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Posts posted by TOSironi

  1. 11 hours ago, MarkGuy said:

    "If you said you were doing posted speed, they will do posted speed; and if they don’t hit that timer, they’re gonna discipline you."

    In this case there's a good chance either the operator had a faulty speedometer and didn't notice it....or was flat out lying. 

    In the former case you weren't hiding anything but still not paying attention. If you indeed did hit it at posted speed and you are 100 on that, AND you say the right things on that radio, you will most likely be ok.

    I hit a station timer near West 4 Street earlier this year on SMEE equipment...doing 18 when it said 20.

    I knew what to say and how to say it....months later no discipline.

    Granted though, its harder to test ST for obvious reasons.

    But that being said....if you want to get through probation without much fuss...approach however makes you feel comfty.


    What should we say and how on the radio? "I approached at posted speed as per rule and it didn't clear"?

  2. 21 hours ago, trackerjack said:

    2 Broadway has a torture chamber in the 2nd level basement.  It's unmarked in the elevator.

    so much for a "stable fire proof" job right?  i've been told you can never get fired from being a TO unless u do something really really stupid STUUUPID.  

    but that's all subjective right?   3 signals hits and u get fired even after probation?  :(  damn man

    I think it depends by what signals. If you hit 3 automatic on time that you approached at posted speed but didn't clear, or a signal flashes on you, I don't think they'd fire you over that...or I hope not...

  3. 5 hours ago, arestab said:

    Also, would someone be able to explain the change in pay?

    The original posting says "current minimum salary is $32.51", the above posting says "Pay: Starts at $34.16 and increases to $39.81", but when I look at my list number the salary listed next to my name is "37.49", can someone clarify ? New to this-- thank you :)

    The original posting wasn't updated from 2016 I think. The starting pay is 37.49 and it goes to 39 once you finish schoolcar, then I believe 39.90 after 230 something days on the road. 

  4. 10 hours ago, trackerjack said:

    i wishi can brake at the 6-8 car marker.  but no bawls.  none.   do you really shave that much time off the stop if u brake post-conductor's board?

    probably not much. I take a min brake entering the station every time and I'm still on schedule most of the time. So to me it's not worth the risk of a station overrun. Maybe once I have more experience and I'm not on probation I'll try starting to brake later.

  5. 5 hours ago, rondread445 said:

    Thanks, my class was spoken to by School Car Superintendent James and several Line Superintendents about operation. "No cowboy or hotshot sh**". "Let the signals clear in front of you, etc..". One guy I posted with said forget the aspect on timers, just watch the stop arm go down and you're good. 🤯

    except for when you're on the road you'll meet some tss who tell you the opposite: go up to grade time at the posted speed, and fly into the station dont take a brake until the conductor board..

  6. 6 hours ago, Keikyu Motorman said:

    I swear, that's the secret difference between the A and B divisions. Dudes with time for some reason will pick the road in the B, while everybody runs off the road ASAP for yard work in the A, or they retire and GTFO if they can't stay and pick yard work. 

    I heard the guy who's number 1 on the seniority list picks the Fox on the midnight. 

  7. 23 hours ago, Soilwork said:

    Oh man congratulations! And good luck! 

    I'm running out of hope. I'm around #521x I just recently got laid off too. No email or phone call for my medical as of yet. As for queens, I'd love to be stationed there 😭

    they will call you eventually!! You won't be stationed in Queens tho...you'll be all over NYC. 

  8. On 10/18/2022 at 5:49 AM, thegameksk said:

    There is only so many hours in the day.  Class starts at 7 so I wake at 4 to leave by 5. Class ends at 3. I'm home by 530 shower and make food which takes about 2 hours until 730. One hour and a half for hw until 830. I study for the next 3 hours until bed at 12. I understand what the TSS are saying remembering everything is the problem.

    Its a moot point now. I have to be out for a week next month to take care of a family member who's getting a medical procedure so I have to resign. Would I be eligible to put my name back on the list?

    You don't have to resign over missing a week. Plenty of people missed a week (you have to be out at least 5 days if you have covid) when I was in school car. They just made them make it up later on in posting days. Talk to your tss about it. 

  9. 1 hour ago, TCart said:

    What book and where specifically to study the Signals ? I feel like the rule book is ok but not enough. Where else can I study signals and their meaning ? School car TSS’s is not specific at all. I need to know my signals. The parts of the train and tracks aren’t difficult at all. I want to focus on SIGNALS . HELP PLEASE 


    I used those flashcards. I memorized them all. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Keikyu Motorman said:

    Ask yourself this question, is five days on the worst line in your division with Tuesday and Wednesday off better than XX?

    For some people, they miss their favorite lines, while for others, the consistency of known days off makes real world planning far more easier.

    personally I would answer XX is better than 5 days on the worst line in your division. Especially considering they haven't been changing RDOs or tours to XX operators as far as I know. Plus XX you get some easy days switching or yard jobs...if you have 5 days on the Apple on the midnights you have no easy days. 

  11. 35 minutes ago, trackerjack said:

    yes no luck but must keep trying.  private sector too.  also i know a few folks who is going to take that sanitation test soon.  have you applied for that one?

    No I wouldn't want to do sanitation.  I don't like that. 

  12. 11 hours ago, trackerjack said:

    i do honestly!  Hahaha.  i am just a survivor on this job.  this is just my opinion of course.  i met a TO this week that said he is leaving since he found a better opportunity.  good for him as this job isn't right for everyone.  sometimes you have to listen to your inner self.   to the new guys coming in...you might even LOVE this job!  so you still gotta try it out and do your best and see how it goes for yourself.  

    have you been applying for other jobs?

  13. On 10/5/2022 at 1:38 AM, trackerjack said:

    are they really firing folks?  cuz none of my colleagues have gotten fired and they keep getting into mishaps.  also i've heard from the crew rooms that a TO derailed and nothing happened to him.......or is it not YET!!! ???

    I've seen a few people getting fired so far. And some people getting platform time and probation extended and so on. 

  14. You will have a good chance to learn on how to operate in customer service when you're road posting. 3 weeks is not really enough. They should do more road posting and way less yard posting , yard familiarization,  yx...since I've been out I haven't been in the yards except for put in and lay ups. Luckily once you're out they will keep on the sake tour and rdos for the most part so your sleep schedule should be better than posting and yx (when they change your tour every week). IMHO 1 week of cbtc training is too long...you can learn to operate in cbtc in a day or 2 I think a week in a class is unnecessary.  More road posting in general would be way more helpful l.

  15. 3 hours ago, beanz said:

    I wonder if people are getting enough operating time with the larger classes and shorter schoolcar schedules. A lot of students have been dropping the handle or pulling it too far and going BIE in service while posting. It's been happening so often a lot of people don't want to take students to avoid the aggravation. Speaks to a lack of familiarity with the master controller because by the time you are road posting you should at least be comfortable with it.

    Definitely not enough operating time in schoolcar. We had some road days but half our road days were canceled. Road ops you do only like 8 station stops a day. Not enough. The real familiarization is happening during road posting and that's why a lot of people are making these mistakes in my opinion. 

  16. Just now, TOSironi said:
    1 hour ago, TCart said:

    When I passed medical and got sworn in I did not receive any kind of pass to ride the subway/bus free. I’ve heard some people received that during the medical process. Maybe they forgot about it ? Or they switched up on how they do things ? I took my picture got finger printed and was told I can leave . I’m confused on when I receive my pass


    They'll give it to you when you go to the school. 

  17. 1 hour ago, TCart said:

    When I passed medical and got sworn in I did not receive any kind of pass to ride the subway/bus free. I’ve heard some people received that during the medical process. Maybe they forgot about it ? Or they switched up on how they do things ? I took my picture got finger printed and was told I can leave . I’m confused on when I receive my pass

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