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  1. Go to 180 Boyden Avenue in Maplewood. Take either the 70 or the 25 from Penn Station and tell the driver you're trying to get in the Maplewood GOB Office to fill an application. (2 zones ride).

    P/T's don't have set hours, it's more on their availability. I got over 2,000 hours since I was available 8am to whenever. I didn't do morning shifts at all. Once or twice on a emergency but that's it. You'll need a minimum 520 hours to QUALIFY for full time. You move up once you get 520, you don't have any customer complaints or accidents that were your fault. If you get customer commendations, that will greatly help you. Last I remember, it was about 15.00 a hour once you pass the 4 week training course.

    Don't go to Meadowlands. I did 2 years there and it's nothing but drama as well as a ******* supervisor that treats people, alive or dead, like shit. Wayne is ok, Howell is ok too. Oradell is ok but if that garage gets flooded with the rain, good luck getting to work. It has happened before.

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