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Any Vegetarians Here?


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...and this is exactly why I haven't been able to stick with it. I personally really like the taste of tofu-type stuff, but you see... beer and spirits are my favorite food group and I must make room for them in the weekly food budget. :(


Also, one huge weakness is the fact that I love pepperoni on pizza... and seafood in general. I totally dig vegetarianism though, and people who laugh at it would probably change their mind if they eat at a really good vegetarian restaurant or have a good home-cooked meal.


I think for a lot of us, if someone said "Here have a cheeseburger, but you gotta butcher the cow yourself." - it would be highly awkward, haha.


...where's my axe and cleaver?

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ahh, it must have been a pub with good beers then!

Amongst about 10 I drink in either weekly or semi-regularly this one is a real beer emporium; this one is where I go for my lunch and a couple of pints quite often; and this one is about the out-and-out best in the area.


Zywiec porter

Black Boss porter


both have a 9% or so abv and that baltic porter bite I really like. Aside from bars, I've seen them both in plenty of bodegas from Greenpoint to Fort Greene, etc.

They are a bit on the strong side by pub-beer standards, that kind of %age is more common amongst the super-strength cider drinkers who have no jobs and hang around the street all day. The only two like that I have had are Titanic Wreckage and J W Lees' Moonraker. I was in a boozer in Manchester when I asked for a pint of Moonraker and the girl there recommended 'just a half as it's a bit strong'!


There was a porter (this one) on in another of my regular Friday and Saturday ports of call for a few weeks recently but being a guest beer, when it was gone it was gone.

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