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Everything posted by Fredman0220

  1. I hope you’re right. March sounds a lot better lol. But doing the math; 70 to a class, it’s showing around April for list in the late 1000s. But you never know, March for sure isn’t out the question.
  2. I’m list number 109x. Mathematically speaking, we’ll be in there around April, latesttttt May, considering DQs and medical holds.
  3. Congrats man, good luck with everything! 💪🏾. Please listen out if they announce anything in regards to later classes.
  4. I know some folks went in for medicals today, any news to share?
  5. Every day when I read this post, the main thing I’m looking/hoping to read is if there’s going to be any classes scheduled past January’s class lol. I’m list number 109x and doubt I’ll make that class since there still about 300 candidates listed before myself. Considering holds and DQ’s Im wishfully thinking I have a shot at the next class or two after January. Praying for Ms. Vargas to get that approval this month for more classes. Anyone who receives this info plz let us know. Thanks and good luck to all 💪🏾💪🏾
  6. Can you try to find out if they were able to clear up anymore classes after that January class? Please and thanks
  7. This is my issue as well. Every driving ticket or violation I’ve received does not show on my abstract. I was wondering if I can go to the dmv and maybe they can print my out my lifetime record. On the 21 page homework it does state if you can’t remember your exact offenses to make sure you state that in the extra page they give you for additional comments.
  8. It takes 48-72 hours for them to get the results back but that does not mean that’s when you’ll be contacted. Them contacting you back can be anywhere from 3 to 90 days. Sit tight, your time will come.
  9. Yes I figured there no exact date, but there will be a class in February is what she said?
  10. Is it for certain they’ll be having a February class? I was there on 11/16 for and she mentioned they didn’t have anything scheduled past the January class as of then.
  11. Thanks so much brother. Question for the part where it says “dispositions” on the chart to fill out, what should we put there for the traffic convictions? The ending result?
  12. Can someone please help me with the Traffic Coviction Record on page 14 of the homework. How did you guys fill this out? Are there dispositions we can go to the dmv to pick up from prior moving violations? My abstract does not show all the violation I’ve had in the past.
  13. That Kaka bag is very similar to a regular book bag since it has straps. What makes it much different and acceptable?
  14. Do you recall there being another classes from in between now and then?
  15. When the time comes to provide dispositions, do we have to provide them for any type of summons or violation, or is this only for cases that resulted in an arrest? For example if you had a open container summons, that didn’t result in an arrest just a court appearance. Would you need to get a disposition for that type of charge?
  16. I received a summons for playing loud music in my car and for an open container. None resulted in an arrest, I was only scheduled to appear in order which resulted in me paying a fine. Is this something I would need a disposition for, or only for arrest?
  17. The only dispositions you would need are for arrest, correct? Or for all court cases and offenses?
  18. What did the pre-employment consist of? Did they look or ask for anything specific?
  19. Yes how long did it take to receive the email for your medical after your pre employment?
  20. Yes you are correct about this. I just called the hiring center and the guy informed me you should have nothing pending or owed.
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