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Posts posted by LexAveExp5

  1. It wasn't "anti-Bronx". Im just saying, because of our economic condition and the way our schools are run, we dont get the same level of decent education as the rest of new york. I didnt really learn too much until i got to high school, which i attended in manhattan. Even then it was too late because when i got to college i couldnt really compete with everyone else, so i dropped out. Maybe im just an idiot, but im definitely NOT anti-Bronx

  2. i figure it wouldnt be a crap shoot if im at the bottom of the next class anyway. you have to figure that everyone in the next class will have 97.5 or better exam score. you also have to figure that because of the socio-economic and education conditions of the Bronx, most people with scores that high will be picking B division. even though i currently live in the Bronx, i JUST got into contract on a co-op in Jamaica Estates, so the A division would be hell to get to unless they put me on the (7) line every day :(

  3. They gave me the same bullshit, they love using sleep apnea as an excuse for medical hold. they said they heard me breathing hard and falling asleep. After waiting almost 6 hours there yes I was falling asleep. I was breathing threw my mouth because my nose was stuffy. Made an app with my doctor the very next day, he gave me a note, and the next day went back to 180 and got sworn in.


    wait, we're not allowed to sleep in the waiting area? i have to be there at 7:30am on friday and i work evenings. that's like midnight to me

  4. "An authorization is a detailed document that gives covered entities permission to use protected health information for specified purposes"

    "An Authorization would be valid if it authorized the covered entity to use or disclose an "entire medical record" or "complete patient file."



    furthermore, the MTA in NOT a "covered entity" eligible to use or disclose our medical records http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/HIPAA-Administrative-Simplification/HIPAAGenInfo/AreYouaCoveredEntity.html

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