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Everything posted by TCart

  1. Anyone have information on when the next class start after todays class ? Maybe every month until the end of the year ?
  2. @Robert T ur welcome. And yes just be patient. Don’t think negative stay positive it will come at the right time.
  3. @Robert T it all depends on your list #. The last call/emails for medicals as I know of was the 4200s. It’s a wait. You might have to do a 2nd or even 3rd Pre employment. Just be patient and follow the forum cause most people keep everyone posted on they’re medical call/email. And also check your email daily.
  4. For all the people in this Forum that’s already in MTA TO position do y’all have an idea of how many more TOs they need? Is it being spoken about daily? Do they really need a lot of new hires for this position? Cause if so I know you guys are getting crazy amount of OT especially the people who actually wants OT lol just curious
  5. @Ro323 print out the Pre employment application (14 pages) fill out to the best of your ability and bring that along with the documents the requesting and show up on your scheduled day. They will do your drug test there.
  6. @JPkim1130 anything you don’t know you leave blank they will make sure everything is good before they accept it. They will guide you
  7. @NewOP718 what’s your list number ? My 1st appt was in June 2nd appt in July and I’m still waiting. It’s going to be a little wait if ya list # is high. My # is 47**
  8. @trackerjack thanks for the advice. I’m just kinda thinking would they even make it to the 4700s around that time or just getting there around that time or a little after. It’s hard to predict that with MTA cause you never know. But I’ll make it work eventually. Thanks again and RIP to her so sad smh
  9. @Apes thanks for the advice. I know that was frustrating but exciting at the same time lol. I’ll figure it out
  10. @FilippoSironi it’s a 6 day trip. I just don’t want to travel and receive the email for medical while I’m away. If I get the medical email let’s say November/October than I’ll have time to take a different route. And unfortunately it’s through the week. But thank you for the advice I’ll figure it out.
  11. @RTOMan yea it’s something to think about. I was thinking of chancing it and taking the gamble but idk I’ll make up my mind by the end of the month. Thanks for the advice though.
  12. Any advice ? I have a trip partially paid for out the country for my sons birthday in December. I went for my 1st P/E In June 2nd P/E in July. My list # is 47**. I see that they’re emailing/calling 4200s for medical. Should I just focus on taking the trip ? Or should I work on trying to book another date sometime next December ? I don’t want a medical email school car etc to interfere and I lose out on my money. I was thinking I can take the trip but again I’m hesitant because I might receive a medical email near that time. HELPPP LOL
  13. @Albertbklyn print out the application fill it out to the best of your knowledge bring it in with you as well as the documents listed in the email. You will get there go to the 5th floor get on line get to the window they will ask for your documents and the application. You will have a seat and they will call you back if any mistakes on your application. If everything is ok you will sit and wait to take your drug test. Could be there all day bring snacks.
  14. @Amonroe90 that was very helpful info I appreciate that. Was this the reply from the email you sent ?
  15. @Kashmulla this our last few months at our current job. Next year we will be getting introduced to a brand new career. Before this year over we getting that email that’s all that matters. Just stay patient they will get to us keep doing what you doing for now.
  16. @Nique1112 oh wow thats Labor Day do you get holiday pay ? Lol J/K congrats again and good luck with everything. If you remember can you ask what’s the next class after that when ever you get a chance and let us know please.
  17. @JPkim1130 Wateva yu don’t kno leave blank. They will make sure it’s correct before they accept it. Bring a pen. And new title would be Train Operator
  18. @JPkim1130 no. They will do your test when you get there. Just bring the application filled out and the documents and your good to go. Expect to wait a while mighty get lucky and not wait that long but the chances are slim.
  19. @JPkim1130 print out the application fill it out bring those documents listed and they will take your drug/Alcohol test when you get there. Good luck. What is your list # ?
  20. @ealfinez yea I understand why you would be so excited. With a job opportunity like this anyone would especially without a college degree or even with a degree and not making good money in your career field it’s a great opportunity with great benefits. But good luck with everything. I’ve been to 2 P/Es so far so don’t get upset if they email yu again to come in for da same thing yu came in for the 1st time. We all just being patient and hoping for the best right now. They will contact us.
  21. @ealfinez ok so Friday July 29th was your P/E (Pre Employment) date ? Correct ? Or this Friday August 5th ? Is what I’m asking
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