I think that's ridiculous!  

    I'm upstate and had I known we'd all be forced B division I might have waited.

    I don't care AM PM MID... My only hopes are something not in Brooklyn and they can put me on any other job any time. Hopefully when the metro north is running but if it's not stillwell that don't matter either. I don't care about how many trips, I don't care how long my lunch is, I don't care if it gets late clears everyday, I don't care if there's weekends and GOs.. I just want to not spend 3.5 hours each way in my commute.

    Luckily I won a bid at 207 so I'm gonna bark less for now. 😂

  6. 8 minutes ago, RTOMan said:

    We will yet as some of us are seeing some of these new folks think "Im supposed to start close to my home"...

    No you aren't they can try to accommodate one though yes.

    This is a transportation industry if one wants to start close to home then get a job starting close to home...

    The problem here is the job is supposed to be based on seniority. If they can accommodate one, it should be #1. But they don't. It's random. The whole crew office thing is opaque.

  7. 41 minutes ago, AlgorithmOfTruth said:

    It's true that this process is unfair but try not to adopt this mindset going into that job. The (MTA) doesn't care how anyone feels and if you're not careful, you will personally feel like they're going after you in this position. The folks here who work RTO will let you know 100%.

    The truth is, in RTO things aren't terrible. It only starts to get bad when you deal with anything that's some sort of "office". I would venture to say maybe 85 to 93% of dispatchers and TSS  you run into during the week aren't bad. Just do your job and carry a little bit of positive energy. Like a 12-step program, one day at a time. It will get better!

  8. 1 minute ago, nirv78 said:

    There is nothing meant personal here. But I do feel I have a valid reason to be frustrated and I also feel that the process is unfair. I feel that I’ve made some valid suggestions to the process that would improve things for both the applicant and the MTA and it’s processing of applicants. As they say… it is what it is.

    Processing of applicants is small potatoes. Like @BigMike85 said.. Wait until you get the job... and live in Queens but get sent to the Bronx every single day... And your classmate lives in the Bronx but gets jobs in the same tour in Queens everyday.  This place is an experience like no other, for sure. 

  9. Just now, nirv78 said:

    I believe it was you Milano you stated that the person who got a 90 Seven years ago is no better than a person who would get 105 now…. 

    I’m not sure when the next conductor examiners but if there is one coming up in 2023 does that mean that all the applicants from the previous exam are automatically thrown out???

    I did say that.. but presumably if the list expired and people took the new test they'd possibly do better now that they know what to expect so it gives the old list people a leg up on the new people... But then you have legacy credits and all that which could potentially hurt former candidates too..   but really - if some guy came and scored higher than me on a new test and I didn't make it? I guess that's how it goes. You enjoy the age old wisdom of "wait your turn" -- what about "everyone doesn't get a trophy"?


    Yes, they announced Open competitive conductor applications will begin in June for a new list.

  10. 1 minute ago, nirv78 said:

    How dare you say that you’re frustrated waiting all these years for this opportunity for someone else to just say they just want to cut in front of you — YOU’VE BEEN WARNED

    I got no skin in the warning game but - who's cutting in front of you? Because I been reading and I didn't notice that part?

  11. 6 hours ago, dman1455 said:

    I don't think anyone even earned this job. You pass a common sense test, get a score, and if you scored the same along with thousands of others your list number is determined either by filing date or social security number, doesn't sound like you earned anything. 

    Must've failed my OPA, explains why I'm in track.

    Hey, in some way or another you earned it.  Some people burned out their brains with drugs and never got that diploma or whatever.. maybe it's basic but the discipline to go take the test and follow through with it and all that... It's earned.. Maybe in an unconventional way.. It's certainly not handed out! And it's not something people "deserve". It takes sacrifice and commitment and a positive attitude in a place that doesn't always reciprocate.

  12. 4 hours ago, nirv78 said:

    Oh yes and by the way the people who work in the MTA headquarters are nasty individuals. If they dare behave the way they behave in the private sector they would be canned a long time ago. There needs to be more accountability for people’s behavior. 

    So why do you want to deal with them for 25 years? Wait until you meet the crew office. 😂

  13. 1 minute ago, dman1455 said:

    What are you on about, Anyone who passed the test is eligible to be hired for this job. I scored a 95 on this test and I ended up with a list number close to the 5000s, are you saying I didn't deserve the opportunity to get appointed?

    You don't deserve it. You "earned" it. Are you guys all sure you passed the opa to read and understand English?

  14. 2 minutes ago, alexx said:

    Yes, nobody deserves or is owed anything, not even the top scorers... You get a better score, you get in front of the line, simply on the waiting list.  What you're saying is highly negative... Why not just hire only perfect scorers?  Why give people a 2nd chance when they can't follow simple instructions to pre employment/medical/etc.? So many why's because you accepted?

    IMO, anybody scoring a 90 says a lot already, meaning you can understand and can comprehend majority of the stuff, that should be far more than capable for a job and that's what the classes are in place for,  to give you the actually hands on training and further "test" you?? Hence, why you can still get dismissed anytime.... What you're saying is like why hire the first XXX  top list numbers after the class fills up when you can have the test done again with XXXXXX entries and possibly have better scorers?  

    IMO, we need more enthusiast people willing to do the job. Of course they need to know what they are doing so I do think everyone deserves a chance, weather it be 5 or 10 years waiting in line, otherwise, again, why not just hire on a class to class or few class basis rather than XX amount of years. 

    What I'm saying is factual and I'm sorry facts don't care about feelings. It's an old list. Lists expire.

  15. 38 minutes ago, nirv78 said:

    Hello Mc Fly anyone home??? People who took the test 6,7,8 years ago were delayed in being called because of COVID hiring freeze… It’s called waiting in line. I guess in todays society people just don’t want to wait and have it all given to them right away. You wait your damn turn. 

    And if covid didn't happen and a ton of people didn't also DIE, they'd probably never have gotten around the the 8000-9000 numbers is my point. Freeze or no freeze - they're reaching into the 9000s because people aren't with us any longer.

  16. 1 hour ago, Always successful said:

    What is that supposed to mean? You sound very negative. Everyone deserves a chance 

    Nobody deserves anything. You get what you earn.

    Why does the guy who got a 90 on a test seven years ago deserve more chance than a guy who might get a 105 on it now? Are the candidates from 2016 better people than the candidates coming 2023? C'mon 

    6061 is still going because a high number of people died from covid, moved, retired due to covid, found better jobs or otherwise no longer qualify. This list should have been wrapped up a while ago.


    IMO, anyone getting in off a list more than 5 years later is due to luck and circumstance, nothing more.

  17. 23 minutes ago, Mohamed said:

    What happens to those who passed the OPA assessment but didn't get called yet for pre employment?

    I don't know but I'm going to be the first one to buy you a keychain and laminate you some strip maps because you're dedicated af. 😁

    You may want to call olha.  If you're persistent about how much the job means to you and how it can help your family, she might be able to work magic - she did for me . (But they were up to my list number and skipped me and I found it about it but that's another story)

  18. 7 minutes ago, Canarsie88 said:

    I wonder what are the chances of even us in the early 7000s are even called up. I did pre-employment last month. I thought the list got extended to 2024 but I guess I was wrong. I feel bad for those that had high optimism. In a perfect world I wish we all would’ve gotten called but I know that they have a cut off limit.


    But is that a perfect world if more qualified (better test takers -debateable) people don't get a shot after almost a decade? And for those who don't make it, they can take the next test and presumably score much better because they already know what to expect! 

  19. 3 minutes ago, Future ENY OP said:

    I mean if transit is extending the other tests why not extend the conductors test for another year?

    Money. That's the only reason transit does anything.


    Maybe it's costing them too much to canvas people from 8 years ago who are not interested anymore... Letters, phone calls, data entry etc

  20. 4 minutes ago, Future ENY OP said:

    If they let the test expire on 2/14/23. That sucks for the people that are in the 8000's and 9000's like myself..  I know that personnel has stated they are in the 7000's on this list.  Personally, transit needs to get out of DCAS with regards to handling the test and handle their own testing.

    Someone has to say it. If you're in the seven or eight thousands, you never should have been hired. Thank covid for the opportunity. I'm not even sure I should have been hired.  (5000s) A new list means better candidates with better scores, potentially. 

  21. 4 hours ago, nirv78 said:

    I went to medicals and they put me on hold for some sleep apnea testing and ridiculously slightly off EKG. The class is scheduled for Jan 9 and I don’t think I’m gonna make it…. This is ridiculous. Anyone have any input what happens if I miss the class??

    You make the next class.  Or sign up for the next test in June. I think you'll keep a little seniority if that's any solace. The way I read it, every class is above the next in seniority, but if you were called for a previous class and didn't make it, you'll be senior to the people within your next class.



  22. 13 minutes ago, alexx said:

    Hello, I'll like to ask what are the chances of getting called back if they made you go in for the pre employment and you filled in everything no problem and know for sure of a clean drug test? 

    Sorry about the question about since i'm patient but just wanted to throw it in there... What I mainly want to ask is if someone gets hired, when and how should they ask and/or bring up dates that they know they won't be able to attend? I have a extremely important wedding to attend that is out of country, will there be any way to get that week off and able to attend if I already know the exact dates I need?

    Transit doesn't care about your schedule. People wait for trains, trains don't wait for people.

    You could probably delay an appointment, yes .. But that doesn't obligate them to ever call you again. Once they have enough people, they're done.

    Now - if you know when the next classes are .. you should be able to know about when you can be called. That information might help you figure out what you can be here for.

  23. 1 hour ago, Nyhoneydip said:

    I just got recently called again for pre employment because my 90 day expired do i have to bring back in the same paper work or i don't because they have copies of it already? Im nervous to not show up with anything but i don't remember everything i put on my last application 

    Lol you're making this too easy.


    Your old one is outdated. You need to do the whole thing over

    It's not just the drug test that expires, the paperwork does too.

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