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Posts posted by Infamous85

  1. Today I took the N4 from Jamaica Center to Hook Creek Blvd. Fortunately for me, the bus was a Cummins. It brought back memories. It was a nice ride. Unlike a hybrid, I actually had legroom. After I got off I took some N4 and X63 pics (which will be posted next week)


    After my mini-busfan trip I walked to Green Acres Mall. I haven't been to the mall in years (even though it's the closest mall to my house). After shopping at Walmart, I entered the mall. It was renovated. The interior almosts looks like a miniature Roosevelt Field. However, it was lipstick on a pig. The ghetto fabulous crowd still hangs out at the mall. Most of the stores were the same as the last time I went to the mall (an arcade that used to be at the mall closed down). Green Acres isn't as bad as Kings Plaza. Nevertheless, it's not in the league of the Palisades or Roosevelt Field.


    Lmao @ "Ghetto Fabulous", haven't heard that word in a minute.


    Just drove 9 hours & 600 miles, that wasn't fun at all, I wanted to cry on the side of the road.

  2. M2/M4 and M6`s are practically the same except the M4 are triplets.Not very diverse since they are all compatible on the New Haven.


    I know, just like the LIRR with the M1's? and the M3's. I wonder why the other trains can't run on the New Haven line.


    I couldn't multi-quote both of your posts regarding diversity, but as far as the New Haven Line is concerned, the most diversity we ever see up this was is the number of cars per consist during rush hour. Some nights, the 6:04 pm out of GCT to New Haven runs ten cars - two triplets and three pairs, and on other nights when equipment problems arise, that same train will run a triplet and two pairs to make a seven-car consist. That train is standing-room only on a Tuesday night at full-length. On a Friday night, especially during before a long weekend or during the summer, your theory about diversity gives us packed vestibules, filthy floors and seats, the inability to even scratch our other arms, ringing ears and inadequately-stocked and cleaned bathrooms.


    And as the different rolling stock currently in usage... it's spread out amongst the various lines and branches, just as the LIRR's equipment is. However, the M3A's are out the way out, and had it not been for the Yankee game shuttle service, they'd probably barely ever roll. And the M8's have been purchased to replace the M2's, which, to the average commuter, look exactly the same as the M4/6's.


    I can board a train at any stop between NH and GCT, and unless it's a diesel locomotive, I can expect to see the same overtaxed and under-rested cars arrive at a station, the same red and blue seats and the same dirty tan floors than my parents may have vomited on when they were younger than I am now am. We get diversity up here, and when we do, rarely does it make the commute more pleasant or interesting.


    That's the thing, I never even brought up the New Haven line, someone else did and got hype about it. I know how it is to ride in old trains/buses while you see other lines get new things. I also rode those dirty, loud, clickitty clackity M1's? & M3's on the LIRR (which look and physically feel like a blast from the past), MTA's Jamaica Bus Depot was always 100% RTS for as long as I can remember up until October '09 (rough, dirty, unreliable RTS's), when I used to ride the (E) it was 95% R32 which are from 1964 (hot, dirty, smelly, old, pissy, rough R32's).


    Thanks for explaining a lot about the New Haven line.


    Interesting tidbit: MNR (it was really their predecessor, but the name escapes me) did the acceptance testing for the Cosmopolitans on the LIRR. There are photos of M2s at Shea Stadium on nycsubway.org.


    Cool, I'm gonna check them out.


    LIRR only has 3rd rail electrification or none at all. Metro north has 3rd rail and catenary overhead electrification or, none at all.


    How do the trains work beyond the third rail?

  3. Diversity!!!! The New Haven branch hasn`t seen a new railcar since 1993 and the oldest train running was made in 1972!!!!.LIRR has M3`s,M7`s and C3 bi-levels. thats diversity.


    Metro-North in general, they have PPCC's, M2's, M3A's, M4's, M6's, M7A's & M8's (soon), not to mention the locomotives, that's diversity!!!! Also the C3's don't go on every branch, I've never even ridden a C3 before. And how about those M9's, I hope they look like the M8's.


    Why is the New Haven branch neglected anyways?


    Edit: I just found out they have electrical outlets.

  4. The cars from japan takes a month to arrive by freighter,but they will be unloaded in Baltimore and Transported Via I-95 to New Haven. Theres another chance to win.:(


    How in the world does that work, are they on those Wide-Load trucks (are they even long enough?).


    LOL that'd be a scary sight.

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