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Posts posted by Jaybag

  1. If you are going in for the drug test they will have you come back around 2 weeks for the medical and final processing on your medical date you will get a start date and get sworn in .. so yes if you are going down for medical you get a start date and it will be in the email with what to bring for your medical 

  2. You can use the contacts for the vision test .. also during training they will send a list of available jobs ( aka location , hours , and days off ) and you will go in seniority order and pick one at a time.. if your a class of 25 they will only send 25 jobs so as people start picking there will be less jobs aka the last person gets whatever job is left they don’t put extra jobs on the list 

  3. 20 hours ago, dman1455 said:

    Hey, is there anyway you or someone else that's in your class can PM me with your pick choices. Myself and a friend of mine in the first class are just curious what your mini pick looked like, if not it's fine, thanks.

    I worked with the new class flagging the other day all of there picks were day jobs 

  4. 17 hours ago, Chuckk said:

    Going in for my drug test in a few days, my current job as a mail courier pays me $29.89 and once September hits I’ll be at $32 which my top pay at $35 (which would change within the next 2 years during the next contract) and my seniority is decent and I love my route especially where I live too! Now I’m here really contemplating wether it’s worth taking the pay cut or what. Im in a local aswell but im hearing nothing beats the city union. Is anyone else in the same boat as me who’s legit stuck. I wish MTA reached out too me before I got my full time position at my current job and now I got comfortable here too even leave to start over.. and btw with my current job I’ll be able to Transfer within the TriState and keep my same pay but with Trackworker I’m stuck in NYC . Just something I’ve been thinking longterm.

    Yeah your spot sounds good I would also stay put and in a few years if you change your mind you can always start back the process 

  5. 1 hour ago, Omi said:

    So you can get disqualified for points? I understand the pending tickets because i had to plead guilty n pay my pending tickets, how much points for them to disqualify you? also thought this job doesn’t require a driver’s license?

    No they can’t disqualify you for points as long as your license is still valid. One person had points and a pending ticket they said just plead and pay but he said the ticket carried points so if he plead guilty he would get the points and that would make his license suspended. So they told him to try to get the ticket dismissed with a lawyer or you have to wait till some of the points come off  because he couldn’t move forward without it being taken care of. 

  6. Kevin said they were hiring 50 for this class the day I went I saw the sign in for track worker list numbers was from 70-130s so they went through about 60 ppl for 1 day .. I also saw ppl get turned away because of points and pending tickets and a lot of people missed the first email because it went to junk mail. 

  7. Well anything can happen with paper work and medical you don’t want to give two week notice and then something go wrong you can always give a verbal notification if you happen to have a good relationship with your employer just make sure you do what’s best for your self and making sure you have employment. 

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