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R188 7857

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Everything posted by R188 7857

  1. Cause the drivers don't know their route schedules and stops?

  2. Can you tell me which are the top and which are the bottom letters of the titans???

  3. Actually, I have the R142/A letters. That image i posted in my thread was from 4P3607. I want you to edit the letters to make them red. And the bullets and other should be purple, green, and red. Thats all you need to do. I will fix up the template.

  4. Then can i minus the Sea Beach Local one since it is going to be my demo. Btw, can you edit the letters of my R142 letters thing with the green, purple, and red colors? And use that same template you gave me for the R160?

  5. When do you need your requests?

  6. Can I have R142 sign letters and template, thanks!

  7. Actually, please prepare for me in the "help" thread in Original Art & Music.

    yeah i know i'm annoying.... :o

  8. Hey, can you help me out in the thread? I want you to make up my interior signs for R142, R142A, and R160. Please post in the thread about it if you are. I want them with a black background, normal colors. If you choose to do so, thanks!

  9. Um, sorry. I don't do those now, read the rules in the thread, anyways want a station sign?

  10. New sign! Hope you like, and it is the old style sign! And a bus sign! Enjoy them! B)
  11. RULES: 1. Maximum of 3 signs per day for ALL USERS. 2. Be patient and WAIT for your signs. 3. Do NOT whine and DO NOT tell me every few minutes. 4. Requests are ACCEPTED for all, exepct RUDE people. If any of you violate rule 1, your requests will be done LAST. If you violate rules 2 and 3, your request will be DENIED. Thank you and start requesting!
  12. Welcome to my request thread! Here are some signs you can request: Subway Signs: R40 Rollsign: R42 Rollsign: R32 Rollsign R62/A Rollsign: REGULAR R62/A: LED LIGHTS: R68/A Rollsign: R188 Interior: R142A Interior: R142 Interior: R160 Interior: R46 Exterior: R110 Interior: BUS SIGNS Luminator Titan: Luminator Horizon: I OCCASIONALLY DO ONE!! ONLY ONE!! Luminator Flipdot: OTHER REQUESTABLE SIGNS: Station signs: Bus numbers: R62/A numbers: Other train numberS:
  13. May I do your Vertex sign in a new thread I'm creating?

  14. Your request should be done by tomorrow or earlier or a little bit later, I think IRT could do it that fast.
  15. It is NOT denied, it is in the process of being done. PLEASE BE PATIENT.
  16. Please don't post in CAPS. It is against the forum rules.
  17. Thanks, I can't do yours cause I can't do titans! Sorry.
  18. Suprise, suprise! I did your request!

    Click here to view

  19. Did you expect someone else to do it? I did it in my free time and I had some trouble centering, hope you don't mind
  20. @jimmy I think it is.

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